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  1. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Short update- chickens are happy, get to go outside a few times a week and have been enjoying the sun spots that they don’t have in their sheltered run. Pigeons keep laying eggs and ignore the plastic ones I try to trick them with.
  2. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Everyone is laying!!!
  3. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Three or four are laying now. Got two blue ones yesterday, different sizes. Not sure if that has to be two different birds or if the first egg can sometimes be stuck so that you get two at once. Then a brown egg today- not olive with blue inside like the first egg. I’m poaching the unbroken...
  4. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    First eggs! We got one yesterday as a valentines present but I didn’t find it til this morning. By then it had frozen and cracked. So, the chickens had a scrambled egg treat! This afternoon, whoever it is laid another one, which we proudly brought in and poached. It is a nice olive. The inside...
  5. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Six chickens is PLENTY.
  6. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Argh!!! Y’all didn’t TELL me about late winter and the overwhelming need to look at baby chicks on the web!!!!!
  7. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Haven't posted for a bit, but lots has happened! First off, we returned from holidays in California to greet a rooster who'd gone from a nice, peppy crow or two around daybreak to an "every-five-seconds-from-4-am-onwards" crowing. None of our neighbors are THAT understanding!!! So - we went...
  8. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    I’m so happy! They are finally settled on two separate roosts!!! Hmmm… looks like I could get more now, doesn’t it?!!
  9. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Beans felt left out of the photo shoot yesterday. Other news is that my kids are starting to help out with the daily poop dump, at least on the weekends.
  10. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    They are still going at seven increasingly large chickens on one 34.5” roost. There are other roosts, folks!!! Rainy and gloomy here today, but the girls posed for a few nice pics in front of the outdoor coop cam. Midnight, showing some attitude Dolly, showing off her lovely ruff: Taco...
  11. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Meant to add that I have some videos of the pigeons “billing and cooing”. Too bad we can’t post videos! Not up for dealing with a YouTube acct.
  12. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    It’s cold!! But the chickens and pigeons seem to be fine. Chickens have two roosts and seem to be selecting the one closest to the open vent window anyway, so they must be relatively comfortable. SO glad I got my poop board worked out. There is SO much more poop than even a couple weeks ago...
  13. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Almost a week with the chickens roosting now. Phew. My poop boards were too narrow, so I cut new ones that were as wide as I could handle, about 16”. Since I have slide these in and out they can’t be much bigger than that. Cleaned out the coop entirely so they are now starting from some nice...
  14. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Night #2 locked out of the boxes. Midnight looking sadly at the wall of six chicken/rooster butts on the 34” of roost on that side of the henhouse. Don’t worry, Midnight made it up there too!!! That is too much chicken bum for one roost.
  15. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    And they stayed there all night! First lesson- my poop boards are too narrow. Lots of poop on the edge and below on the ground. I’d used scraps of the weatherproof siding and may have some left under our other shed. Going to fix that before I replace the icky bedding with fresh. I'm not...
  16. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Evidence that the pigeons are refusing to sleep on their (safe, protected, scattered with peanuts) side of the coop and the chickens are now TRYING to roost but are afraid of the pigeons. That’s four chickens sitting on top of each other while three other chickens roost on the neighboring roost...
  17. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods) get on out of there! I'd really like to clean the coop out and start with some new wood shavings, but it feels like there isn't much point if they aren't roosting where the poop boards can catch stuff. I *know* they are comfortable there since some of them roost there for hours during...
  18. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Aaand...."Atilla the hen" is definitely...not....a hen. Was holding out hope, but the camera caught some definite crow attempts this morning. I think we will keep him unless he tries to hurt us!
  19. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Dolly is doing great! A little more standoffish than at the beginning, but Midnight, Beans and Shakipiyo have been making up for that. Atilla is continuing to look more and more rooster-ish, but is still relatively friendly. Won't run away when I put my hand on them, at least. But the other...
  20. rolohman

    Chicken in the woods (and more woods)

    Cookies and cream hanging out at 5am with the chickens down below. Pigeons are half the size of the chickens at this point and are not people friendly yet. Getting a bit closer to them every day- just trying to acclimate them to having my hand near them. Then I’ll introduce treats.
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