Search results for query: broody hen

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  1. L

    How to label eggs that a broody hen is sitting on?

    I went to collect the eggs this evening and I found that our black australorp hen is broody and sitting on them. I know that all the other hens lay their eggs there. So, I would like to label the eggs that are under her and possibly exchange them all together with older eggs. How can I...
  2. K

    Broody hen

    ...6, 3 were quitters, but that's besides the point). I have another hen who just went broody yesterday (😩), will the chirps from the first broody hen's chicks cause the second hen to break her broodiness, or will I have to find some other chicks with breeds I'm interested in? (Don't want to...
  3. S

    What does a broody hen do with her chicks in the first week after they hatch?

    ...seal up the tiny spots. I know in the first week my baby chicks pretty much just eat, drink and stay under the brooder plate. Seems the broody hen and chicks will be the same. I can let the broody outside with her chicks when I'm home as they get into the second week if that's when the...
  4. Farmgirl283420

    Broody hen not pooping

    My hen Amelia is broody and because she’s at the bottom of the pecking order her nest has to be fenced off. I take her out every morning to eat, drink, and poop. I’ve been sick the past few days so a family member has been helping me and said Amelia hasn’t been pooping. They said it looked like...
  5. M

    My supposedly broody hen’s laying anywhere and my other hen is eating it!

    Hi, so my hen which I don’t know her breed but when I bought her full grown the seller said she’s broody. I introduced her to my flock and waited to see when she lay. It’s been like six months and last week we noticed she was extremely dirty back there so we cleaned her and saw that she was...
  6. J

    Newborn chick to broody hen

    Sorry long post. I have a broody hen. She sat eggs and all died but one. I took the viable egg and incubated. It hatched last night. She is still broody, so I’m wondering if I go ahead and put the new chick under her or do I get more day old chicks and just raise them together or let her? The...
  7. talkinboutchickens

    Come cheer on these broody hens!

    Hello! I currently have three broodies, a white rock named Rose, a black Australorp named Phyllis, and then a light brahma named Dottie. I just discovered that Dottie was broody the other day because she started making these screeching noises at the other chickens outside of the nesting box. I...
  8. G

    Broody, Bullied, or Both?

    One of my hens, Plum, has been broody on and off for the past few months. Each time I've taken her off the nest and taken all the eggs away and that has "broken" the broodiness for a few weeks. My other hen, Peach, was recently broody for the first time a few weeks ago, but she appeared to have...
  9. Basghettiii

    Hen acting broody without eggs or babies

    My buff Orpington named Biscuit is pulling out her belly and breast feathers. She was sitting on eggs not that long ago, but we took her off of them and she hasn’t tried to start a brood since. However, she still growls and puffs up at my other chickens (and sometimes me) when they approach her...
  10. Lyris

    My rooster's special little hen went broody. He has gone from crowing maybe twice a day to crowing every ten minutes. Will he settle?

    My rooster is very, very tightly bonded to his little hen. They're never without each other. He doesn't care what happens to the other hens as long as his hen is safe. His hen decided to go broody (she has the WORST timing!) since she's been the rooster has gone a bit bananas. He kept attacking...
  11. S

    Broody hen ate an egg

    I know for a fact the broody ate this egg. She has been on the nest in the coop by herself. I locked the rest of the flock in the run to use the other coop. It's been raining and windy here. No one, no chicken and no pests could get in. I found a shell piece earlier when I removed the broody...
  12. talkinboutchickens

    A heat wave is coming in next week and I have 3 broodies!

    Hi! I currently have 3 broodies.... 1 black Australorp, Phyllis, who hatched chicks last year 1 white Plymouth rock, Rose, who also hatched chicks along with Phyllis (they co-parented) And a light brahma named Dottie who is brand new at this. A heat wave is coming to my area, it's going to be...
  13. Grind Hard Farm

    Broody Hen, no hatching

    I bought an incubator last month on the 8th. One of my hens, Humble, went broody during that week. Humble is currently sitting on 25 eggs. Last week, I found a broken egg, I inspected it, and saw some development. She's been sitting on some eggs since May 9th and also new eggs. So it's old eggs...
  14. Naivara

    Hen won't stop being broody...what should I do?

    My 2 year old Blue Australorp keeps going broody, and I can't seem to get her to snap out of it! I've tried the method of spraying her underside and especially under her wings, but that doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions on what I should try next?
  15. MistRidge

    Would a broody abandon her nest at first pip?

    Hi all! First time letting a broody hen do her thing and I'm not sure what to do. We're on day 20, and are down to 8 eggs from the dozen she started with (I probably shouldn't have let her sit on so many to start). Over the past three weeks I've found broken shells a few times, and I assume she...
  16. Mk_lanch

    leave broody hen sitting on eggs with rooster

    I have a lemon cuckoo Orpington who is broody and sat on around 12 eggs. she is in her own coop with a pekin bantam rooster. they get on well. my question is, should i let her hatch the chicks and keep him in with her or should i remove him? it would mean he would be on his own. i normally...
  17. Galaxy_rules


    Blackberry my broodie just hatched two happy, healthy, silkie chicks! I came to gather eggs at 6:45 pm, to make some muffins with my mom 🥰 I came over and saw a raccoon, I counted all my chickens, and luckily everyone was there 😅 I went into the coop and found one egg. We needed two. My mom told...
  18. Alyciaraya16

    broody hen!

    hey guys i have a question! so for the past few weeks one hen out of my flock has been laying in the nest they all lay their eggs in, she will sit on the nest all day and the others get mad! when i close the coop up she paces back and forth all puffed up and mad in front of the coop wanting in...
  19. Galaxy_rules

    What happened?!

    It’s day 23 for my eggs under Blackberry ( broodie ). Yesterday morning I went to let my chickens out, everyone ( except Blackberry ) came out as usual. I scoped up three cups of pellets for 11 chickens outside, then I scooped a small bit of stage two chick food out for Blackberry ( I usually...
  20. Possum-Pie

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    I have a hen who is always "fussy". The best that I can describe it is the sound a whiney toddler makes when he doesn't get his own way. "awwwww, awwww" It sounds like she is pouting. She isn't low in the pecking order, not broody, not injured or sick, and is laying just fine. She doesn't do it...
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