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  1. lilwanderer

    Just a bit curious.

    If you saw my previous thread- I hatched a lone peachick. It'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow. It's two siblings have hatched, one I believe y'all refer to as black shoulder? Hatched from an Indian blue hen's egg. The owner's two cocks are a purple spalding and indian blue. The other two chicks looks...
  2. lilwanderer

    Peafowl people, teach me.

    I was given 3 peafowl eggs as bday gift, and boy was I excited, still am. But I was given 1 egg a week before the other 2, and the 1 hatched friday night. I think the little guy has imprinted and I don't think it's eating, just whistles until held or given attention. It isn't alone, It's with 7...
  3. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    I wasn't sure what category to put this thread in- I don't think this is an emergency at all, she's(?) fine. But I had a 3 year old buff orpington (Early 4's presently) who was always a good layer up until late last year, she(?) hasn't laid a single egg or shown interest in nesting/laying- I do...
  4. lilwanderer

    Can someone make sense of this?

    So I've just started hatching from my paint satin/silkies and my BBS silkies. My only blue silkie hen that's laying went broody so I decided to let her test fertility before I incubated them myself. - The paint pen contains a Paint frizzle silkie rooster over a Paint satin and a White satin-...
  5. lilwanderer

    She's acting strange tonight.

    I've got a dark brahma hen who was fine as if yesterday and even laid an egg yesterday- But tonight I noticed she wasn't perch and found her in acorner on the ground, staying low. With further inspection she's just crawling around and seems to be a little uncoordinated. She wants to perch, but...
  6. lilwanderer

    Normal? Possible? Mix?

    I've got 4 call ducklings from my gray call pair, the hen has 7, I haven't seen them yet though. These guys just hatched yesterday. I haven't got any that look like grays yet, is it possible to get an all yellow one from that pair? I have pekins, but I really didn't think he'd get a hold of my...
  7. lilwanderer

    Is this normal?

    I had a partridge pair i rehomed a few weeks ago, I decided to hatch the few eggs i had left from the hen and that roo for fun- I didn't hatch from them often, but the times I did were in small portions and the chicks were silver/gold partridge looking, I never got one like this. (That I know...
  8. lilwanderer

    Is this normal or is something else happening?

    I have multiple questions, not all being a genetic thing- but all about the same chicks. But I've got 4 chocolate bantam cochins. All the same age and hatched at the same place and in the same time period. But 1 has way more feathering, like completely different. The other 3 only have wings (...
  9. lilwanderer

    What do y'all think?

    13 days ago I set an eggs and some others from a friend for fun- she's local to me. (Very.) I candled for the first time 3 days later, eggs were all developing already, but one of the eggs had an air pocket in an odd spot. (The others eggs are all green, this was the only white egg i brought...
  10. lilwanderer

    Muscovy eggs.

    Duck people and especially muscovy people, I'm calling upon you. I'm not a duck person- and I've never hatched muscovy eggs. I have just a few eggs on days 11-13 that i just candled. There's definitely something in there but compared to the call duck eggs i have in there (same days), it looks...
  11. lilwanderer

    I don't know what to do- I've never personally dealt with this.

    Egg bound hen, did they egg break? She's not doing well, i don't think I've got another day with her. Can she be saved? 😢. People say vet attention may be necessary, i don't have that option here. I do have her in warm water and Epsom salt.
  12. lilwanderer

    What would be easier, and would this actually work?

    I'm thinking way ahead as the birds I'd use are just itty bitty babies right now- But I've got bbs jersey giants. (Splash wouldn't be included in this potential project since i don't believe they'd work.) I've also only got 1 splash. But for the others, I've got 3 blues and 2 blacks. If I did...
  13. lilwanderer

    What would be the coolest combo? Y'all's opinion.

    I've got a blue ameraucana roo in with my layers- The layers consist of a LF Blue Cochin(?), Welsummer(?), Dark brahma, Crele Penedesena, Black Sex-Link, Salmon Faverolles, CCL, Splash Maran, and Buff Orpington. - The ones with question marks recently confused me, the welsummer recently started...
  14. lilwanderer

    Buff laced polish roo over silver laced hens?

    I somewhat got the results on the genetics calculator and it says something like- Yellow/Gold white laced roosters and gold laced double laced/spangled hens- but no picture was applied so i have no idea what that means- (I hardly know anything about genetics, been trying to teach myself with the...
  15. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    Hatching from my white cochins for the first time- They've started pipping- The others so far have the pink/yellow beaks- I'm assuming they'll be white like their parents. I did not expect anything other than white, but I've got a chick with a black beak...? - explain? I did hear cochins are...
  16. lilwanderer

    Am I unlucky, or is this normal?

    Just picked up hatching eggs from the P. O. I've never hatched shipped eggs, like, ever. They came from GA, I'm in FL. 18 eggs to be specific. Eggs were all individually wrapped in bubble wrap and in the middle of a bunch of shredded newspaper- They held pretty well. The breeder has a lot of...
  17. lilwanderer

    Normal size for day 18?

    ...air pockets look small on every one of them. Also I'm not too worried that they aren't being early like all my others are since they aren't exactly supposed to hatch until around day 21. I'm just wondering about their air pockets. (I dry incubate if that helps.) **Not all the eggs are pictured**
  18. lilwanderer

    Is there a reason?

    I have a bunch of cochin eggs on day 7/8: They all look like this, which is what I always see: But with one I can't even see veins- I mostly just see some red circling the egg like a ring- It's always looked strange in some way, at day 3 the other eggs were all starting to sprout those spiders...
  19. lilwanderer

    Curious on what this is.

    I have a bunch of bantam cochin eggs in the incubator. Testing fertility from my birds. All are developing great, 4 days in. Which is exciting. But that's not the pont, one of the eggs has a black spot, which usually means quitter for me. But it has spider veins forming in another spot. I used a...
  20. lilwanderer

    What is she?

    I got her a few months ago at tsc in the assorted bantam bin- At the time i was told she was a buff cochin or some other cochin color I believe. Then as she got older, I thought buff brahma bantam. That's still what she looks like, but I got a good look at her today and she has a rose comb. So...
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