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  1. Teresa57

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    yes nothing seems amiss. ive got her in my bathroom. she just ruffeled all her feathers and when she did this the right leg went backwarrds. she is mostly walking like she has a hurt foot and hobbles when walking. the floor is slippery so footing is an issue with that leg. when just standing its...
  2. Teresa57

    Baby chick not growing?

    hello i have the exact problem with my 2 new chicks. one is now 2xs bigger. ill take your advise about heat and food thanks
  3. Teresa57

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    hello nifty chicken, im not new to byc im just not so good at navigating the app. im here today to possibly find out what to do. my 2 yr old rhode isl red seems to have a hurt right leg. i brought her into the house to check her more closely and i cant find anything i would deem wrong. im going...
  4. Teresa57

    dewormed chicks

    i had a guy come do it. he posted an add at my feed store. it was the first time i had given any medication. i had a chicken with sour crop. i dont know what med. was used and after reading other posts it looks like 2 doses are needed. ill have to ask him.
  5. Teresa57

    dewormed chicks

    how long should i wait to resume eating their eggs?
  6. Teresa57

    what breed am i?

    im 8 months old and i dont think she is laying yet. all 6 other chicks are laying i was told this is a blue layer
  7. Teresa57

    Poop on my chicken

    One of my chickens must have been pooped on cuz it’s around her whole neck. There is a separation of the feathers there also. Obviously she can’t clean it and I’m worried it could make her sick or possibly the other chickens in with her. Should I have a friend help me hold her and wash it off...
  8. Teresa57

    Today I got my first egg! Yahoo!

    Today I got my first egg! Yahoo!
  9. My backyard chickens

    My backyard chickens

    Just us chickens
  10. D3EA5F94-8AAE-4F8E-8C34-6D9845EE5CE9.jpeg


    Today we decided to “roost” on the door that encloses our chicken house. Too bad only 6 fit and their are 7 chickens. Look ma we fit!
  11. 680AEF7F-4F6C-4DA2-8D3B-1C536B2057E9.jpeg


    My name is coco cuz I broke my beak. I’m a cuckoo Maren breed
  12. 94ADF327-2418-4BC9-9CFA-A078EB67C1B2.jpeg


    My name is Miss Bossy. Guess why! I’m a Light Bhrama breed
  13. 4ACE8A1F-A296-409C-B4F5-387D53D7AEB4.jpeg


    I’m the youngest. My name is Sugar. I’m a Splash Americano bread
  14. FB4A153C-F745-4341-A97E-48B53B284F07.jpeg


    Scoot over I need more room!
  15. 7D399EC5-5BCB-4A4F-8CE3-229C7BBDB962.jpeg


    I’m Cinnimon. I’m a Road Island Red breed.
  16. 1E63E6B1-AC76-4595-9452-48904E96779C.jpeg


  17. E9AE72DA-23E3-4E9B-868A-CFBECF0B2C9B.jpeg


  18. CD16DCA0-AEB2-46B0-9EB5-D9EAA2932D56.jpeg


  19. 7446C4BF-0B00-477A-BB5F-9E9952974E8F.jpeg


  20. Teresa57

    Happy anniversary chicken mama! Today is my 2 months of being a chicken mama

    Happy anniversary chicken mama! Today is my 2 months of being a chicken mama
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