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  1. Jenbirdee

    What's the temperature where you are???

  2. Jenbirdee

    Intro - night logistics

    hello and welcome!!
  3. Jenbirdee

    New to the forum, looking for quail info

    hello and welcome!
  4. Jenbirdee

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    hello prayer warriors I’ve been so busy lately. Haven’t been on here much but I do think of you sometimes and I pray for all of you. I’m having a lot of lower back pain. been working hard. if you could keep me in your prayers too thank you so much.
  5. Jenbirdee

    What's the temperature where you are???

  6. Jenbirdee

    Bald spot? Baby feathers?

    on second thought, to be safe, check his preen/oil gland. has he been using it? they can get infected or impacted , this is helpful ... (scroll dwn to oil gland )
  7. Jenbirdee

    The Quack Shack

    my 1 month old ancona seems to have a tiny bit of crest lol
  8. Jenbirdee


    hi there! nice to meet you. welcome to byc!!
  9. Jenbirdee

    Got Goose; now unsure- help!

    ookk geese can be mean to ducks oh yes. this is why i keep my geese separated from my ducks and chickens. also because ducks and chickens destroy all the grass that the geese like to eat so only the goose area has grass. If I let all the birds together, there would be no grass at all for the geese.
  10. Jenbirdee

    Adult goose killing baby

    same question. was this wild geese at a lake or something?
  11. Jenbirdee

    Wondering if I might get one gosling (goose) as opposed to two

    i wouldn’t , it would be sad. they speak different languages. I was explaining it to my mother once and said it’s like if you lived in a foreign country and never learned the language and could never communicate with anyone there and you were the only one it would just be a sad life.
  12. Jenbirdee

    Accidentally stepped on gosling foot

    i did that once or twice with a goose foot and a duck foot 🥺i felt so bad but they were ok
  13. Jenbirdee

    Bald spot? Baby feathers?

    what a pretty baby! I don’t think it’s a problem. That area is covered by wings isn’t it and it doesn’t look sickly just part the fluff and look at the skin to see if it’s red or inflamed, but from what I can see in the pictures, he looks just fine so handsome
  14. Jenbirdee

    New chix..who dis?

    hi there! nice to meet you. welcome to byc!!
  15. Jenbirdee

    Newbie here.

    hi there! nice to meet you. welcome to byc!!
  16. Jenbirdee


    hi there! nice to meet you. welcome to byc!!
  17. Jenbirdee

    New member

    Hi there, I’m so glad you joined us here at BYC. It’s always great to welcome another new member.!! thanks for joining!
  18. Jenbirdee

    what else besides b complex to strengthen legs

    i went ahead and gave a vitamin e pill but not selenium pill - I read that it’s deadly to geese in high amounts so instead i gave some fresh chopped oregano, and thyme from my herb garden for selenium
  19. Jenbirdee

    this kind of niacin?

  20. Jenbirdee

    Over the counter help for bumblefoot

    Bumblefoot has a black scab that you soak and then remove the scab and scoop out any of the cheese like infection stuff and then pack it with Epson salt poultice use a pad and wrap the foot with Vet wrap . The pictures you posted don’t look like you need to use a scalpel. I would just try the...
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