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  1. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    A post on another thread about Crows reminded me that I should probably update this thread. We resolved the Crow problem! We moved 1,800 kilometres away! LOL :lau OK, so the Crows were not the reason we moved but no Crows here, so definitely an added bonus :clap Oh, and because there was no...
  2. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    SHUT UP!!! I am trying to work and all I can hear is Crows! I am normally a peaceful, easy going, animal lover but right now I could quite happily wring the neck on every single one of them!
  3. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Yep, the Crow Haters Club is now up and running and accepting new members! I did manage to chase them off often enough today that they did not get to bully the girls away from their breakfast but they will be back! I think the fact that they sit there and stare at you, probably working out...
  4. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Big Sigh! .. Oh joy, they’re back! [supersized sarcasm intended] While not in the same numbers as in the past, the evil black #$%^&’s are messing with my head again! So far this morning I think I have been outside at least 10 times waving a broom in an attempt to scare them off and regain...
  5. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Not intentionally potato chip You so very much have my sympathies; if your murder is anything like ours, they can be a pain in the proverbial All I can say is do not give up! Persist at making them think twice about your place being somewhere good to hang out; you do not want them getting...
  6. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    So, I thought it was time I updated this thread. I am pleased to say that while the Crows are still in residence in the neighbourhood, they no longer trespass into our garden; they fly over and around and sit in neighbouring trees but do not land in our garden. We have been Crow free for 9...
  7. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    False alarm .. the murder has not been murdered; they are back cawing; must have just been on a mini vacation
  8. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Hi there potato chip, it is a bluey/grey colour. Yeah, if you saw the pics in the Aussie thread, I have/had a problem with the wind also, totally destroyed our gazebo canopy but we have a newer, stronger one now. The old one did well though, it was up there for 3-4 years and had hail damage...
  9. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Well, in an interesting turn of events, I have not seen a single Crow since I put up the umbrella 3 days ago! I now have two broody’s in two separate crates with the umbrella between them, just in case the naturally produced shade moves. May be that the addition of something new in the...
  10. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    I have a flock of Princesses, especially when broody and I am having a few ‘dramas’ with squabbling broody’s at the moment but that is another story I have one broody in the broody breaker and made sure to put her food containers in the middle of the crate so that Crows and Doves did not try...
  11. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Hey pattyhen I might have to reneg on that delivery While the Crows have been hanging around in the tree; following the second bashing of the determined one from Dusty, they have not touched ground in the back yard. They have been sitting in the trees, watching free range but no-one has...
  12. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Hey there KDOGG331 .. When there was an injured Crow in the mob previously I also felt bad for him and my softer side wanted to catch him, feed him up, help him recover etc … I know, it is crazy but while I would like them gone, I also do not like to see them hurt. They would be more than...
  13. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Also .. whoever says Crows are smart; I beg to differ As it is Sunday, the girls are out on supervised free range with Hubby set up under the gazebo, working and watching. Anyways, Dusty is hanging around the run doing her normal whinging and whining about laying an egg [mountain out of a...
  14. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    So, yep, it appears my celebrations have been premature and the war is not yet won. I have not mentioned the Crows lately because we have been sort of at a stalemate; they still visit on a daily basis and I still chase them off when I can. There have only been a couple and they have not been...
  15. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    ...not appear to be their cup of tea either As free range is always supervised, I am able to keep an eye on this one determined evil black butted b*^%$d and as soon as he realises I have spotted him, he takes off I was watering the garden yesterday and looked up into the mango tree to see...
  16. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Hey scratch’n’peck many thanks for the links, I will check them out later. The Crow in the nest box ran down the ramp, through the run and out the open door; he knew exactly where to go. I have not seen any nests and I think I mentioned previously that it is illegal for us to interfere with...
  17. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    So, KiKi was broody and very determined but I managed to break her, eventually. Then Blondie decided she would go broody but KiKi decided “If I cannot be broody, nor can you .. out ya go!" and kept kicking Blondie out of the nest box After I let everyone out yesterday, Blondie took the...
  18. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Their Back!! Last week I lost my first egg to them … When Cilla and Blondie lay an egg, if they linger in the nest box, the eggs dries and sticks to their ample butt feathers. I quite frequently find an egg in the coop or in the run where one of them has jumped out of the nest box, complete...
  19. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Howdy clevercrows I took the opportunity of a quiet day at work to watch the video .. thank you for that! Betty is a very clever girl! The surfing and sliding was pretty cool! As you asked for my opinion after I had seen the video, I will share honestly …. I think some of the assumptions...
  20. Teila

    My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

    Update on the Crow situation … I do believe I have won! Not once this week have I been woken by cawing Crows; even those stubborn two have moved on. Now, I do not know if they just moved on because they wanted to or the CD actually did the trick. I know the back neighbour stopped feeding...
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