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  1. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    ...I s'pose we could, but where are the penguins? And the nuclear somethin'? (Nothing to aplogize for.) The penguins are down in the water. We could shoot those James Bond things and retract a few up here... Nuclear somethin'? Perhaps we'll have to settle for gas. *brings out a bottle* Ahh...
  2. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *Pulls Felta up* No eye rolling! *flattens self onto the ledge to catch breath* That was a hard climb. but I made it! What do you say for some treats now? We can barbecue some penguins with a nuclear fission device... (lmao, sorry, personal joke from Real Life.) I s'pose we could...
  3. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *Calls down from the cave* Over here! Okay! Let me just get the last few feet... *stabs altimeter into the rock face and starts to haul self up* Uh oh!! Instrument is BREAKING!! *altimeter snaps* Argh!!! *catches hold of ledge* I got it. *Pulls Felta up* No eye rolling!
  4. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: Because we would fall through the ice, it's not thick enough to hold us. As if to prove the point, Delta's foot dislodges a large chunk of frozen rock, which goes flying down the mountain face and slams into the ground, creating a huge pock in the ice which easily breaks away. The rock...
  5. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: awwww man!!! ok fine!!! *starts climbing* I hope I at least get to be on 'I shoulden't be Alive' after this! Oh my goodness! I LOVE that show!! *Felta starts to climb with more determination* *Calls down from the cave* Over here!
  6. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *Climbs up into the cave* What's that? *Points to something* Its a rock. *goes inside cave and finds HYROGLYPHS* I'm gonna go poke it. *Goes to poke the rock and notices the hyroglyphs*
  7. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *Climbs up into the cave* What's that? *Points to something*
  8. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *trying not to loose her temper* why didn't we just, camp on the grrrrrrround? Because we would fall through the ice, it's not thick enough to hold us.
  9. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Nuh-uh! We have to get to the top of the mountain and camp there until the ice is thicker!
  10. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: will you guys quit goofing! this is no time for suicide! Not my fault she slips all the time!
  11. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    *Ties rope around pocket knife, stabs pocket knife into the mountain, slides down to Taile, catches her, and starts climbing back up*
  12. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Don't you e_e me!
  13. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    *Lowers a seaweed rope down to Taile*
  14. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: It's okay. *Feels like giving a hug but can't because if she did she would fall off the mountain*
  15. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    *Raises eyebrow*
  16. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    Quote: *Looks down at Taile* You okay?
  17. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    *Turns her attention back to climbing*
  18. duckluv

    Wild Survival 2: Lost in Antarctica

    This mountain isn't even half the size of Everest!
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