Search results for query: dog kennel

  1. MamaPoult

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    I use old kennels and a few plastic igloo dog houses I have laying around.
  2. R

    How to attach run to coop

    Have a 10x10 outdoor dog kennel that I will be using for a run with hardware cloth and a 6x8 coop. I’m struggling with how to attach the kennel to the coop and how to add a chicken door to the run. Any suggestions?
  3. tripleBfarms

    Dog Kennel

    I have a dog kennel with small coops now, but we are upgrading to 1 big coop. The problem is connecting the new coop to the dog kennel that they use for a run, do I cut a hole in the kennel where the chicken door opens. I also bought two fence panels that I was going to place at the chicken door...
  4. my spoiled chickens

    Wanted: OPEN AIR COOP Pics

    ok this may not be what your looking for but for my bantams spring/summer pen I have a little coop with 9foot dog kennel surrounding it this is a pic of my standard chicken coopngl it kinda looks like a jail outside area but from far away the dog kennel looks invisible
  5. my spoiled chickens

    Wanted: OPEN AIR COOP Pics

    this was just a lil pic I took cuz I thought it looked cool but you can see the dog kennel and sheet metal roof
  6. MaryW2K

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    Smart. Had not thought of using my dog crate.
  7. McChooky

    Best ways to keep predators away?

    Here is a thread specifically for converting a dog kennel to a secure coop and run
  8. McChooky


    Putting fiberglass panels around the sides will prevent the bob cat seeing the chickens from a distance (out of sight, out of mind!) I used pallets around the sides of mine and covered it with 1/2" hardware cloth.Chain link dog kennels also make a strong run
  9. I

    Chain-link dog kennels for run?

    Hello everyone! I'm looking to upgrade my 4 silkie girls' run. I came across chain link fences. More specifically, chain link dog kennels. 1) Any recommendations for chain link dog kennels? (Links/websites would be very helpful) 2) What should I do about the open top? Any ideas for covering...
  10. H

    Chicken run attaching

    I want to attach this dog kennel to my coop and to also have my chickens to be able to go under coop. What would be the best way to attach because it’s longer then the coop?
  11. F

    Ideas to attach omlet cube run to a walk-in covered kennel?

    ...omlet cube and 6ft run for 6 hens. Any ideas on how to rig the omlet run to a larger walk-in run? I was thinking of just getting a covered dog kennel to use as a walk-in run and adding HWC for reinforcement against predators. I think it would be cheaper than getting the walk-in run from omlet...
  12. nuthatched

    cage floor mesh size?

    Can you get a rabbit or dog kennel? I'd say 1 inch mesh.
  13. SandyRiverChick

    What ate my baby! 😰

    That's what I use for a Run, a dog kennel. But I'm aware that it's not at all predator proof. So I locked them up in my barn like coop at night that nothing, not even a mouse can get in.
  14. M

    Need help improving our predator defenses!

    Buy the largest enclosed dog kennel you can find. How many chickens are you expecting to keep? If you are using chicken math, 9+9=18 chickens. I have aerial predators (eagles, hawks, owls, falcons), my run (enclosed dog kennel) has kept my girls safe. Where are you located? I want to warn you of...
  15. L

    cage floor mesh size?

    I could get one of those cages but their floor is at poop level. I can biuld one easy enough and have the door where I want it.
  16. RandyStine

    Chicken run attaching

    I’m too old and fat to crawl under to get eggs our birds that might need gathering from under there so I would keep them out, BUT, if I had to do it, I would put chicken wire or hardware cloth around the bottom of the coop and cut a hole in the dog kennel fence that allows them under the coop.
  17. BGMatt

    Those Who Breed

    Most successful way I've done it that I liked the best was all my breeding males year round have their own chain-link dog kennel with a small shelter (medium to large dog crate works great), when it's breeding season I simply add one or two hens depending on what mating I want to do.
  18. A

    Cardboard Coop

    Look for a free dog house or kennel type structure. That might tide you over until you have time to build properly. BTW, chickens also love to eat the rigid insulation (pink or blue stuff). Have no idea why, but my girls free-ranging on 75 acres preferred to run to the garage area and eat...
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