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  1. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Quote: Day Thirty I found out today JUST how good a mom Buffy can be. The GrandChick, Sam, is now 9 days old. Today Buffy took the chick out of the nest, out of the coop, out of the run and into the yard. ALL day long. I removed the four un-hatched eggs from her nest whilst she was...
  2. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty Seven Well, let's get to the pictures, first! GrandChick, who will be named "Sam" from now on, is still the only hatchling. Sam - who could be Samantha or Samuel - was a little shy. The little goober kept going in and out of the nest box as Buffy was turning to inspect her...
  3. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty Six The little peepster was peeking out from under Buffy's feathers this evening. (Good, because I WOULD have lifted her up again to look for it!) Still four eggs there. I think Friday evening (tomorrow) is the Egg Discard Date. I wonder if I should do an eggtopsy on 'em? Or...
  4. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty Five Well, given that yesterday was SO chaotic, I wanted to check on GrandChick right away when I got home from work. I gave mozzarella cheese to the flock, and carried a small container of mealworms back to the A-Frame coop for Buffy. No chick. No peeping. I'd locked up the...
  5. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    I don't have a good flashlight to candle them.... if nothing else hatches by Friday, I'll have to take them away from her and discard 'em. I am HOPING she'll start being a mommy instead of a broody, then.
  6. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    ...Big Coop - past the A-Frame, of course! - and OMG it found the Secondary Chicken Free Range Egress point. Out into the back yard it scampered. *I* do not fit through the SCFREP; I had to go the long way 'round to try to head GrandChick off at another pass. MWAAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Around...
  7. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    ...minutes to update this with something, hopefully a successful catch, because I hear the GrandChick peeping loudly again. Wish me TONS of luck! **Latest Update** GrandChick can MOVE! It has now covered more ground in the run - AND outside of it - than some of the Littles have explored...
  8. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty Three This is Buffy yesterday, when she moved all the eggs out of the nest box to sit on them, perhaps cooler than inside the box. Well, it's getting that hot today, too. She's now moving out of the nest box again. Wow, I haven't seen her fluffybutt for over 3 weeks... she still...
  9. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty Two Update Well, I've seen more of my GrandChick, now. Even got a brief video to share!!! It got to 103 degrees here today - just miserable. Buffy actually moved OUT of her nest box, eggs under her and all. She wasn't happy about me trying to look for more chicks or check on the...
  10. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    ...for awhile, maybe another egg will hatch....) Buffy's now set up with a chick waterer and some chick-starter. I'll be back later with more. *tip-toeing away to a safe place* then *Update* I took treats to the flock, mozzarella cheese, and saved a bit for Buffy. When I opened the...
  11. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    WE HAVE A CHICK!!! We have a chick! It's just after 6 p.m. Saturday, and we have a CHICK!!! It's still under her, but I saw it when I lifted one side of Buffy's fluffiness! OMG! OMG!!! ...... I need a drink..... I'm gonna smoke.... I saw the chick, let go of Buffy's fluff and told...
  12. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Twenty One Afternoon report: No chicks yet. Buffy has pulled another egg into her nest box, so there are now five of them. Since it's so close to a possible hatching from MAYBE three eggs that have been there since the beginning, I didn't pull the extra two out. However, I almost had a...
  13. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    ...I scrunched one between my fingers into halves. But they were ALL gone this morning. And when I checked her 3 eggs, I encountered a fourth. *sigh* So SOMEBODY *is* laying up there in that coop, after all. Wonder if it's when she takes her daily constitutional, or did she move an egg...
  14. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Days Eighteen & Nineteen I neglected to post yesterday. Yesterday, I had shredded mozzarella cheese for treats for the flock. I ALWAYS call 'em into the run when I have treats, because I don't want to be mobbed anywhere else. Because they're freely ranging in the back yard, I had to wait a...
  15. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Seventeen Huh. Suddenly, girls who had been laying their eggs in the nest box next to Buffy's are now laying in the nest boxes at one end of the Middles' coop. Even Rebecca, who has ALWAYS laid her egg in the A-Frame coop. And both Millicent and Minerva laid their eggs in that same nest...
  16. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Sixteen How is it that the time appears to go fast - Wow! only five, maybe six more days to go! - and yet it also drags - Jeez, I can hardly wait to see if any of those eggs hatch! What if none of them hatch? Minerva and Millicent each lay an egg a day, and I KNOW those are fertilized...
  17. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Fifteen Buffy in seclusion today, as she has been for the past two weeks and some. (She's got fresh water and feed within six inches of her nest.) She was warily curious about the camera pointing at her. Greta wanted to know what I was doing leaning into the A-Frame coop with that...
  18. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Cathy, That's an ADORABLE photo! Gosh, I hope these 3 eggs hatch! The 21st day is next Sunday, June 28th. I'm not candling the eggs, but I do know at least one of them should be fertile. Carl (the rooster, an EE) "favors" my two Lakenvelders with most of his treading so I checked two of...
  19. gryeyes

    My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

    Day Fourteen Okay, we're two-thirds of the way there. Buffy was off the nest and in the yard, being attended to by Carl. He kept bringing her goodies. She looked pretty good; doesn't appear to be wasting away. But I still tossed her some BOSS, which she gobbled up. Then I started back into...
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