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  1. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    She looks great!! Great picture:love
  2. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Not much as long as they want to play in the water. Hopefully she'll just get back inside and preen herself dry. I was looking for frost bite on my scovy's this morning but can't tell yet and some of my chickens have large combs too. We're getting hit again tonight with around 1-3 with wind...
  3. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Good to hear, she is a doll. I won't give up the secret ;)
  4. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Okay well this maybe just Martha I guess when she molts again that should tell you if this is going to be an on going issue with her. As long as she is eating drinking and staying involved with the flock, clear eyed etc I'd just keep an eye on her and wait. Not a lot else you can do. Did you...
  5. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Well she is enjoy her snack right? Her feathers do look like they need some help. She did have a molt already?
  6. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Looks good. I don't think some extra dog food or cat food is going to cause your duck to get over weight just start small and see if it helps with feathers etc. Your both look very healthy and in good feathers. What treats are they getting?
  7. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    She does look a little on the chubby side what all do you feed?
  8. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    I'd start out with offering them about 1/3 cup between them let them get use to the taste if they are like mine they will love it in no time. Then unless they are over weight you can increase it some . I really think having extra weight during cold months isn't bad I stop feeding corn around...
  9. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    I give mine some everyday as a treat along with whole corn and meal worms. for 42 birds they get 2 cups of dog food 2 cups of corn and 2 cups of meal worms some go more for one of the other. Ducks love all 3 Geese corn and mealworms some dog food chickens all 3. With the frigid temps we're...
  10. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Protein doesn't put weight on it's carbohydrates another reason why so many are against feeding corn but my way of thinking in winter a little extra carbs isn't a bad thing mine are not over weight at all. Protein gives good lean muscle and feather growth needs protein.
  11. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    That made me laugh it's on bricks now. lol It has really been taken over by straw and ice. I don't even have my 5gl heated bucket set up since I have 4- 2gal going.
  12. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    They look so adorable, well they are adorable. Mine would do a song and dance for meal worms I don't think they can od on them unless they got into the container. then they probably would but they are a good source of protein and that is what feathers need. Yes sit you bucket up off the ground...
  13. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    ...they can't do so much bathing in it just low enough to dunk their heads, It worries me when mine bath in their buckets in these temps we were at 2* this morning. I have been putting my Muscovy's inside when they stay out for long periods my Runners and Buffs come out and go inside so I am...
  14. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

  15. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    They will get use to it give them a few days. My large 5 gal heated bucket I have a thick piece of scrap 8X8 in front as a step up so they can dunk their heads but still not climb inside.
  16. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

  17. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    I use a piece of scrap wood and screw it to the lip of the bucket on both sides. My Runners and Buffs hardly had any feathers laying around when they went through molt just recently boy when my geese and Muscovy's go through feathers every where. My Runner drake is still missing his drake feather.
  18. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    They are so pretty and such a beautiful place you have for them. I love the contentment of their noises while they forage. Mine do it too. so sweet. I use heated buckets over winter and have to cover half to keep them from using them as private hot tub. lol
  19. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    I'd not let them sit in the pool over night now that your below freezing too easy to get frozen in the water over night and get frost bite.
  20. Miss Lydia

    What's Up with Martha's Feathers?

    Hopefully she'll start into molt soon and been ready for winter with all new feathers. My Muscovy's are just going into molt now, best hurry though we're going to be in the 20's in a few days. lol
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