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  1. cassie

    Goats hair loss. I’ve been used to shedding for eight years but there’s something else creating bald spots almost.

    It looks like a fungus infection of some sort. I had a buck that was out in pasture come in almost bald. I gave him a good spray of BluKote. He looked pretty funny when I finished. How often do you have a purple buck? Anyway, I saw improvement in a very few days. Although there were several...
  2. cassie

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    Unfortunately, I have had a fair amount of experience with tetanus. You are right about this kid probably not needing antitoxin because tetanus spores are found in the soil and since the area was cleaned before the band was applied, there would be no exposure. The following is just an FYI. I...
  3. cassie

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    No matter what get the antitoxin into him as soon as possible. When you go in to get the antitoxin, pick up a bottle of CD/T. You should vaccinate all of your goats with this. It protects against both tetanus and enterotoxemia. You will need to wait a while to give it to your wether. It may...
  4. cassie

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    As a precautionary measure, you can start him on a course of penicillin. Clostridia, and tetanus is one, are susceptible to penicillin. If the area was clean when the band was applied, tetanus is unlikely, but I have lost animals to tetanus, and it is not fun.
  5. cassie

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    Has he been vaccinated for tetanus? If not do so as soon as possible. At this point he will need antitoxin not toxoid.
  6. cassie

    Two questions about using predator urine to deter rodents

    It is my understanding that birds do not rely much on a sense of smell.
  7. cassie

    Goats hair loss. I’ve been used to shedding for eight years but there’s something else creating bald spots almost.

    Give them a good dusting of louse powder and then spray with BluKote. Either lice or a fungus (or both) is the likely cause of the problem
  8. cassie

    Clarity on CX sun exposure please?

    CX are not heat tolerant. I ordered mine in the early spring so they would be processed before the heat hit and in the early fall after the worst of the heat had passed.
  9. cassie

    WARNING: Cackle Hatchery

    The problem is not Cackle Hatchery. The problem is with the post office. If you live close enough you can arrange to go pick up your poultry yourself.
  10. cassie

    How to get my dog to stop attacking my chickens?

    Chickens and rabbits really bring out the prey drive in dogs.
  11. cassie

    Can Chickens eat Sweet Corn

    Chickens are scavengers. They can and will eat almost anything. They do avoid things that are bad for them.
  12. cassie

    Cat with Gastroenteritis

    I have no idea what to tell you. I hope she is better.
  13. cassie

    Getting into the business of breeding rabbits

    People who breed and show top quality rabbits eat a lot of rabbits. They keep only the best from each litter.
  14. cassie

    Bunny experts??

    I would suggest you get the book, Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits by Bob Bennett. Then find the farm advisor's office and get the information available on the 4H rabbit projects.
  15. cassie

    The rules in keeping rabbits

    I have two suggestions. One, get Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits by Bob Bennett. It will answer most of your questions. It is not expensive, and it is available on Amazon. Two, house your rabbits separately. As Bunnylady has said, rabbits get along fine with each other until they don't...
  16. cassie

    Any ideas with goose eggs?

    I have never used goose eggs, but if I did I would use them in baking. My mother made absolutely wonderful cakes with duck eggs. I imagine goose eggs would be the same.
  17. cassie

    Dairy goats!

    Get a catalog from Caprine Supply. They should have everything you need.
  18. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    I decided I am not going to adopt that dog or any dog for a while. I had just lost my beloved Sammy to liver cancer. He showed no symptoms until the end, and then he was gone in two weeks. It was rash and impulsive of me to even attempt to get another dog so soon after his passing. Chiklet, the...
  19. cassie

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    I am told he is affectionate and a bit clingy. He is afraid of dogs that are bigger than he is. He has issues with grooming as well as the leash. The good news is he is susceptible to bribes. I plan to exploit that.
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