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  1. mrsmistoffelees02

    Broken Leg? Please Help!

    Hi everyone, I noticed my one year old hen limping and breathing heavy two days ago, she would take a few steps and then sit down. Still has an appetite though. Upon noticing this I isolated her in a crate and gave electrolytes in her water for a boost. I had to go on an overnight trip and...
  2. mrsmistoffelees02

    Injured Rooster - Tunnel Wound

    Hi everyone. Back in June, while I was out of town and a petsitter was watching my flock, my petsitter told me my rooster’s tail was bleeding a little. He sent me a picture and I wasn’t too concerned, but a couple days later when I got back it was scabbed over and severely inflamed to the...
  3. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Please help. Is this a tumor? I just got back from being out of town for the week. My husband said my Roo was bleeding by his tail feathers but it didn’t look bad. When I got home to check him out, I found this. It’s a huge mass about the size of a golf ball right by his preening gland. Skin...
  4. mrsmistoffelees02

    Mama Hen Accidentally Smothered Baby.

    Hi everyone, I don’t usually turn to the internet to vent, but I’m pretty upset about what I found this evening. A week ago, my hen hatched 3 D’Uccle eggs and 3 Black Copper Maran eggs. I was so thrilled for the ones I had, considering I originally gave her 9 - 2 Maran eggs were broken by...
  5. mrsmistoffelees02

    6 Week Old Barnyard Mix… Hen or Roo?

    Someone, please tell me there’s a chance it could be a hen! 😭🙏🏼 I already have 2 boys, haha!
  6. mrsmistoffelees02

    Pinless Peepers for Jealous Broody - Need Reassurance.

    Hi everyone, I’ve been allowing my broody to raise 3 chicks for the last 6 weeks. She has been in a crate in the coop with the babies, and it’s worked pretty well but the babies are feathered now and mama is restless and ready to get out and back into the run (and I’m ready to get the crate...
  7. mrsmistoffelees02

    Co-Parents Turned Ugly - What to do?

    Hi everyone, Last Monday, I had my first baby hatch, Thursday I added two more. I had two broody hens (both top of the pecking order) who decided to co-parent, they seemed so sweet together and did a great job managing the babies for the first few days. They even started sharing the nesting...
  8. mrsmistoffelees02

    Biosecurity Dilemma.

    What would you do in this situation? Got chicks from breeder last April, lost quite a few. Purchased more from same breeder, assuming it was normal to lose a few chicks. Breeder situation is an older lady running a poultry farm my herself, very knowledgeable from experience, but probably not...
  9. mrsmistoffelees02

    Broody decided to sit on another nest. Does egg still have a chance?

    Hey everyone, I have 1 egg (others didn’t end up fertile) that my girls have been sitting on since the beginning of February (sometime between February 1st-3rd). My silkie sat on it for 2 weeks and then decided she was over it, so another hen has taken over. Today after being out for a couple...
  10. mrsmistoffelees02

    Broody decided to sit on another nest. Does egg still have a chance?

    Hey everyone, I have 1 egg (others didn’t end up fertile) that my girls have been sitting on since the beginning of February (sometime between February 1st-3rd). My silkie sat on it for 2 weeks and then decided she was over it, so another hen has taken over. Today after being out for a couple...
  11. mrsmistoffelees02

    How to Set Up Momma Hen and Chick for Success - Need a Plan!

    Hi everyone, I’m posting because I’m wondering how I can best set up my coop and run to accommodate a broody mom who’s about to hatch her first baby. I don’t have any experience with mother hens, so this will be a first for me and I want to know what I can do to set up her and the baby for...
  12. mrsmistoffelees02

    Scaly Leg Mites on Cochin Feet, or Normal Feathered Feet?

    Hi everyone, quick question here. I’ve never really worried about scaly leg mites before until my Serama started to have some minor raising scales. After I treated him with a foot soak and slathered in VetRX, I became concerned for my feather footed breeds and noticed this on my Cochin frizzle’s...
  13. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is a killer hen more likely to reoffend?

    Hi all, Came home to a nightmare today. I have a Brahma cockerel that started to have trouble walking on Tuesday evening. I wasn’t home until late yesterday (Wednesday), and was planning to separate him in a crate and treat him (I suspected vitamin deficiency) as soon as I got home today. He...
  14. mrsmistoffelees02

    Hatching Fertilized Eggs in Flock Potentially Infected with Mareks?

    Hey everyone, I am preparing to grow my flock in spring. I just expanded my run and am looking forward to adding more variety to my flock. However, recently it has been brought to my attention that one of my breeder’s other customers had chickens who tested positive for Mareks. While they...
  15. mrsmistoffelees02

    Starting to panic. Straw safe or not?

    Starting to panic a bit - can chickens have straw in their coop? Hope this isn’t a stupid question. I was worried they were too cold in their coop (it’s getting down to 21f, and we are in a normally hot climate so they are not used to this) so I just added a good layer of chopped straw on top...
  16. mrsmistoffelees02

    Letting a broody hatch and raise chicks with the flock - What do I need to know?

    Hey everyone, Well, I caved and let my favorite hen incubate after she got broody. (Not the one previously posted about, this is another hen). She and her sister have been taking turns sitting, and after checking, several eggs have veins! So exciting! However… The nesting boxes are about a...
  17. mrsmistoffelees02

    Are porcelain eggs giving my broody hen false hope?

    Hey everyone, silly question here, but I couldn’t find a direct answer online. I know a lot about raising chicks, but not a lot about laying hens yet. I have a broody hen who has been trying to hatch eggs for at least 3 weeks now. She’s been broody before but stopped caring after 2 weeks, but...
  18. mrsmistoffelees02

    Question About Diagnosing Egg Bound Hen

    Hi everyone, I suspect I have an egg bound hen. This would be my first time dealing with this, however. If she was egg bound, would I definitely be able to feel an egg? I haven’t found a clear answer online. She started acting slower than usual and I quarantined her yesterday and gave her...
  19. mrsmistoffelees02

    Worried my Wyndotte Pullet isn’t going to make it. Please help.

    Can someone please give me advice on what to do for my 6 month old Wyndotte pullet? On Monday she was acting off so I separated her from the flock and brought her inside in a dog crate with food and water with PoultryCell Rooster Booster. I’ve given her scrambled eggs every day as well. She’ll...
  20. mrsmistoffelees02

    Double eggs 3 times in less than a week?!

    Hey everyone! Just had a quick question/concern (maybe celebration?)… I have a showgirl that hatched at the end of April who has been laying two eggs a day nearly every day this week. Not double yolks, but two whole eggs. I feed Purina Organic starter/grower (as she is the only hen who has...
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