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  1. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    It was heartbreaking to see her alone. She was upset for 2 days but now she's her usual self again. Their nails are very sharp too.. Ouch! It's a pretty group indeed, I hope they continue to stick together when they're older. So I just got back from the vet and he thinks it's callus because...
  2. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    My babies have grown up so much. They're almost fully feathered and spend most of their time on their own in the ditch. That's where they do their complicated bathing rituals. I've tried to teach them how to use the ramp to get on our property but they don't get it yet. So then they hang out on...
  3. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Donsje visited yesterday with 3 babies There was one baby that looked like Donsje. Today she was gone
  4. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Wow that's really wrong. Was he at least a good mother? I knew this call duck and she grew up with 2 drakes. They did fine together, sadly they all got hit by a car and died. But I don't think there's many trios like that.
  5. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Some are changing voices, I really hope to get more girls, there's too many misbehaving boys already :<
  6. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    I've been throwing their pellets on the street and more often per day so they don't gobble as much and they don't have weird walks anymore. I noticed that 5 have small feathers with a greenish shine (like adult males) on their head. Does this mean they're boys?
  7. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    That's so sad. It seems ducks don't realise how dangerous the road is sometimes. I can't imagine losing any of my babies, duck life can be so hard and cruel
  8. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Donsje was in the ditch and she has 5 babies (there were 8 on day 1) now. The babies are really small and I think they grow very slowly. I wish I could tell her to come and stay in our garden until the babies are bigger
  9. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    They move around a lot but they will eat so much they can't walk normally.
  10. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    No, I hope she's in the tall grass and smaller ditches in the park. There are so many dangers for ducklings and it's heartbraking to see a duck mom who's lost all her babies
  11. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Yes the scratch is smaller today and no more alone outside in a cage for baby Donsje Very true but maybe I overfed them a bit. They look really fat and lumpish
  12. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Thank you! The white flowers must be their favourite! I cleaned the poop that was in front of the door yesterday, but there was new poop an hour later :C Now that they eat stuff from the garden their poop gets nastier too. Lol they must be launching it. That's easier than walking away from the...
  13. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Thank you! But I think they chose to sleep outside last night.. Maybe the cardboard box scared them, or the newspaper walls :o
  14. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    That's big Donsje with her babies! She was in the ditch and they must have hatched today. I hope some will survive, but they don't have a big chance sadly
  15. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Some of them look like adult ducks with duckling heads. I don't really smell the poop because I've got a bad cold. HA really helpful when cleaning out the cabinet On vacation they already smelled, they were just 1,5 week then! At night they slept inside the caravan (with my parents) in a cage...
  16. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    They were 3 weeks when they first went outside (lastFriday). I think they're really big for their age or something. That's baby Donsje's bill. The photo is from today, the swellings are gone and it's a small scratch
  17. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    It's not really warm here, around 5 -10 degrees celcius. I put a blanket on the glass panel that is the "roof" of the cabinet and another blanket around the cabinet. The cabinet is on a pallet so there shouldn't be cold coming in from the ground. they can get in from the bottom so the wind...
  18. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    Do they really get cold at night? I haven't heard them squeak at night, while I can hear them in the morning (when it's light and they want to get out and eat).
  19. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    ...big enough to be outside and that they can go swim in the ditch it's so annoying. They're my babies and I know what's best for them but they don't seem to give a ****. I've been sick and I don't have the energy to get them a good and warm night house just now, I want them happily inside at night
  20. Kroelies

    Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

    My parents weren't happy with the mess and smell they make so they want them outside I don't even have an outside duck house, and my dad wanted them to have a cardboard box as sleeping place! Instead we put my stereo cabinet (I got it from the trash) on a pallet so they can enter from the bottom...
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