Search results for query: integration

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  1. K

    Help me integrate my 2 new chicks!

    Hey y'all! I have a little flock of six 4 month old hens, and two 5 week old chicks in my spare room in the brooder. How should I go about integrating? For reference, my coop is roughly 4'x6' with two roosts and 2 nesting boxes (currently unused). My 6 older gals huddle on one roost all...
  2. sapphiresilkie7

    Integrating silkies into flock

    Good Morning everyone, I’m just looking for some advice on integrating some silkies. I have 4 satin/silkie hens already and I have 10 straight run chicks that are almost 9 weeks old. Just wondering when I would be able to integrate them into the flock. I last integrated a lone full size silkie...
  3. MrsWinterWheat

    Opinion needed on Integration - 3 adult birds, 4 older chicks, 21 chicks, and ? poults

    I need help making a plan to transition everyone into one flock. Current ages and locations: Main coop, access to run, and free ranging 3 year old rooster 3 year old Guinea Fowl (male) 4 year old Turkey (female) They are my only left after a very hard and traumatic winter. I had raccoons...
  4. D

    Mixing 11 week and 3-4 week old chicks, how to do it safely?

    New to chickens and so far everyone is doing well. Currently have 7 juveniles (5m 2f) @ ~11 weeks in the coop. 2 roosters are now crowing but so far everyone is getting along. I've got 4 chicks I hatched May 15 so they are about 4 weeks old, plus 3 I bought who look to be the same age, then I've...
  5. Sammster

    Integration and bullies

    I'm weeks into integrating, and not making enough progress. Fortunately my set-up allows me to separate the pullets from the hens when I'm not actively watching. I have 8 RIR hens and 4 pullets of less-aggressive breeds. Two of my hens (bullies) are now sporting peepers. They seem to be...
  6. P

    New Coop Integration

    I have successfully integrated my new chick's to the adult flock. The problem is I used a kennel with a roosting bar in the chicken run to get the adults to recognize new chick's and do a proper quarantine. I need the new chick's to use the secure coop at night. For the last 3 nights I have...
  7. S

    Flock Integration Question the poulets if we relocate two now given that they’ve just adjusted to their current flock? How long should our neighbors expect the integration to take, the same amount of time as the first one? 2. What’s the likelihood that the 9w/o poulets will get along with this other hen? Does it...
  8. S

    Integrating pullets with existing, older chickens - should we build a temporary coop?

    Hi all - I need some advice on integrating our four pullets (two months old) with our existing flock of two older hens (4 years old). The pullets co-mingle with the older hens (sort of anyway) in their protected enclosures which consist of two large runs that are connected by a tunnel. They...
  9. LaurenMox

    New companion for dominate female turkey?

    Hello everyone. My family has to put down our male turkey, his health problems have gotten really bad and it's cruel to keep him suffering. We have a female turkey who does spend some time with him, but is very independent and has a dominant personality. Some of my family members say we...
  10. chickndays

    Integrating flocks

    ...soon. There are two 2 yr Dominiques which seem docile and sweet and probably also miss their former flockmates. And 5 8 wk pullets consisting of Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds and an Australorp, none of which seem aggressive or overly dominant. Does a smaller flock mean easier integration?
  11. T

    Integrating pullets to adult hens

    We have 4 adult hens- just over 2 years old. They mostly stay in the attached 10x10 run during the day with occasional free range. We have 4 more pullets that are 8 weeks old, they’ve been separated in the coop for the last 2 weeks. They have been able to see the older hens. Yesterday we removed...
  12. Traffie Chickens

    Help with integrating younger birds:

    I have had my chicks in a fenced off area in our coop for a few weeks now, and I just don’t know what to look for, for when they are ready to be in with my older hens yet. Like if I should put them in with them now? Or should I wait? Any thoughts on what to do? Thanks! New to integration here. 😊
  13. GiddyUpGo

    Integrating different aged chicks

    I know this question has been asked before in various ways, but I couldn't find anything specific to my situation, so I apologize if I'm asking a redundant question. I have 8 chicks that are a little less than 5 weeks old, and two chicks that are a little less than 4 weeks old. The two younger...
  14. Erin125

    Integrating pullets safely into chicken coop without getting crushed? (lots of details in post)

    Hello, peeps! Sorry for the long, detailed post! This is a question that I know has been asked a lot, but I suppose I have some small nuances to add to get some advice on? I have 3 older hens who already live together in the main chicken coop, an EE, wyandotte (who is a UNITTT) and a cuckoo...
  15. B

    Integrating solutions

    Complicated situation with a very bonded pair Alright so, I have 3 “flocks” I’m trying to integrate. 1) my OG birds (six birds, 1 year old) 2) chicks born 3/7 (4 birds, all pullets) 3) chicks born 3/26 (2 birds, 1 pullet and 1 cockerel) currently, flocks 2 & 3 are together on one side of the...
  16. F

    One of two 4 year old heirloom hens just died yesterday, can I integrate 5 week old babies I have now?

    I have my chicken love Kylo hen who is a 4 year old Dominique. We just lost our other hen yesterday princess laya to what appears to be a standard chicken heart attack. We have 3 - 5 week old baby chicks I got 5 weeks ago as day old chicks. Can I start integrating them now early? Kylo is a...
  17. C

    When will my geese fully integrate?

    I have 7 geese. Three of them are 8 weeks and four of them are 7 weeks but they stay in the age groups and don’t mingle. The three older geese also stop the young geese from entering the coop during the day and herd them around the garden. How do I stop this or encourage them to integrate. They...
  18. Buddys mom

    Adult chicken integration advice needed

    Hi all, I need some advice on if an integration of 2 small adult flocks might be possible without setting myself up for some major problems. I currently have one very large heavy duty dog run that is divided in half with each half having their own coop. The coops are both on the small size...
  19. L

    Hen with severe feather and skin damage - help needed with treatment and integration with flock

    We recently inherited 5 hens from our neighbor who got rid of her flock. She still has 5 roosters and one hen who are semi feral. The roosters have been abusing the hen and she has severe feather loss and old healing wounds. Otherwise she seems healthy and alert. We were finally able catch and...
  20. Aunt Tat

    Introducing Newbies

    ...which was what our dead girl was; and we opted not to get another Broody Barnevelder, otherwise we would have gotten those for easier integration. We started introducing them after the 2-wk quarantine and everyone was getting along fine...they were in the house for about 5-10 mins. and we...
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