Search results for query: amino acid

  1. U_Stormcrow

    Help needed, What food do I put the flock on?

    Met and Lys are both Low. Low Met is unfortunately common in Organic feeds. Its the amino acid most associated with connective tissues - skin, digestive tract, cartilage, ligaments/tendons, etc. Because the operation of its digestive system is a substantial portion of its immune mechanisms...
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    ...its daily protein intake for repair, for growth (if it is not yet full grown), for feather replacement, and a few other functions. The amino acids it can't use during that metabolic cycle it excretes - that's the primary source of the nitrogen in their deposits. If they are short another...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Why Does the Yolk Stick to a Bowl?

    Threonine levels are likely higher in your fresh pullet eggs - which helps with membrane formation. They are also fresher, the amino acids haven't begun to degrade as badly.
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Help choosing feed for mix age flock.

    ...of total feed consumed, total cost, combined finished weight, average it out. CP is suggestive, but what I really want to know is the quality of the Amino Acid profile of that crude protein - which may, or may not, be published on feed bags in the Philippines. I don't know, but would like to.
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Poultry Protein and Amino Acid Requirements--Downloadable .PDF

    I routinely link this resource for those here on the feed forums. For those that don't trust the download, here it is as a link.
  6. U_Stormcrow

    DIY Duck Feed vs DIY Chicken Feed

    I did do my own research, linked above. Did not support your claims. I understand the concept of essential amino acids - BYC is littered with my posts on the need for them in response to various "make at home" feed recipes, =U_Stormcrow&o=relevance']as even a trivial search will reveal.
  7. U_Stormcrow

    How does Organic feed vs non-organic feed for chickens affect the Egg quality? key to connective tissue formation - the skin, tendons, digestive system. Its also like the engine on a train, in thatMet is the first amino acid in line during protein formation. No Met and you have a railyard full of cars that can't make a train - every other amino acid present is...
  8. U_Stormcrow


    ...(most people stop here, and honestly, a lot of times, you can stop here bcuase the feed is clearly deficient). Second part, what is the amino acid profile of that crude protein? Not all proteins are the same. Weak yolks is suggestive of weak membranes. Do your fresh, just laid eggs (when...
  9. U_Stormcrow

    Trials And Tribulations Of Suburban Meat Bird Production

    Linking by request (and invitation) - on the math regarding differences in Crude Protein and Amino Acid profiles between "Layer" formulations and "Meatbird" formulations.
  10. U_Stormcrow

    Whey Protein for Poultry?

    Too much Methionine is WELL above the levels you will get from adding some whey powder to your feed. and as @saysfaa correctly noted above (and has linked in the past), many recipes from the 1960s and before depended upon it as an animal protein source. The typical chicken feed has 0.3%...
  11. U_Stormcrow

    DIY Duck Feed vs DIY Chicken Feed

    ...reducing tryptophan levels. The opposite is readily apparent in the chart from the study I linked. and while glyphosate did reduce SOME amino acids which, like Tryp, are called aromatic AAs, unlike tryp, they are not ESSENTIAL amino acids. With respect, it appears that either: A) you did...
  12. U_Stormcrow

    Does anyone have a good chicken feed spreadsheet they will please share? relatively new compared to measuring other AAs, most old studies (and some newer) will instead reference SAAs - Sulphur containing Amino Acids. It still requires specialized equipment, and commands a price premium, albeit much less than it once did. One common lab charges an extra $120...
  13. U_Stormcrow

    Thoughts and Observations on Protein

    ABSOLUTELY true. Broilers are custom built for extreme growth rates - they need even more nutritionally dense feed than the typical hatchkling or adolescent to do their best. And yes, there are posters here who will sometimes boost" their normal feed by mixing with a bit of Broiler feed, Game...
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    The owner of the hatchery is wrong, but I see where they were trying to go with that. On a short lunch break, will try and come back and explain what they were probably trying to say after work when I have more time - if I'm not too tired.
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Free rein feeding method

    With plant sources, you are looking for three things: A) signioficant amounts of all of the key Aminos B) in roughly the correct ratios. There are plenty of plants with Met, for instance - but almost none of them have roughly half as much Met as Lys. C) with enough protein overall that it can...
  16. U_Stormcrow

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    I think they ere refering to the Calc/Phos amounts and ratio re: shell - though the transition was a bit less clear than desired. .
  17. U_Stormcrow

    Thoughts and Observations on Protein measured in the typical back yard flock. Example - one study compared a 16% protein feed with a 20% protein feed of nearly identical amino acid profile (because both the amount and quality of the protein matter - not all protein is the same). End result?? Slightly lower mortality over...
  18. U_Stormcrow

    Does anyone have a good chicken feed spreadsheet they will please share?

    ...of spreadsheets out there - most only look at crude protein. That does not a balanced diet make. A few look at the top four critical amino acids, maybe fat, calcium, phos, but don't go further than that. The data sources on many are highly suspect. If you are truly serious about making...
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    ...a relatively high Crude Protein level AND that Crude Protein needs to be balanced in a way containing adequate amounts of certain key amino acids. If it gets those, it can manufacture or synthesize the rest. This part is wrong (at least, the second part, and partially, the third). There...
  20. U_Stormcrow

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    ...It isn't. Partricularly when dealing with plant proteins, they are almost universally "incomplete" meaning lacking one or more critical amino acids to make a complete protein. Sadly, the plant world has few good sources of Methionine, and its probably the most critical amino acide for...
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