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  1. Cheerio27

    How Many?

    I will try that. Not having a truck, I worry about moving it so I was looking at new ones that could be delivered first. It seems like the size I need will be out of our price range new, though.
  2. Cheerio27

    How Many?

    Yeah, on further research, I need to rethink some things, and the run is one of them, along with a bigger shed.
  3. Cheerio27

    How Many?

    How many chickens do you think could sleep comfortably in something this size if they free range during the day? 5”x3”x7” roughly. I currently have a small...
  4. Cheerio27

    Chickens are not returning to nor roosting in their coop at night, and I'm not sure what to do.

    If I set my auto door to close at sundown it locks all the chickens out every time. If it has a time mode, try using that when you let them out again. I set mine about half an hour after sunset bc that's when they seem to go in. Watch them for a couple of days- hopefully they'll go in...
  5. Cheerio27

    Great New Fencing

    Yes! I started clipping last summer after retrieving a chicken from the neighbor's yard. She flew on top of the coop and then over. This is only my second summer with chickens, I learn more all the time!
  6. Cheerio27

    Great New Fencing

    We just got our new chicken fencing put up from Omlet and I love it! Finally I can take the barriers off of my flower garden and the girls aren't tearing up the drainage around the house!
  7. Cheerio27

    Egg Thief

    My new neighbors just came to meet us and said something is stealing our eggs and leaving them in their yard. This explains why I've only been getting 3-5 eggs out of 6 chickens recently. I found where it burrowed under the run and blocked it, but since the chickens free range in the back yard...
  8. Cheerio27

    Water Strike?

    Hi, I have 6 hens, a year old in New England. I just switched from my heated waterer (which has an open trough) to a homemade one which they have to peck to get water. They used it last summer just fine. I put it out last week and refilled it once. 2 days after refilling it I noticed the level...
  9. Cheerio27


    Hello, I have six chickens we raised from chicks on our porch last April (2 barred rock, 2 rhode island reds, and 2 buff orpingtons). My kids enjoyed doing this as a homeschool project and love to run around with the girls out back. My husband and I love the fresh delicious eggs!
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