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  1. S

    Integrating pullets with existing, older chickens - should we build a temporary coop?

    Hi all - I need some advice on integrating our four pullets (two months old) with our existing flock of two older hens (4 years old). The pullets co-mingle with the older hens (sort of anyway) in their protected enclosures which consist of two large runs that are connected by a tunnel. They...
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    Baby chick cries until we pick her up

    We have four one week old baby chicks. One of them cries frequently to get picked up. At first I thought there might be an issue, but all of her needs are met. The other chicks don't cry like that. As soon as we pick her up, she stops. She loves to be held and will fall asleep on you. Clearly...
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    Pine shavings and baby chicks question

    We just picked up five baby chicks yesterday. They were born on April 9th so they are 3 days old. We put pine shavings in their brooder today and they keep pecking at the shavings. I'm afraid of them eating it and want to remove the shavings. Did I put the shavings in too early?? Will it cause...
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    Can sour crop cause paralysis in a chicken?

    My 4 year old barred had sour crop just last week (for the second time). We were on the mend (yesterday she was acting almost completely normal) then this morning she is unable to walk, has stopped eating and drinking. Can a bad case of sour crop cause a chicken to be unable to walk or stand...
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    Help! Chicken making gurgling noises and can't move!

    My 4 year old barred rock is making gurgling noises and can't really move. She had a crop issue this last week that we thought we cleared up. Her comb is looking dark and her eyes are closed. What can we do to help her?
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    Mixing vaccinated and non-vaccinated chickens - real life experiences?

    Hi all, I currently have three almost four year old hens that are unvaccinated. I am planning to purchase three more baby chicks next month. I am torn on whether to vaccinate them for Marek's or not. We've never had any issue with Marek's in our flock in the past four years we've owned...
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    3 1/2 year old hen laid two shell less eggs in one week!

    Our 3 1/2 year old Barred Rock has laid two shell less eggs this week (no shell at all...just yolk). She's been acting and eating normally until she gets close to laying these shell less eggs. The day before and day of she starts to slow down and is very quiet (not like herself at all). Once she...
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    Can impacted crop smell?

    So we determined this morning that my 3 year old Barred Rock who is molting has impacted crop. She's been eating less, throws up liquid occasionally, a little more lethargic and has been having watery poops for several days. We thought it was molt related but we checked her crop first thing in...
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    Molting hen with watery poops

    Our 3 year old Barred Rock is currently molting. She also has had water poops pretty consistently for the last few weeks. Picture of one below from today. She has been acting fairly normal for a molting hen...she is a little more lethargic (more standing around closing her eyes) but her appetite...
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    Chicken laying soft eggs with yellow poop

    My 3 year old chicken laid a soft shelled egg the other day and has been acting slower than normal. We've been trying to give her calcium but it's been challenging. She just laid this poop...lots of yellow. She's also throwing up clear liquid. Could it be that an egg broke inside of her?
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    Chicken lethargic and not eating, but drinking water...what could be wrong with her?

    Hello, I have a 3 year old Barred Rock who tonight has been very lethargic, not interested much in food but is drinking a lot of water. Usually she is extremely active and will run like a bat out of hell for any food that is offered to her. Tonight she could care less. My daughter has noticed...
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    Reputable hatcheries in Southern California?

    Hi all, I live in San Diego and am looking for recommendations for reputable hatcheries in Southern California. I purchased my first flock (6 hens) from a local breeder in 2020 and 2 of them (both Wyandottes) have already died from reproductive issues. As a result, I'm looking for high quality...
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    Hen hasn't laid in 6 months

    Question. I have a 3 year old Australorp who hasn't laid in over 6 months. She was laying fine before the fall. She went through a molt and stopped laying (I know that's normal). In addition, in October a bobcat killed one of her flock mates. We assumed that the stress of that attack also...
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    My chicken ate a dried green bean :(

    Hello, I was just out in the garden digging around for grubs and there was a random dried green bean that one of my chickens snatched up before I could get to it. I've read that dried beans are highly toxic to chickens. She just had one dried green bean. Could this possibly be fatal?? Thank you!
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    Something stuck in her throat?

    Hello, My Easter egger ate a lizard this morning and now we noticed that she's moving her neck like she's trying to dislodge something in her throat. Could it be that the lizard is stuck in an awkward position? Or is this a sign of a crop issue? I included a video of her doing it but she's...
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    Scaly Leg Mites Question

    Hello, One of my chickens has scaly leg mites. This weekend, we cleaned out the coop and run and sprayed everything down with elector psp. We also sprayed the chickens and their legs. We sprinkled lime in the coop and run. How long does it take for the scales on a chicken's legs to return to...
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    Heritage Breeds and EYP

    Hi, I started chicken keeping in 2020 with six hens I bought from a local breeder. I've lost three of them so far: one to a bobcat and two to egg yolk peritonitis (both Wyandottes). I lost my third chicken just last week to EYP (which we didn't know she had until the day she died, although we...
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    Egg Bound or Egg Peritonitis? Help!

    Hi everyone, I have a 3 year oldWyandotte that got very sick today. She has been standing with her tail down since this morning. We thought she might be egg bound so we've soaked her in epsom salts several times today. Her abdomen is swollen and getting progressively worse. It's so swollen now...
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    Cephalexin for bumblefoot

    Hello, I just purchased Cephalexin to give to my Wyandotte who has bumblefoot. We've tried to remove it several times at home but it keeps coming back. I can't seem to get all of the infection out. My question is - do I soak her foot daily for several days, remove the plug and then start...
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    Bumblefoot + Predator Attack + Molting = Soft Shelled Egg?

    My Wyandotte has had bumblefoot for several months now. We've been trying to remove it with multiple home removals but it's still there. She's also molting. AND around two weeks ago, a bobcat killed one of her flock mates (we had five chickens and now we have four). I can tell that the flock is...
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