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  1. Huntmaster

    Frozen produce treats for hot days

    I stick oversized zucchinis from garden in freezer, cut them in half and feed on very hot days. Like this week very hot here so put a few in freeze last night and they will get some midday today as heat peaks. All my birds love them including Turkeys/Ducks/Quail. Winter, I like to drill hole...
  2. Huntmaster

    Humidity Fluctuating

    What type of Quail are you hatching? I hatch coturnix and they do best at the lower humidity of 30 to 40% and about 50% for lockdown works best for me.
  3. Huntmaster

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    :welcome And welcome to Ohio thread, about as far northwest as you can get in Fulton county.
  4. Huntmaster

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    Even though you are not giving them anything besides their chick crumble. They may eat the bedding in brooder or anything else they may get their little beaks on and get impacted, that's why most give grit right away. Always better to be safe than sorry. Thought I seen you post another thread...
  5. Huntmaster

    Duck stuck on back after hatch

    Navel looks ok. Hopefully it's just really week from hatching and needs some time. But with having to assist hatch there may be reasons it didn't hatch on its own, time will tell. Good luck :thumbsup
  6. Huntmaster

    Newly hatched chick

    Can't really tell from pic but there looks to be more exposed than just yolk sac. Doesn't look promising at all sorry to see your hatchling looking like that.
  7. Huntmaster

    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    Just before internal pip the air cell recedes/gets larger fast.
  8. Huntmaster

    Brown gooey blob, help!

    Just looks like hatching waste shouldn't be a problem.
  9. Huntmaster

    Catatonic Chicks

    It takes 5 or 6 days for incubation of cocci so if they are only about 4 or 5 days old it's not cocci. Looks heat related to me. Also, some brooder plates are only recommended for ambient temps above 50 degrees.
  10. Huntmaster

    Catatonic Chicks

    Brooder plates work like a hen by touching the warm plate. The chicks need to be able to come in contact with plate with their backs. Best to put plates on an angle low in back higher in front so they can find a comfortable heat range for themselves. Sounds like a heat problem as they can't get...
  11. Huntmaster


    Congrats glad to hear you have had a good first hatch. Only time I would hatch upright and not laying on its side, is if it had a bad/dethatched air cell. And I wouldn't leave turner like that in incubator during hatch, as it's too easy for hatchlings to get hurt. Gaps holes too many things for...
  12. Huntmaster

    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    When you candled was it internally pipped? Or could you tell if air cell has receded?
  13. Huntmaster

    Can a Brooder be too big?

    Actually, you will probably lose more sleep than they will. :)
  14. Huntmaster

    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    Looks like outer membrane also not just shell. If it is that close to hatching, I would leave it alone and hope for the best.
  15. Huntmaster

    Is this egg okay?

    With your hen trying to cover that many eggs it usually doesn't turn out well. You should only ever let them sit on as many eggs as your hen can cover easily. With too many the eggs on outside are not getting incubated. As hen moves turns eggs those unincubated eggs get moved under her and those...
  16. Huntmaster

    Can a Brooder be too big?

    They will be fine. :thumbsup
  17. Huntmaster

    Can a Brooder be too big?

    First night in new brooder? if so, it's just scary unfamiliar they will get over it. I would have them in their coop so I wouldn't have to hear it.
  18. Huntmaster

    Can a Brooder be too big?

    What are your nighttime temps at 7 weeks old they could be outside already. Is their coop ready I would have them in that already. No such thing as too big only too small. :D
  19. Huntmaster

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    I usually have good luck with all different aged poults in brooder together most of the time with my large barn brooder with plenty of room. As long as the youngest is a week old and getting around good. And as @R2elk stated have had many try to mother younger, but sometimes you will get a very...
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