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  1. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Picked most of the big leaves from my red leaf lettuce, got them washed and in the fridge. Also picked some big bok choi leaves. Watered the zinnias I planted yesterday to help them through the 80 degree heat later today.
  2. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I got 30 zinnias planted in the middle of the big garden bed. (I'll post a picture later). My knee was grinding and hurting as I bent over to plant them. I'm chilling it down with an ice pack now. I'll pick lettuce tomorrow... I got three of the raised beds watered with the hose. I'll get the...
  3. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    There was more kale out there than I thought, so I'll be doing some blanching and freezing today. I cut 5 or 6 leaves from each of the 10 kale plants, and some of them were over 2 feet long! It's a good year for red Russian kale. ETA: I ended up with three packed pints of blanched greens and...
  4. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I found a small, dead mouse outside the secure run yesterday. It's possible that the neighbor's cat did its job but wasn't interested in eating its prey. I usually give dead mice to the chickens but since I wasn't 100% sure of how it died I tossed it out into the garden. It might have been...
  5. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I'm happy not to have one!
  6. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Me and roosters don't get along. Had a pair of them once and their crowing woke me up too early in the morning. ====== Pulled a bucket of weeds from around the house and gave them to the girls to pick on. Picked more red leaf lettuce today, got started running lines for my drip irrigation...
  7. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I watered the lettuce/marigold/zinnia/crocosmia starts on the back porch railing. Mowed the yard yesterday. I ripped out the last four daikon radishes from the bucket and gave them to the chickens since the plants were bolting and the roots were woody. I think I'll move a volunteer tomato plant...
  8. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Since it's nice and sunny today I thought the chickens would enjoy a little corn cob volleyball. Should keep them occupied for a while. I hardly ever buy "treats" for the girls, but corn was a quarter an ear at Walmart today so I got a couple for them. Me, I'm not a big fan of fresh corn.
  9. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I've given my chickens grapes larger than that before and they just gulped them down whole. No problems other than some got the runs if they ate too many.
  10. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Got another shot in the knee today, this time hyaluronic acid, aka rooster comb gel. Two more to go. I tried switching to a different chicken feed last month. Xcel was a few bucks cheaper than the CHS payback feed I bought before. Xcel pellets are larger and the feed is lower in protein (16%...
  11. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I got the cornstarch gel carrot seeds planted, took a break, then went out and picked the red Russian kale. The leaves filled one side of the kitchen sink to overflowing. I filled two 1 gallon bags with the trimmed leaves for the freezer and have the chopped up stems cooking on the stove. I...
  12. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I just made the cornstarch gel for planting my carrot seeds today. It's on the back porch cooling down now. I'll try to get the okra plants into the garden too. Something nipped the top off of one of the marigold plants in the garden again last night. Hmmm, don't know what it could be.
  13. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I'm going to try bok choi again as a fall crop. Maybe those pests aren't around as much late in the season.
  14. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I up-potted 15 basil seedlings and the six crocosmia seedlings that sprouted from seeds I saved last fall. I don't need 15 basil plants but I'll put them somewhere. I don't like to waste the little sprouts if I can help it and they should make good companion plants for something. I decided to...
  15. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I sprayed my brassica plants with BT yesterday evening. Cabbage worms or something similar have been eating bok choi plants like they were in an all you can eat buffet. They didn't touch the collard plants at all.
  16. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Not me. Something about eating eggs that were soaked in lime water just seems wrong. :sick
  17. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Pinched pennies today at Fred Meyer. Got $136 worth of groceries for $70 after all the sale and coupon savings, and got gas for 70 cents off per gallon. Finished mowing my yard and my neighbor's yard when I got back. Might fire up the weedeater later on. Need to get the 8 or so okra plants I...
  18. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Dang! Broken ribs hurt. Hey, you want to hear a good joke? They say laughter is the best medicine... but probably not for a broken rib. LOL
  19. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I'll still have a few things that will need to be hand watered; black currants, okra, dill and horseradish.
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