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  1. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    thanks for those. There are a few more Asian shops in the exotics streets here I can try before resorting to online, but if I draw a blank, I now know where to go for it! I am very poor at the flavour description game, but I wouldn't describe what I've got as 'sour' or 'astringent', which comes...
  2. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I got some Pu-Er tea yesterday, but I'm a bit confused. Inspecting the cylinder carton, I see the importer/exporter is in Guangdong; I think @lightm said Yunnan was the key province for this tea, so maybe I have been sold a different sort of Pu-Er. It doesn't smell or taste fermented. It's a...
  3. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Yay for Gaston, Léa and Piou-piou! 2 years old today! 🎂 :celebrate🎉 And yay for Merle (and Dyffryn), 2 years old yesterday!
  4. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    thanks for the warning, and the offer. Much appreciated :love
  5. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thanks for the link to the article on Pu-erh tea ManueB; very interesting. Next time I'm in the exotic food shops street I'll see if I can find some here to try :p
  6. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I've noticed it with the older hens; I think they're tired at the end of a long day. Like me :p
  7. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    🎂 :celebrate🎉 happy birthday chickens!
  8. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Try to banish that rotten feeling; you are giving her all the tlc she could wish for. Sometimes that's all we can do. Sometimes that's all the patient wants. :hugs
  9. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Some are in denial. Some assume it won't affect them and theirs and don't care what happens elsewhere. Some will even create natural havoc by targeting their enemies' natural environment (blow up a dam, poison the water etc.). Some think the tech bros will save the planet with smart solutions...
  10. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Poor Piou-piou and Lilly; I do hope they feel better very soon. Most ideas seem to be contested these days, so the decisions made (or not made) by the lawmakers are the issue, I think. And it seems to me that the amount of friction or inertia that anybody who wants change has to overcome is...
  11. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    in my experience these sentiments are felt stronger the more one has. It is a truism here that if you are collecting for charity, you will be given far more by the poor than by the rich.
  12. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    That's a beautiful tribute to a missed friend. :hugs
  13. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    because of your comment about being shouted at for making a very sensible suggestion! There are some real head cases on BYC :rolleyes::lol: (though not on this thread I think :p) I'm a fan of old fashioned simple substances like soap and water, vinegar, bicarb, liquid paraffin, lemon juice, and...
  14. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    wish I could help but I really have no experience with either bumblefoot or abscess, or water belly for that matter. But I'm glad it worked out as it did, because it sounds like she's on the road to recovery now.
  15. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    :hugs you gave her a wonderful life
  16. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    that would include mine :rolleyes: I didn't realize we were so behind this year, but everywhere we go, even a few miles away, seems to be ahead of us here. I think we must have copped a lot of very local low cloud/sea mist/fog or something similar to account for it. It has certainly been very...
  17. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I'd do that. You know, she may get better. She may just be fighting off a bug or (non-reproductive tract) disease that is challenging her so hard that all her resources are dealing with it, leaving insufficient calories for reproduction. I speak from experience; ill birds here sometimes take...
  18. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    These are important points you've made. I think chickens like periodic changes to their diet, and now I'm wondering if the change of season may correlate with it. To ring the changes is why I switch grain mixes and legume mixes every now and then (but I always ferment them and only have one sack...
  19. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Indeed; I think we're all prone to take our food for granted, until we try to grow some ourselves and realize what a lot of work and time it takes. And thanks for the clarification on the early blossom/late frosts. Gorgeous photos as always.
  20. Perris

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Good to read that the trip to Nice went well, and that all was fine while you were away. Except the late frost of course; I remember last year (or was it the year before?) there were desperate efforts to keep some vineyards in France above freezing overnight at a critical time. I don't know how...
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