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  1. Double Yolked

    Comment by 'Double Yolked' in article '11 Accidental Ways To Die (For Your Chickens)'

    Great article. I have personally come to the conclusion that if there is ANY possible way for my lovable dumb clucks to injure/kill themselves, they'll find it.
  2. Double Yolked

    Poll on flock toys — please answer if possible!

    When my dogs lose any toy through the fence into the chicken run the ladies all pull up their dainty feathered skirts and shriek like Victorian girls and run for the other side of the run, staying there having vapors until I remove the offensive toy. They do like the bark and moss covered swing...
  3. Double Yolked

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    I went through this with red bird mites, I would absolutely disassemble the housing and sterilize it. I had the red mites come back twice and finally had to burn my chicken tractor since I could never get the mites out of the cracks in the wood no matter how much Permethrin I used. Destroy/burn...
  4. Double Yolked

    Comment by 'Double Yolked' in article 'Pelletized Bedding / Shavings'

    A note on the pellet bedding. I used it for half a dozen pullets, I had been feeding them pelleted food. Bad idea. The little morons couldn't tell the pelleted bedding from pellet food and stuffed their crops with it. I had to be gone for about 12 hours and came home to two sick hens who took a...
  5. Double Yolked

    How many birds can fit "comfortably"

    I raise for eggs not meat so a calm flock is a profitable flock. It's worth it to me to do what ever keeps the ladies happy. I get about 300 eggs a year per hen, give or take 50. Works out to about $100 a year profit per hen. Too expensive to toss a hen in the freezer unless she's really a bad...
  6. Double Yolked

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    Been there done this. It's not the chicken keeping to focus on. It's the dog being set on another animal. That, everywhere in the US, is animal cruelty. Had something similar happen about 10 years ago. Cop told me flat out, deliberately setting a dog on an animal or pet belonging to another...
  7. Double Yolked

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    Check out Mouse Trap Monday on YouTube, he's got a slew of safe traps that will get the mice but leave the pullets safe. He tests mouse traps by the score and even sells some that work well. (Avoid the Amazon knockoffs, they are cheap junk)
  8. Double Yolked

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    This is not a time to be timid about the neighborhood, this person will set her dog on more than your chickens in the future if left go without consequences. Contact the police. They have laws regarding this everywhere, town or country. Don't go it alone. Your trespasser was breaking the law...
  9. Double Yolked

    How many birds can fit "comfortably"

    When making my coops I've always calculated a little extra space per bird since there's always at least one or two birds that will fuss at each other. The one foot per bird rule on roosting bars is good for regular sized birds unless you have social issues then you'll want 16" and possibly two...
  10. Double Yolked

    Eating the eggs

    I've seen that kicking thing before. I'd look at building a good egg retaining wall. Don't stress over making the nest box look like other people's or making it "pretty." Just make it large enough that a grumpy hen can lay her egg not on top of another's or more likely... work to fix it so they...
  11. Double Yolked

    Freak Size Egg

    OMG that poor hen that laid that egg! Was going to bet it's was double yolked or had an egg inside an egg. Your girls deserve extra treats and calcium after that.
  12. Double Yolked

    Eating the eggs

    My very first flock I added a pair of very tame sister hens like this. One, Fluff was an egg eater from shortly after she started laying. I used every trick listed above and in other guides and discussions and a few I made up on the fly. Nothing worked. Fluff taught the rest of my little newbie...
  13. Double Yolked

    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    Are RiR aggressive? Heck yes, they're chickens first and foremost. They were bred to be on the strong and active side for survival reasons and noted both historically and by testing as on the aggressive side of the slider. It's more noticeable with smaller, gentle hens, like Astrolorps. RiR's...
  14. Double Yolked

    Comment by 'Double Yolked' in article 'Are Herbicides and Pesticides Safe for Chickens? Exploring the Potential Risks and Precautions'

    For those struggling with juggling weed control with keeping your beloved chickens safe may I recommend 31% vinegar and a little dish soap? While you will often find recipes using vinegar, salt and soap I found I can use the extra strong vinegar and soap and forgo the salt and not potentially...
  15. Double Yolked

    Comment by 'Double Yolked' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    Chickens know what's good for them to eat? NOPE!! I caught my hens eating Styrofoam peanuts once.... I've also seen them eat plastic and cardboard. They haven't got braincell in their heads when it comes to knowing what is and is not good for them. Every time I change their grazing area I...
  16. Double Yolked

    Pics of broody moms co-parenting

    I have to agree I love Orps. Barred Rocks as well. My Lady Domino, a Barred Rock, was the queen of my pet flock, very fat and very dignified. All the hens backed off around her and was in every way Queen of the flock. Most of my EE's have been pretty skittish but this one particular bird was...
  17. Double Yolked

    Pics of broody moms co-parenting

    My Orps did seem to go broody more than some other breeds. Later, when I didn't have a rooster I liked around I sometimes got eggs from a friend with good bloodlines in her flock and let my ladies brood them. My best pet hen was a mix, Easter egger and ? she laid green eggs and was without a...
  18. Double Yolked

    In pursuit of Mr. Right

    I've had 1 exceptional rooster, 1 reasonably good rooster (the one in my avatar photo) and a whole lot of bleh roosters and one psychopath roo. I didn't raise the exceptional one, he was gifted to me by a good friend who knew I was trying rather desperately to find a decent one because I had a...
  19. Double Yolked

    Pics of broody moms co-parenting

    What adorable pictures! My very first broody hen hatch, decades ago, was a co-brooded nest. I was dumbfounded and green as grass. Had no clue what to do so I just trusted the hens and watched them carefully. The two hens were sisters from a group of feed store bought Orpingtons. They shared...
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