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  1. PrettyCoolChicks

    Someone please help!

    Good, if you could see from the top I'd assume it was dead, so not seeing anything as far as I know is good news. Does the egg stay in whichever way you place it down, it doesn't roll to the one side? But day 30 and with the other egg already hatched, I would try to make a safety hole in the...
  2. PrettyCoolChicks

    Someone please help!

    Any bruising on the shell like the other had? Do you still hear chirping? If you candle from the top down, holding the lamp above the egg instead of below it, how does it look? Can you see inside anywhere other than the air cell?
  3. PrettyCoolChicks

    What does a broody hen do with her chicks in the first week after they hatch?

    I have my first broody too, and a similar set up with a safe coop but not 100% safe run. Chicks are a bit over a week old now. I've blocked off half the coop for them for the first week. Mama showed them where to eat, drink and sat nearby a lot for when they wanted to warm up and didn't look...
  4. PrettyCoolChicks

    Squirrels are eating my Peafowls's food. Can I put chili powder in their food to deter the squirrels?

    I've had some luck keeping squirrels off my flower bulbs with chili powder. I would assume if you use flakes, they can eat around it maybe? Did the chili increase your egg production? Sorry i don't know what is a normal amount for peafowl to eat.
  5. PrettyCoolChicks

    EE or Ameraucana Roo? I need YOU!

    He is also standing more upright on the photos. I would decide based on which has the nicest character once older, whichever is best with the hens and with humans. Seems like the best move both for yourself and anyone you might sell extra chicks to.
  6. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Of the last 2 eggs, one hatched overnight and the other didn't make it :( I just did an eggtopsy and it looks like it was foot over head, and had almost fully absorbed its yolk before suffocating. Because it had a blue shell, I didn't notice any bruising... And I didn't expect it to pip before...
  7. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    3 good eggs hatched pictured below. 2 remaining eggs had shadowing yesterday but no pip this morning yet.
  8. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Got 3 healthy babies, 2 remaining eggs are due a bit later. I'll post photos in the june hatchalong when i get a chance to take some without stressing out mama :)
  9. PrettyCoolChicks

    help! pip'd egg opened by predator or?

    mh, thanks, maybe doing a switcheroo is the best bet indeed while I figure out what the issue is and deal with it / add the appropriate protections.
  10. PrettyCoolChicks

    help! pip'd egg opened by predator or?

    Would a mouse remove the shell but not harm the chick? It finished hatching just now and looking it over, it does not have a single wound. I only use the kind of traps to mice can enter but not leave, so no risk to any of the birds! I'll see what I can do for extra protection but the coop is...
  11. PrettyCoolChicks

    help! pip'd egg opened by predator or?

    So eggs have been disappearing from under mama broodie... I started with 7, 3 appeared (laid by others) but also I had 4 of the good eggs remaining yesterday, and I am down to 3 today. No trace of anything so I was assuming snake was taking one per week. I heard peeping this morning and checked...
  12. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    I hear peeping under my hen. Should have some babies within 24hours!
  13. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Broody was off the nest taking a break when I let the birds out this morning, so I candled all eggs / gave the sniff test to the blue ones and they all look great. One maybe seemed a tad cloudy but still had healthy movement inside. They look to be about day 15. I transferred the whole nest...
  14. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    So cute! For what its worth, anyone I bought eggs from for hatching, I asked if they wanted me to pay a bit more and they all said "no you buy them they're yours" and then replaced some eggs with better/fresher ones before giving them to me... So I'm with you on this!
  15. PrettyCoolChicks

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    I will have to move mama out of the nesting box (which is over 2ft above ground) and onto the coop floor in the next couple days. I've set up a pen below the nesting boxes, hopefully she'll enjoy the privacy and accept the move. When to do it is the question now :p
  16. PrettyCoolChicks

    What should I do?! I thought this egg was dead but its not.

    Also agree with keeping membrane moist with coconut oil or vaseline, and cornstarch if needed to stop the bleeding. It still has a good chance to hatch, since the hole doesn't look tooo big. @New duck mommy 2021 might have great advice
  17. PrettyCoolChicks

    I need advice

    Glad to see Peggy is starting to recover, i'll be following along and rooting for him!
  18. PrettyCoolChicks

    Hen or Roo? Help sexing my four chickens. Pictures at various ages

    All look like pullets to me, but if others think roo I'll be curious to hear why so i can learn from this too!
  19. PrettyCoolChicks

    Chicks from my own eggs are consistently dying at hatch

    You could make a trap box, so the hen gets caught inside the nesting box and you see who laid what when you let them out. There were some examples on this site for how to build. It's just a door that closes behind the hen when she goes in. I tried to make some and it can be tricky to get the...
  20. PrettyCoolChicks

    Can a broody chicken hatch a duck egg while hatching baby chicks?

    Ducks take longer so you may need to finish incubating yourself if the hen leaves the nest after the chicks hatch. If you have a broody duck hen, that seems like a better option so it also won't be the only duckling potentially and a duck mom would teach it more appropriate manners. That said...
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