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  1. talkinboutchickens

    Is there such a thing as a patent for chicken breeds?

    Hello, I didn't know what to put this under because this is quite a random thread. But let's say that I make up a whole new chicken breed by combining different breeds. Is there such thing as a patent for chicken breeds? Like if I didn't want anyone else to be able to sell that breed in a...
  2. talkinboutchickens

    Your computer or phone wallpaper?

    I'm bored:caf So here's a random poll on what your wallpaper is on the device you are using RIGHT NOW. If you want, you may take a screenshot of your background and share it. Or you may just describe it. Whatever YOU want to do. Be kind, be supportive, and
  3. talkinboutchickens

    It's just one thing after another with my hen; please help

    Hello, this is the story of Dottie (I'll try to make it a short version of the story.) She had a prolapsed vent, then the vet fixed it. That problem is over and she's acting completely normal and eating fine now. After that, she got flystrike because her drippy poop that was pasted all over her...
  4. talkinboutchickens

    Vent prolapse in 2 yr old hen.....Urgent

    Hello, just noticed my 2 yr old brahma hen has vent prolapse, never dealt with this before but I know it's prolapse....There's a turd stuck on her prolapsed cloaca....Looks very disturbing😖 I'm not attaching a pic because I want to post this thread ASAP... I read that you soak her in an epsom...
  5. talkinboutchickens

    Pine pellets for coop bedding??? Does it work?? I'm curious....

    Hi all! I've been thinking..... What if I switch over to pine pellets for the bedding in the chickie's coop? Pine shavings just plain suck and they are awful at controlling the odor. Pelleted bedding also seems to go on sale pretty often at TSC. The problem is... I feed my chickens pellets. Will...
  6. talkinboutchickens

    I want to get goslings next year but don't know where to start!

    Hello! Last Saturday I had to go to a livestock auction to get rid of my cockerels, and I almost ended up getting a pair of African geese! But we'd thought that we should do more research first. The lady that was selling them told us all about geese. I didn't know that they were so simple! I...
  7. talkinboutchickens

    No-bake cookies for chickens recipe

    Hello! I'd thought that I would share this recipe with you all, because it is pretty simple and fun to make. I was researching different chicken cookie recipes one time, but they all involved molasses, which I never have on hand. So, another family member and I decided to make up our own recipe...
  8. talkinboutchickens

    Does anyone have an ImPECKables brand incubator?

    Hi, I went to Tractor Supply yesterday to get CORID for my chicks that have coccidiosis, and I came out with a lot more! One of the things I got was a 12 egg capacity ImPECKables brand incubator for literally $12 😅 😲 Originally $100! Now that's a deal I couldn't pass down! We went online and saw...
  9. talkinboutchickens


    Hi guys, this morning I noticed a very very bloody poop on the ground from one of my two chicks (yes, they sometimes escape in the night.) They seem to be acting completely normal to me. The only thing I have on hand right now is Poultry Cell, but I read that it's only used after the treatment...
  10. talkinboutchickens

    Egg quality issue

    Hey everyone, I made lemon bars yesterday and it required 6 eggs. All of which when I cracked them, their yolks were very runny. They were practically liquid. I've been noticing this a lot lately. They have access to crushed oyster shells but show no interest in them. They get treats once in a...
  11. talkinboutchickens

    Leave minor wound be or treat it?

    Hi all, a hen with chicks got bullied pretty bad, do you think she will heal on her own or will I have to apply medicine? I'm afraid that, since her worst wound is right next to her beak, if I apply any ointments or anything there that she might eat it? Her eyelids are pretty puffy and she's got...
  12. talkinboutchickens

    Thoughts on pallet coop ideas

    Hey everyone, sorry I've been posting threads a lot lately, it's just that I always have so many chicken questions and there's always something going on with my chickens it seems 😅 I have lots of future coop plans for my future breeder flock of 7-8 Cochin bantams. I'm not going to be doing this...
  13. talkinboutchickens

    Hen has nasty wound probably from rooster's spur

    Hello, today I noticed my EE hen, Flo, pecking at a wound that is underneath her wing. She is very fast and skittish but managed to catch her, and investigated her wound. I can't tell how old the wound is but it looks like a hole in her side. No bugs got to it yet. And I'm glad that it's under...
  14. talkinboutchickens

    Thoughts on cheap coop ideas?

    Hello everyone, I've been wanting to breed purebreds for a while but don't have coop plans yet. I can't find articles on here about cheap breeder coops or coops made out of dog houses. Since I don't want to be buying a coop online I want to make one and was thinking that a raised dog house coop...
  15. talkinboutchickens

    Chick buried alive, has many injuries but is acting like nothing happened (pt. 2)

    Hello! This is the sequel to chick buried alive by aggressive hen, not opening one eye. This chick's name is Frankie (I will call Frankie "he" throughout this thread but it's just easier than saying she/he every single time I mention him. I don't actually know his gender.) Frankie was hatched...
  16. talkinboutchickens

    Chick buried alive by aggressive hen, not opening one eye

    Hi! Yesterday I noticed that Phyllis, mom of 2, was being aggressive and violent towards Rose's 2 chicks (maybe she saw them as a threat????) Apparently later that day I couldn't find one of the chicks and initially thought it slipped out of the bottom of the run. But I covered all the spaces...
  17. talkinboutchickens


    Hello. Today I went outside to see that there were two chicks. One chick which is newly hatched has small tan bugs crawling on it's head. There's maybe 10 of the bugs. I tried to get some off it's head but they wouldn't really budge. I don't know how they got there. It is newly hatched and I...
  18. talkinboutchickens

    Come cheer on these broody hens!

    Hello! I currently have three broodies, a white rock named Rose, a black Australorp named Phyllis, and then a light brahma named Dottie. I just discovered that Dottie was broody the other day because she started making these screeching noises at the other chickens outside of the nesting box. I...
  19. talkinboutchickens

    A heat wave is coming in next week and I have 3 broodies!

    Hi! I currently have 3 broodies.... 1 black Australorp, Phyllis, who hatched chicks last year 1 white Plymouth rock, Rose, who also hatched chicks along with Phyllis (they co-parented) And a light brahma named Dottie who is brand new at this. A heat wave is coming to my area, it's going to be...
  20. talkinboutchickens

    Coccidiosis???? Or something else?? URGENT....Please help

    Please help!! This morning I checked on my 12 chicks and I realized that there was a few poops in their brooder that had some red in it. I'm suspecting it's blood. I'm not sure if it's coming from one chick, some, or all of the chicks, but their are several poops with blood in it. The whole poop...
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