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  1. Jojociita

    Quick hatch, bulging pink “outie” belly button- under 2 hours old

    Thank you for your kind words. Every hatch I’m on this forum panicking about something. I started all of this because my adhd thought it’d be cool to build an IoT incubator (basically a smart incubator with the heat source on a smart plug and a smart hygrometer inside so it regulates the heat...
  2. Jojociita

    Quick hatch, bulging pink “outie” belly button- under 2 hours old

    Sorry fo Sorry for the delayed response! Yes, her name is Button (lol a little on the nose for an herniated belly button but 🤷🏻‍♀️) and she is wonderful! A spunky little one. She wasn’t opening her eyes the first day and kind of slowly wobbling around but when I inspected her the next morning...
  3. Jojociita

    Quick hatch, bulging pink “outie” belly button- under 2 hours old

    Hey hey again BYC! Today is internal pip day, however, I walked into the incubator room because of a LOUD cheep and realized that an egg (that had no pips an hour early nor was it moving or making noise) was 75% zipped. Within another 10 minutes, she was out. She looked like she pipped LOW but...
  4. Jojociita

    For once, I’m not panicking over a hatch, but my little BCM jumped from my hands and fell 4 feet onto linoleum

    Quick backstory; I wanted to try and hatch chicks but can’t raise them, I have a coworker who has a flock, he brings my fertile eggs, I hatch them in a diy setup, I live on them for two weeks, then they go back with his flock. It’s a win win. Except he had a predator attack that killed many of...
  5. Jojociita

    3 Different Breeds, 100% inside, scratching their heads and wiping beaks on the mat

    I did a mite check to the best of my abilities. No other animals in the house(except my husband maybe 😝) and I do have a pothos plant I keep in the downstairs living room but it’s more free and I presume plant mites and chick mites wouldn’t overlap. I think they were just feathering as you...
  6. Jojociita

    3 Different Breeds, 100% inside, scratching their heads and wiping beaks on the mat

    I’m usually in crisis in the hatching forum, but here I am. I have a beautiful baby silkie (maybe 2 weeks) and two completely unknown 8 day old chicks. All very vocal and friendly (they like to charge my hand and vie for who gets to sit and sleep in it while my arm falls asleep. Regardless...
  7. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    Hah, I did about 18 l-20 hrs of adhd hyper focused research reading through studies, and you’re 100% right. Frogs and amphibians are one thing, but the situations in which a chick just ‘changes genders’? Nah. And of the recorded studies of this ‘phenomenon’ were chicks with hermaphroditism , not...
  8. Jojociita

    Help Please 🥲 External pip on day 18, 8 hours after she knocks some shell off, reveals a VERY yellow membrane- Help? 🥺

    Congrats!! It’s always a moment that I can’t quite describe. When a new baby makes it out and greets the world. Regardless of the future, that moment is beautiful and fills me with more elation and content than I can describe
  9. Jojociita

    Help Please 🥲 External pip on day 18, 8 hours after she knocks some shell off, reveals a VERY yellow membrane- Help? 🥺

    lol yes that’s what I put in my original post. She’s gone to her flock and is thriving, just a big baby. But definitely the first issue I’ve had where they pipped and it was already drying out. Humidity was fine so all I can think is it was the size ofc but that indicates the hen was much older...
  10. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    Look at that big baby!! Oh my goodness!!! I had a total of 3 hatch. One silkie, and two… I have no clue. All small eggs. The other two were a small medium brown(I swear it looks like a black copper maran lol but it’s def not) and a small cream(barely darker than the silkie egg and hatched out a...
  11. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    Listen, never say never. I hatched 2 of EIGHT Egglands Best eggs. I was curious. They’re not supposed to have Roos but at the stage of puberty some pullets can outright just become cockerels. They don’t swap back and forth like frogs.. kinda a one time thing.. and I have no idea HOW it works...
  12. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    We hit 28 hours with no progress just angry screeching, I went in and chipped a bit of shell, pre-moistened membrane with Bacitrin, set her back with a warm damp paper towel tented over her. Did this every 2 hours for roughly 10 hours, eventually she didn’t have much test to go but wouldn’t push...
  13. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    noooooo! I’d be so conflicted. I love my kitty but the little babies 😭 Mine is still peeping every once in a while. The bleeding / vein seems to have chilled out so I have half a mind to give her a bit of a jumpstart and move a tiny bit of shell. It’s already 79% humidity in here in preparation...
  14. Jojociita

    Question for people who incubate chicken eggs.

    Totally get that. From my limited experience, when working with DIY incubators all completely IoT, controlling humidity is a hair pulling nightmare. My first tries were way too high way too low, too much fluctuation.. it was a mess. I did do a dry hatch (dry incubation) on my current bator of...
  15. Jojociita

    I 💛 Silkies.. But Bless Their Hearts They’re Not Too Bright- Wrong End Pip Help

    Because I’m always here every Hatch Time, and after Oatmeal was the only hatch from my last clutch months ago, I’ve wholly reassessed and made changes. Still Not getting hatches even with ample circulation, temperature, humidity, AND separating the Silkies from Olive Eggers and BCMs into their...
  16. Jojociita

    Question for people who incubate chicken eggs.

    Thing of if you just sat your bare butt on a bunch of golf balls for 21 days with minimal movement excepts to eat drink and restroom.. it’d get kinda sweaty 🥴 the humidity game we play is to mimic (to the best of our ability) the environment under a momma hen. The eggs have to lose a certain...
  17. Jojociita

    External pip w/THICK membrane and no Peeping

    Guess who’s back, back again. Jojo’s back.. and needs help with hatching chickens~ lol ok SO! Rundown of set-up, timeline, and symptoms after the description off the issue. The egg in question is an Olive Egger (all my eggshells lightened this hatch like they were Sun bleached… and I don’t know...
  18. Jojociita

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    I’m still a chick when it comes to the art of hatching, but that’s brilliant. I’ve never read about anyone’s hen doing that, but it makes sense. I get eggs from my coworker, hatch in a diy (I’m on the 4th iteration lol) and after about a week, they go back to him since his hens never brood long...
  19. Jojociita

    Post all your baby chick pics here!!!

    Unfortunately I’m in rented townhome that backs up to the “dog park” (a very small fenced in area). We have a 3x5’ slab of concrete for our ‘patio’ so as much as I want to kee all the babies I hatch, my coworker has a beautiful little haven for his flock. I hunk they’re up to .. 8 coops? 4-8 in...
  20. Jojociita

    Post all your baby chick pics here!!!

    Any chance I can get to hate my floof babies. I hatch them, keep them a week or so, and then they go back to the coworker, who brought me the eggs in the first place, because he has a large flock and so much love for them. They struggle to have their broodys sit long enough to hatch. And I...
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