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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Second opossum trapped, smaller than the first.
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Deer Carcass

    My birds clean my goat bones once I'm done processing. They seem eager for the opportunity. If you look in old (1900s-1940s) recipes, you will find many calling for "meat scraps". That's actually a term of art, and not the first thing you picture, but it started with all the parts left over...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    are you able to think outside the box? Who has raised a cornish cross to maturity?

    The breeding program that created what we now call the Cornish Cross goes back many decades, and continues to this day. There are actually a number of different (but substantially similar) bird we call the Cornish Cross being sold under various trade names. The Cobb Vantress 500 is one...
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    trap ONE Will have to deal with him after work today. No time this AM. Then clean, reset, and move the trap. Knew I would get some of these. Was hoping they wouldn't be my first catch.
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Smart rats

    Yeah, my tree rats... Actually, I have tree rats too. But no convenient picture of them.
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Trap TWO, still empty.
  7. U_Stormcrow

    Smart rats

    Trap one
  8. U_Stormcrow

    are you able to think outside the box? Who has raised a cornish cross to maturity?

    Thank you for doing all the links @NatJ . and @ChickenCide if my posts didn't make clear, I would not try raising Cx to maturity again. The only lasting genetics I got out of it was the dominant white gene - which I am still trying to scrub from my flock. Fast growth, potential size, even...
  9. U_Stormcrow

    Fermented some feed, did i do it right?

    Yes, you are following the right steps. No, cayenne is not an effective anti-parasitic. Not that cayenne doesn't have anti-parasitic properties, simply that: 1) You don't know the concentration of the needed anti-paraitic compounds - most are lost during drying, processing, and storage (and...
  10. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Old fried chicken - Winn Dixie deli variety (their spice mix is "uninspired" to say the least) - as my next bait tonight. Thing I'm going to shred the rest and make green chili chicken enchilada with the rest. Or sour cream and tomatillo. Haven't decided yet.
  11. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    So... about $2,000 is the cheapest I can set up (what I consider to be) a minimially suitable run to cage the birds if I can't get the critters under control. And that isn't roofed. Just a roughly 25' x 65' area enclosed by a 6' chain link fence and an electric fence charger. I'm somewhere...
  12. U_Stormcrow

    Best Weight to Process Dual-Purpose Cockerels

    My Wyans didn't start laying till a full 7 mo+ - slow the whole way. For all that they were intened as an inprovement on the Brahma as a DP bird, I've got to say I'm unimpressed. Only good thing I can say about mine is that they are very predator aware.
  13. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Its rare that I find legislation that makes sense as a cohesive policy. Why whould this be any different?
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Live traps. The neighbors dogs are trained hunting dogs, and I am fond of my cat
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Traps set - one on either side of the pasture. Using sprats as bait - should be a strong enough odor to distract from my own (wore a fresth set of gloves to minimize human smell transfer as I assembled. Worried I may still end up with my cat in one of these, but otherwise... Fox, bobcat, or...
  16. U_Stormcrow

    Best Weight to Process Dual-Purpose Cockerels

    Cooking method is the determining factor, not weight. But yes, your math is right. If the growth is slowing markedly, take the bird now. If its still putting weight on at a good clip, and you don't need something close to supermarket tender, give it another two weeks and reconsider.
  17. U_Stormcrow

    Fermenting Feed

    Study here. Would like to see that in a larger study. Some of the results don't make sense, and may be an artifact of the nature of scratch & pck whole grain feed itself (as the study authors concede.) Its also...
  18. U_Stormcrow

    Best Weight to Process Dual-Purpose Cockerels

    Carcass weight is usually about 70-74% of live weight. . Meat yield is usually around 70% of that.
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    No trail cameras, and yes, I most definitely have a fox. In the opposite direction. Buying, and baiting, two traps...
  20. U_Stormcrow

    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    I've found some deer scat, and some hog signs, but nothing that resembles dog or cat droppings inside the electric. So, that's not a hard "no", its a "not a certain yes". Its certainly possible. Though we are high ground and not densely vegetated, there is plenty of swamp nearby. I did think...
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