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  1. SourRoses

    Silver Ameraucana

    Hmm, that sounds frustrating. The last time I had chickens mysteriously go off feed it was due to the feed going off very subtly. It's really wet here sometimes, between opening the bins to feed each day and keeping scoops dry... Well, when I got a fresh bag they all chowed down like they were...
  2. SourRoses

    Silver Ameraucana

    Ugh, that's a lot of boys! Which one looks best to you so far?
  3. SourRoses

    Soldier Fly Larvae illegal, raised on human waste?

    I'm not going to shoot you, lol. But I am going to ask (rhetorically), are you going to purposefully undercook chicken to strengthen your immune system? Your common sense won't let you, and there's a good reason why. There are many pathogens the body struggles to build immunity to. Like...
  4. SourRoses

    Soldier Fly Larvae illegal, raised on human waste?

    True, that's why I only buy spring water. Zephryhills Florida spring water is the best tasting on the market. Although Stormcrows post makes me worry, lol. This is interesting because I follow the Brevard lagoon restoration project on FB. They often talk about the septic tank issue, but one...
  5. SourRoses

    Soldier Fly Larvae illegal, raised on human waste?

    I admit, I was not reassured by post #13. They did not say that insects are not grown on human waste, but that: So, "treatment" and "inspections" is the answer we are supposed to accept as final, safe, and reassuring. Like a lot of people, I don't drink tap water. It's been treated, sure...
  6. SourRoses

    Soldier Fly Larvae illegal, raised on human waste?

    Their reasons are that they don't like reading, despite turning to a written platform for information and socializing. I don't think you do any walls of text (originally referring to lack of paragraphs). And you do have some talent for brevity. I, on the other hand, do not. My brain won't...
  7. SourRoses

    Silver Ameraucana

    @NagemTX did you see this post? Sorry if so, I just worried it might have gotten lost in the OT. That FB discussion did not go into red leakage, but the breeder did talk about how reluctant he was to cull for color in young Silvers. But since you're the one who first shared that group with...
  8. SourRoses

    How long are birds contagious after recovering from Fowl Pox?

    I agree with the scabs being indicative. We get it again in the youngsters every summer from the mosquitoes down here. Their behavior reverts to normal at the same time the scabs fall off which I think is a good sign the virus has run it's course. I clean the water buckets with bleach daily to...
  9. SourRoses

    What to Expect out of Hatchery Jersey Giants?

    Generalizing, I would expect them to grow much slower but still add a little. Based only on other breeds I've kept including English Orpington. Although slow growing, most of it is done by 6 months. Once the hens lay their first egg their skeleton is completely grown... but the muscling can...
  10. SourRoses

    Silver Ameraucana

    Hmm? I was replying to the OP regarding Silver Ameraucana selection. Regarding your post...
  11. SourRoses

    Silver Ameraucana

    Did you happen to see this post from a few days ago? There are some pics in the comments (and disagreement).
  12. SourRoses

    Things you wish you could say

    Wattles. WaTTles! WaTTles!
  13. SourRoses

    I banged my finger

    Ooh, that looks like it really hurts. Maybe even more than mine did last year: Fail... 8 Stiches But what I didn't know at the time, nor the Doc at the ER, my tendon was actually sliced with only a speck holding on. The remainder snapped a couple days later and I had to have surgery and months...
  14. SourRoses

    Best Supplier?

    I don't get supplies from any one place... I price shop and check out reviews before purchasing. TSC can be good but also overpriced, it depends on the item. Even wal mart tries to sneak in overpriced items. And there's a lot of junk chicken stuff out there that should never be purchased...
  15. SourRoses

    Marans Egg colour - breeding dark egg layers

    Welcome! I haven't had Marans... but from what I've heard, it's a two part issue: - Their eggs lighten as the laying season progresses, with the first eggs being the darkest. A really productive hen may wind up with very light ones. - Some lines (thus whole colors) have less dark egg genes...
  16. SourRoses

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Why? Do you have reason to think the guy is attractive? Or do you know if she has a family already?
  17. SourRoses

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Boeing. lol
  18. SourRoses

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yeah, we've picked tomatoes up at farmstands. But a lot of the varieties grown here are very plain in the flavor department. I once read a study that tested tomato genetics and found most varieties grown now are completely missing genes that contribute to flavor complexity that some much older...
  19. SourRoses

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yes, and at Publix too. I've always wished we could grow our own tomatoes, but between the bugs and the heat here in FL, we end up with big green plants and no fruit. I can at least partly agree with your hubs... it seems like every make-your-own sauce is big on the seasonings but mum on...
  20. SourRoses

    Granny's gone and done it again

    So true! Citric acid is my grocery nemesis, lol. I'm partly made out of spaghetti sauce, tried possibly every jar out there and making my own (even canned Sam Marzanos have citric acid added). It ruins the tomato flavor. I found this new one, Carbone, that not only doesn't have the acid but...
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