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  1. AusHen

    Ameraucana Color Variation?

    Blue something EE cockerel with red leakage
  2. AusHen

    Is this rooster an Araucana?

    His comb looks really strange, modified. That and lack of crest I wouldnt call him pure in the off chance he has something else in there, but he could just be a really poor quality bird. He will still make wonderful EE and hopefully OE offspring.
  3. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Had 11 chicks hatch from the last lot so I'm at 28? Chicks. Idk i have lost count of everything. Still one little lot left for the end of September then more eggs due in October :jumpy
  4. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Turns out I need to stop doubting olive eggs when I can't see into them very well, so far 5 have hatched. The white egg and Marans have also hatched. Third and last September batch is down to I think it was 5 eggs on day 10, rest were clear because mr rooster still doesn't fancy all the hens in...
  5. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    aww hello little ones!. I have used paper towels in a pinch many times. didn't even think of puppy pads this time but thankfully found a stash from our puppy when he was toilet training
  6. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    day 20 for my olive/rainbow batch! so far one OE is out, pipped eggs are 3 OE, 1 Cream Legbar, 1 Polish or cross of and a Marans cross
  7. AusHen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10 today. If the girls keep this up I'll have a stash for pickled eggs
  8. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Fingers crossed for a good candle! I moved my next lot into lockdown. doesnt look promising i didnt see movement in most if the OE, pulled a few out that have obviously quit and left the ones that look full.
  9. AusHen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    9 today.
  10. AusHen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11 today
  11. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Congrats on the bebe, welcome little one!
  12. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    6 chicks have hatched so far from the second batch. 3 blue golden cuckoo Marans (wasn't expecting all blue) the birchen Marans, one olive egger from a blue egg and one Welsummer. A few more pips in the Welsummer and the other blue but wrong end there
  13. AusHen

    Coco roo or hen?!

    Oh yeah, at 8 weeks that's definitely a little dude
  14. AusHen

    Coco roo or hen?!

    How old? It does look like a young cockerel
  15. AusHen

    What breed might thisbe?

    My first thought was black neck and lacing, surely a Barnevelder
  16. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    All 7 Silkies hatched. Batch 2 are in lockdown now
  17. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Good luck with your hatch! Muscovy are the best.
  18. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    Woke up to 4 babies and a 5th hatching. 6th egg has a pip. Loving this little guys colour
  19. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    3 Silkie eggs have pipped!!
  20. AusHen

    September 2024 hatch-a-long 🥳🥳

    I'll never understand why, but I did buy a power board for the TWO powerpoints mere meters away and pointed him to them saying "look you have extras now". Followed up with another 14 eggs in the incubators due on the 30th, that lot is a test batch so not sure how many will develop but they...
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