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  1. AusHen

    Araucana with feathered legs?

    Crossing Araucana with Marans for "olive eggers" is common, so that's a possibility
  2. AusHen

    Black copper Maran?

    It appears to have a pea comb, so I would say it's Marans cross "Ameraucana". I put that in brackets since they may not have a true Ameraucana, which would explain the lack of beard
  3. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    7 are inside under a brooder plate, 3 inside under a broody. With wing length it is hit or miss but I can sex the wheaten based off colour, then I use their siblings so compare. So I'm positive 4 are pullets and 2 are cockerels. The pair I posted show the difference in wheaten genders
  4. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I'm not 100% on all of them, but now they are feathering I can seperate the lighter wheaten pullets from the darker cockerels, the pullets are also feathering in twice as fast so I can group the others with what I think they are. These I have down as a pair, cockerel and pullet
  5. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Super happy with this hatch. 6 girls 4 boys (forgot to add the fourth boy in the pic) The girls The boys
  6. AusHen

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    When a hens ovary is damage or they suffer some form of hormone imbalance they dont turn into roosters, they remain hens. the lack of estrogen produced from a faulty/damaged reproductive system and imcrease of testosterone can cause them to crow, and in some cases grow larger combs, wattles and...
  7. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    All 7 incubator chicks hatched. Lots of wheaten based thanks to the speckled sussex used to introduce the mottling gene (Australian SS tend to be eWh).
  8. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I have 4 chicks out of 7 in the incubator. The chick that pipped wrong end and hit a vessel hatched (pictured resting) as did another sibling that pipped wrong end. My fault as this usually happens when I dont turn often enough. Two more have pipped on the correct end
  9. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    My girl Bella now has three chicks, one remaining egg I candled but didnt see movement. My incubator eggs have also started pipping although one is on the wrong end and I see blood.
  10. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Hatch day snuck up on me. I gave the chickens treats before bed and checked on my broody Bella and heard a chick chirping in a egg, now almost 5am here and she has a chick with another pipping. Nithing in the incubator but they are a day behind.
  11. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Loving all these chick picks. Today is day 12-13 for me. Out of the 8 eggs in the incubator 7 are going strong and all 4 under Bella and also growing well
  12. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I'm hand turning my incubator eggs so did another candle. 8 out of 8 are developing
  13. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I had a peek at my eggs, even though it's only been a few days. I could see 3 out of 4 under my broody hen have started, don't know why I candled the incubator already being a day behind but I could see 1 for sure developing and another 5 look promising
  14. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    My eggs arrived! My hen Bella has gone broody yet again and the air cells are amazing, so I'll be popping 4 under her since she's a bantam and the rest will go in the incubator
  15. AusHen

    off spring egg color predictions

    The cinnamon queens offspring will lay a shade of brown, darker than the mothers if the BCM rooster carries good genetics. If the Araucana are pure the offspring will lay a shade of green, shade depending on the roosters genetics. If not pure for the blue gene (two copies) you will also get...
  16. AusHen

    Will this cross produce a good egg laying Easter egger?

    ISA brown and most other red commercial hybrids are single copy dominant white, this means each chick has a 50% chance of hatching white regardless of gender. They should make good layers of green eggs if your Araucana rooster is pure and has two copies of the blue gene. Egg production may not...
  17. AusHen

    Black copper maran temperament , welsummer temperament

    I can't fault the hens of either breeds. One of my favourite hens of all times was one of my Welsummers and my Marans have all been curious and easy to handle. Both are good layers but the Marans are probably the best, laying longer per season. With the roosters the Marans have been my absolute...
  18. AusHen

    Looking for pics of Blue Laced Barnevelders

    This is my blue laced Barnevelder Cleo as a youngster and now at 5 years old.
  19. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I Wasn't going to hatch anything for a while but came across some project Brahma, speckled and mottled, now I have a dozen eggs on their way. My youngest son is also asking for me to hatch some quail, so I will most likely set a dozen or two of them
  20. AusHen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 today. Noticed some pullets colouring up in the face so hopefully some more new eggs
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