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  1. J

    One chicken keeps laying broken eggs

    It's 18 percent layers feed.
  2. J

    One chicken keeps laying broken eggs

    Thank you very much for the info. I lost a chicken a week ago and her breathing was laborious on and off for over a month. I wonder if she had the same thing. There's another chicken that seem to have been not laying for a long time. I'll keep an eye on her. I separated the bottom chicken as...
  3. J

    One chicken keeps laying broken eggs

    I started to see a broken egg quite often inside or outside the nesting box since a few weeks ago. It looked like one or more chickens kept kicking an egg out the nesting box too. I thought somebody was pecking an egg or kicking eggs and bedding around so hard that the eggs break. However, it...
  4. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    She died a few days ago. She seemed to have gotten better for a few weeks but she got slightly worse again. I thought it was gape worm again because she possibly spat some of the medicine I gave her the first time. I separated her again and she breathed better but then she died within a few...
  5. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    That's true. I need to know what I'll be dealing with with the rest of the flock. Thank you for your comment. I feel less worried. I just keep kicking myself for not doing enough for the one I just lost but I need to think about other ones, too.
  6. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    Thank you. So if one of your chickens died of respiratory illness, does that mean other chickens could have the virus or bacteria but they're healthy enough to not show the symptoms just for the moment? I feel like I now have a flock that's infected with something bad. I keep looking at them...
  7. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    Thank you. I just don't know what got her but she had bad rales a few times and just before she died. It made me suspect respiratory infection more than gape worms. Especially she didn't show much sign of gape worms as in "gaping" before she died. She was happily eating treats like fruits and...
  8. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    Thank you for the link. The former technician thought it was most likely gape worm hence the ivermectin. She didn't have any discharge so I didn't think it was respiratory infection. If one of my chickens gets sick again I'll just bring her to a vet next time. Too much guess work. It really...
  9. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    What do you do once one of your chickens died possibly from respiratory infection? One hen got started breathing heavily a couple of month ago with crackling sounds but she got better after I gave her ivermectin as a former technician at a vet office suggested. Then she started to breathe a...
  10. J

    Is Respiratory infection life long?

    Someone said respiratory infection for birds is lifelong and that they shed virus even after they get better. Is this true?
  11. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    I gave her Biomectin for worms and she seems better. No more loud breathing and her appetite improved. I'm still keeping an eye on her. Thank you.
  12. J

    Does she have gape worms or respiratory infection?

    She sneezed only occasionally yesterday like that in the video and other times she makes only a bit of wet sound when breathing. She doesn't have any fluid or mucus from her nostrils or beak. No bubbles or foam in the eyes either. Her crop feels pretty empty whenever I feel it for over a week...
  13. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    This evening she's sneezing and coughing in a weird way like in this video. Is it gape worm or respiratory infection? She hasn't been eating much.
  14. J

    Does she have gape worms or respiratory infection?

    My 2 year old hen has been not well for over a week and now coughing and sneezing in a weird fashion. She hasn't been eating much feed and only ate a bit of eggs, greens and fruits. She looked okay for the last few days but she looks worse this evening. Is it gape worms or respiratory infection...
  15. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    Thank you for all the explanation. She's doing better this morning, walking around a bit and going up the perch. Her breathing seems normal to me, too. But she hasn't eaten the moistened feed yet (7 am now) and her crop still feels empty since yesterday afternoon. She happily ate a tiny bit of...
  16. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    Thank you for your comment. I was suspecting water belly because of her gurgling sound, purple combs and wattles and her lower belly feeling quite full. My husband is worried if her egg is bound. I hope it's what you said and clear on its own by tomorrow. She's our favorite chicken. Especially...
  17. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    Her breathing is still a bit heavy and sounds wet.
  18. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    The crop feels empty. I'll see if she eats.
  19. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    We were massaging her crop and neck in case she choked on something. She was like that when not held, but she clamed down quite a bit.
  20. J

    Is my chicken choking now? Emergency! help please.

    We were massaging her crop and neck in case she choked on something. I don't see any mucus.
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