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  • Users: DonyaQuick
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  1. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    I just got a PLA filament printer and have started designing and making things I've wished I had for my chickens - specifically feeder-related things where I've found a distinct lack of simultaneous weather protection and compatibility with mature, standard-size roosters. I realize a lot of...
  2. DonyaQuick

    DE users: how often do you reapply outside?

    I have been using food grade DE for premesis parasite control in large outdoor spaces where things like permethrin and elector psp just don’t seem to work. I’m having difficulty finding the right criteria or timeline for reapplication outdoors though. I don’t want to waste it or make a dusty...
  3. DonyaQuick

    Liability with non-malicious trespassers in NY

    I hope this is the right part of the foram to ask about this...I'm trying to figure out what sinage and/or other reasonable precautions to take if trespassing of the mostly ignorant variety becomes a more frequent occurrence on my property, since I have both a livestock guardian dog and roosters...
  4. DonyaQuick

    Traction/grip tape can cause bumblefoot

    Right to the point as in the title: I've learned the hard way that traction/grip tape can cause serious bumblefoot eventually. The problematic part of the tape is a clear plastic layer that, in at least the brands I used, becomes brittle when cold and likes to curl when the black coating is worn...
  5. DonyaQuick

    Wondering whether to separate hen from chicks

    I gave a broody hen some chicks about 4.5 weeks ago and she has mothered them well. However, she's rapidly un-broodying: the molt, the comb is almost fully back up, increasingly making regular hen noises, sharing food less, and as of today no longer doing the broody feather puff at other...
  6. DonyaQuick

    Giant cochin chicks - slow/fast feathering?

    These partridge giant cochin chicks are 2 weeks old today with two phenotypes I've labeled in the photo. The "A" chicks have big wings and a good tail coming in. The "B" chicks have very stubby wings and no sign at all of tail feathers coming in, not even pin feathers - still just fuzz on those...
  7. DonyaQuick

    Avoiding Future Gut Impaction

    I have a hen that is currently recovering from a very bad gut impaction. This was NOT a crop impaction, which is the main thing that there's a lot of info for online - really not easy to find info on gizzard or intestinal impactions for birds by comparison. My hen's impaction definitely started...
  8. DonyaQuick

    Tools to (lightly) trim rooster spurs

    What is the best tool to quickly/efficiently and also safely take of small amounts from the end of the spur, such as 1/4in or a bit more? I have nail trimmers for my 80lb dog, but her nails seem softer than the spurs and I'm worried the timmers might crack the spur. Normally I trust...
  9. DonyaQuick

    Nest box curtain material

    I need to add curtains to at least a one of my wooden nest boxes pretty quickly since I have two pullets who are becoming increasingly fixated on wanting to get into very dark nooks rather than going into my mostly-open-front nest boxes. 7 hens and 5 other pullets are happy with my nest box...
  10. DonyaQuick

    A northern fowl mite who-dun-it

    I have a rooster that recently got northern fowl mites; I am rigorous with physical inspections including butt inspections every 1-2 days on all my birds, so I caught it probably as fast as was reasonably possible and am treating aggressively with permethrin, and it hasn't spread to other birds...
  11. DonyaQuick

    Things my roosters bring me

    I have raised three roos so far, and I've maintained a very friendly relationship with all of them. When I let my flocks out to forage, my roos sometimes bring me stuff and tidbit with it to get my attention - but they don't bring me food like they do for the hens; it's other stuff they find...
  12. DonyaQuick

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    I am going to need to get some new pullets soon to better balance out my flock. Ideally I want to minimize risk of losing birds to chronic/terminal reproductive issues but most likely will have to get feed store hatchery pullets. For folks who have gotten loads of hatchery birds, are there some...
  13. DonyaQuick

    Bizarrely aggressive garter snake

    I have a large garter snake that has taken up residence under my house's front step. I have tried to deter it via cayenne pepper around gaps, which only works until it rains, then it's back. It's getting more and more aggressive and today darted out and started attacking my boot - wouldn't leave...
  14. DonyaQuick

    LGDs/other guard dogs and house guests

    For those who have LGDs or other guard dogs protecting some combination of your home, land, and other animals...what is your setup and protocol if you have guests staying with you? How do you explain how to interact with the dog to guests, and what do you do if they don't follow the protocol...
  15. DonyaQuick

    Broody behavior post-hatch, nature vs nurture

    If a hen was raised by a broody mom and goes broody herself, is she more likely to mother the chicks well than if she was in a brooder? Or is much of the mothering behavior post-hatch just down to genetics again? My first round of chickens were all feed store pullets raised by me; two went...
  16. DonyaQuick

    Converting an Old Shed

    I'm converting an old shed on my property that used to be a coop back into one. In some respects it looks pretty horrible and at times I've wondered whether it was worth it, but actually most of the wood seems in good shape still. I thought I would start a thread both to get ideas on some...
  17. DonyaQuick

    Wood chip drying questions

    I'm getting a chipper soon and have a bunch of larger wood chunks that have been drying for months - some of them around a year. I've read that wood chips need to be dried for a bit before becoming run bedding. However, if the wood has already sat for a long time like it would to become...
  18. DonyaQuick

    The hen saddle that created an invisible monster

    I feel I should share my recent hen saddle fiasco, which is now resolved, but while it was ongoing it was just bizarre chaos. I have a modest sized flock that includes a hen called Buddy. Buddy got what looked like tree sap in her back feathers a while back (I still have no idea how) and...
  19. DonyaQuick

    What color is this cockerel?

    This is Vanilla Bean; he's a giant cochin cross (don't know for sure what the other half is). His father was a giant cochin with a reddish color (kind of like the RIR color - is that just called "red"?). All I really know about mom is that she was a brown egg layer. I'm trying to figure out...
  20. DonyaQuick

    Cockerel being weird about cracked corn

    I have a roughly 5-month-old cockerel called Junior who is exhibiting a weird food-related behavior and I'm trying to figure out if it's just part of "that hormonal phase" and will pass, or if there could be an actual nutrition issue that I need to address. I have 10 chickens of various ages and...
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