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  • Users: z3lda3
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  1. z3lda3

    Another Rooster question, bantam cockerel dominating pullets.

    Hi, first year chicken owner, and I have a flock of mixed aged chickens, From 2 weeks to 15 weeks. I’ve separated them into 3 mini flocks based on age. The last 2/3 weeks I’ve slowly been integrating everybody. Things have been going well, every once in a while one of my big girls will side eye...
  2. z3lda3

    Question for Rooster ppl, rooster taking cues from other rooster?

    Hi, I’ve posted before about roosters being awesome, and I stand by that. Long story less long.. there’s a rooster about a mile-ish from me who would crow and my girls (before I had a rooster) would come out their coop, he’d scream over a hawk and girls would run. He’s totally awesome. Anyway my...
  3. z3lda3

    Duster vs Chicken

    My chickens give me so much entertainment lol.
  4. z3lda3

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    I hope this is the right forum. I’ve been clearing some weeds from my yard, poison ivy. I totally forgot the “leaves of three leave it be”. My girls were with me. Even though I had on gloves and THOUGHT I took precautions (from spiders, they creep me out) I’ve got neck to toe poison ivy rash...
  5. z3lda3

    Sigh.. two separate flocks? Gomes the rotten rooster!

    Why can’t everyone just get along?? I’ve got 4 12 week hens, they’re great, eating, roosting and well more eating. 2 legbars sweet little timid things about 7 weeks old, 2 bantams 8/9 weeks old, and 2 babies about 3/4 weeks old. Everyone gets along fine (I watch my bigger hens of course, just...
  6. z3lda3

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Hi! So I’ve got what I THOUGHT was an old shed on my property. Trees and brush had taken over, and once my husband cleared the area, turns out it’s an old chicken coop. It’s huge, at least for us. I’d guess, 9’ tall, 20’ long and 15’ deep. Or bigger. The inside in divided in two by a barn door...
  7. z3lda3

    Can someone math for me?

    Hi So I’ve got 4 pullets in a run, 2 chicks in a brooder, and 4 in another bigger “brooder”. I’m going to be putting all of them in a chicken “yard”. So 10 chickens total, although 2 are bantams. My enclosed yard is 36’ long and about 20’ wide. Is that comfortable for 9.5 chickens? Not what...
  8. z3lda3

    A brazen hawk and a hungry black snake

    Hi, I put my pullets out in their coop/run full time a week ago. I have PLENTY of predators out here in the sticks. I let the girls free range everyday, and only when my husband or myself are out there with them. We’ve had a hawk around here for years. All last year he would perch on our...
  9. z3lda3

    My rock n roller tipped forward?!

    Hi, day 18/19 incubation. All was perfect at lockdown. Perfect sized air cell, beak pointed directly at it and movement. I placed the eggs completely flat. And one egg was rock n rolling all day. Checking on my eggs I noticed the rocker has tipped forward/backward. Pointy end down, fatter end...
  10. z3lda3

    Can I start a controversial topic(probable) and most likely play devils advocate?

    I hope this is the right forum for this. I’ve been reading a lot about ppl getting chickens or ducks and asking about how to deal with their neighbors. And a lot of the comments and reply’s are “well ask your neighbors how’d they’d feel about you getting chickens”. Um.. I’m sorry what?? I’m not...
  11. z3lda3

    Scratch, crops and snacks

    Hi! I’ve got a couple questions. My girls are 7-8 weeks old. Their main food source is still chick starter feed. I’ve read about “treats” to give chickens but my girls do not like them. Meal worms: No Tomatoes: No strawberries: No, pumpkin, cucumber, bread no no no. They love cooked green beans...
  12. z3lda3

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Hi, first time chicken owner, I’ve got 4 red sex link pullets, and 4 chicks. Is there a chicken breed underground that I’m unaware of? Like the Free Masons of chickens?? Before I decided to get chickens, I read EVERYTHING I could about them. And yall chicken ppl blow my mind with ALL the...
  13. z3lda3

    Roosters are awesome

    Hi, I live in the country and about a 1/2-1 mile away from a neighbor who apparently has a rooster. I’ve heard him crow everyday for weeks. (I love a roosters crow so fine by me). Anyway, I put my RSL pullets outside full time about 5-6 days ago. And they loved the coop but were scared to go...
  14. z3lda3

    Rooster (maybe) question..

    Hi, I’ve got 2 bantam frizzle something’s and 2 legbars. The bantams are 4 weeks+ old and the legbars are pushing 3 weeks. They’re all about the same size, and share a brooder. I HIGHLY suspect Gomez, my frizzle with the red comb is a rooster. He’s more aggressive than the rest. But I slightly...
  15. z3lda3

    First time incubating, movement!

    Hi, first time incubator, I’ve got 6 eggs in the incubator. I got them from my neighbor who has wonderfully healthy chickens. Easter eggers, Rhode Island reds, and Black Marans. Anyway, today is the 6th day of incubation and I candled the eggs. (I candled right before I put them in the incubator...
  16. z3lda3

    Y’all remember when I asked if I should get a rooster?

    This biddy y’all! I’ve got 4, 6 week old RSLs and 2 bantams, the bantams are 2 weeks old. Gomez (the slightly bigger bantam) has a chicken comb that’s twice the size of Morticias and very red. His disposition is different kind of assertive not mean just..assertive. I was thinking rooster but who...
  17. z3lda3

    Where are these guys supposed to go?

    Hi! I couldn’t find a 1-800 number for my chicken addiction so I bought these 2 yesterday. Supposedly cream legbars- doesn’t matter to me they’re adorable. They’re about a week old, and I’ve got them in the brooder with my 2 week old bantam frizzle something’s. Right now all 4 are about the same...
  18. z3lda3

    Am I making a mistake?? What is happening?

    Hi! I’ve got 4, 5 week old RSLs. They’ve been and still are in my LIVING ROOM. They’ve been in a brooder, and I took the heat lamp out a couple days ago. They’re about 75% feathered. And it’s 76 degrees in here. For the past 2 nights when I turn the out the light (we still have a dim lamp on)...
  19. z3lda3

    Red sex links..right?

    4 red sex links, 4 weeks old. I bought them when they were about 5 days old. (They’re loosing their fluff and growing feathers so pardon the bed head look.) They were said to be red sex links, but pictures I look at online look different than mine. Are mine girls something different or does it...
  20. z3lda3

    Bantam Frizzled what?

    Just got these two cotton balls from a hatchery, in a bin Assorted bantam frizzles. They’re so tiny. Gomez all yellow, Morticia has some grey tint. They both have fuzzy legs and feet. Any thoughts or are they just too tiny to tell yet?
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