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  1. SuperMurshy

    Silkie with wry neck

    Hello! A friend of mine has a silkie with terrible wry neck. It presented itself early on as a chick, they have tried many things to help the poor chick. They've done the vitamins and nutrients route, which worked for a bit and then wry neck came back. They tried stronger meds and changed the...
  2. SuperMurshy

    Little roo or pullet?

    My gut has been saying pullet all along so we'll see!!
  3. SuperMurshy

    Little roo or pullet?

    My roo is a Copper Maran/Crested Cream Legbar mix and then I have several hens of mixes so I'm not sure which egg it came from! A broody hatched it out and usually my chicks end up barred so this one is special!
  4. SuperMurshy

    Little roo or pullet?

    Approx 3 months old! Mix of my own chickens, first one to look like this. Roo or hen?
  5. SuperMurshy

    Would you agree all 3 roos?

    Here is a close up of the 2nd chicken
  6. SuperMurshy

    Would you agree all 3 roos?

    What makes you say that?
  7. SuperMurshy

    Would you agree all 3 roos?

    They are around 3 months old, Olive / Easter eggers!
  8. SuperMurshy

    Is this a Crested Cream Legbar?

    She looks a lot like some of my olive Eggers
  9. SuperMurshy

    Saddle feathers ?

    Comb has been quite red from early on
  10. SuperMurshy

    Saddle feathers ?

    4 months old,I've been so back and forth on this one!
  11. SuperMurshy

    Saddle feathers ?

    Are these saddle feathers ?
  12. SuperMurshy


    I have been so back and forth on the white one! It's comb was quite red by 2 months old but still not crowing
  13. SuperMurshy


    The first white one is 4 months old. Second guy is 2.5 months old around there. Are they Roosters?
  14. SuperMurshy

    Are these two roosters?

    Picture of them together recently
  15. SuperMurshy

    Are these two roosters?

    No squatting! They're usually pretty busy free ranging on my large property
  16. SuperMurshy

    Are these two roosters?

    Haven't heard ant crowing yet. they go "head to head" sometimes. even at 2 months old they seemed pretty red! I was about to give them away! This is them a month ago:
  17. SuperMurshy

    Are these two roosters?

    Are these both Roosters? 4 months old
  18. SuperMurshy

    This is a roo right?

    What do you all think of this one ??
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