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  1. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    It is pretty, though.
  2. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I can't tear it out, it's all over the woods next door. Wisteria is horrifically invasive here. These are wisteria roots/vines that I chopped out of the ground, by hand. I used long-handled pruners. Yes, that's wisteria. That vine was over an inch in diameter. I used a reciprocating saw to...
  3. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    A little. I'd like to be able to have a couple small goats, because I like goats...and they could eat some of the greenery constantly encroaching on the property. And maybe I could get a little milk. A four foot chain link fence is not going to contain them, but it's a start. Oh, and once I...
  4. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    That is a gorgeous bird!
  5. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I think we'll go with second tree guy. He's not only going to remove three trees, but remove or grind all stumps, and clear all the vines and brambles on the other side of the fence. Current views, starting from the far southwest corner: Tree on right covered with wisteria doesn't need to come...
  6. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    What breed is Rachel? Her feathers are striking!
  7. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Silas, from the May 24th hatch. He's very handsome but way off of Standard. I would not use him to breed. So far he's not pushing Zacchaeus, much. Zack continues to develop into a Good Roo. And his plumage is much closer to Standard than Silas'. If nothing changes by Spring I will probably...
  8. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Poor babies. :eek: I'll remember that about letting them sleep in the nesting box. Martha's been trying to sleep in there at night, and I thought she might be going broody.
  9. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    BYC has been wonky this morning. I was able to delete a duplicate post, though. Pretty shield bug, are you sure it's a stink bug?
  10. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I entered Abigail in the Worst Molt contest!
  11. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Thank you. I am encouraged by Zack's behavior. He may not meet the Speckled Sussex Standard, but he's still a Pretty Boy.
  12. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Tell us how you catch them! And I have to ask, what is a GF? That breed abbreviation is escaping me.
  13. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Let's see your Abigail, could you post a photo? That should be a POW winner, I'd vote for it. She looks a bit like an EE with the fluffy face. Oh my, that is too funny! Someone should start a molting thread...
  14. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Thanks. I can't help but worry, she's my first experience with a hard molt.
  15. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Abigail's molt :eek: She's active, chasing after the crickets, and also she gobbled down a couple collard leaves by herself. I can't see anything wrong, but just looking at her makes me cringe! :oops:
  16. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Zacchaeus (5 months old) Joanna (17 weeks old)
  17. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Some of my flock will eat stink bugs, some decline. But they LOVE crickets, lots of protein! I'm not using the initial rain runoff as I can see it has the shingle granules in it. I'm going to drain and rinse out the barrels before starting the storage process.
  18. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    When I go in the coop at night the straw litter on the floor is covered with crickets and brown roaches (aka water bugs). They hide underneath the feeders during the day, but the chickens have learned that little fact. They surround me when I reach for the feeder bucket, bwahaha!
  19. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    A couple weeks ago we had a new roof put on our house, including a gutter across the back. The downspouts were supposed to be installed at the same time but only one was in stock, so the north side just has a hole in the gutter while we wait for the second one. I placed one of my rain barrels...
  20. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I came home from work feeling totally exhausted. But I dutifully headed out to the hoop coop to check on my chicks. Abigail appears to be totally miserable in her hard molt. She showed no interest in corn on the cob or shredded cheese. But when I moved the feeder and a wave of crickets came out...
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