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  1. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Ok thanks! I'll go with the one without spikes and hope for the best. I love the orange patridge colouring so not really concerned if it's an acceptable colour, just don't want the red comb or single combs at this point. I'm also going to breed him with Araucana hens when they grow up. Any...
  2. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thoughts on a new boy... Which one looks more pure? Combs?- the one in the front looks more spiky shape?
  3. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Ok, I never had any single combs with previous rooster. So this boy must be a carrier and at least 1 hen. I won't know if a new rooster is carrying untill I breed him 😕 I don't want to get rid of my hens
  4. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    ..Single comb comes from both parents doesn't it? So it wouldn't be just my rooster? None of my Silkies have single combs but it just pops up in over half of all chicks since having this rooster
  5. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I wish I had silkies like yours Hinotori 😍 I've got a nice rooster I've had for a while now but I keep getting mostly single comb offspring so I'm guessing it's from him! 😞 I'll have to try and find another boy to replace him. I might buy some eggs to hatch a new boy into the flock if I can...
  6. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Hi guys! My lovely Silkie girl Jaffa just hatched shipped Araucana eggs. 6 were under, 4 are out and about, 1 didn't hatch and other chick died after hatch for some reason. Hopefully will be at least 1 hen to cross with my silkie boy 😃.. looks like different coloured variety 🤔 it's cold here...
  7. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Mmm not as easy as I thought 😄 I might have to settle with blue egg layer Araucanas
  8. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Hi all! I'm looking at getting blue egg laying silkie cross Araucana eggs, hatch them, then cross back a hen to silkie rooster, would they still lay blue eggs but have more silkie fluffy feathering?
  9. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I have 4 broodies currently, I bought a dozen Double Laced gold barnevelder eggs for them to hatch 🐣 I haven't had other breeds before but hopefully they'll grow up and all get along. I don't plan to keep Barnie boys. I'm wondering what a Barnie cross Silkie would be like 🤔
  10. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    A boy ☺️ ..I have 3 girls too
  11. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Hi everyone, it's been a very long time since I popped onto byc! I've had a baby so not much time for anything lately ☺️ I've reduced back my flock to 15 chickens now for a more manageable number, still having a few go broody even though it's winter here, so many eggs too! It's like they don't...
  12. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    This one really has got me guessing! ..updated pics... That tail 🤔 hardly any wattles and smallish comb still.. feet aren't thick.. but crest 🤔 .. what do you guys think?
  13. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thinking boy?? What do you all think? Bearded so small wattles 🤔 comb not huge, yet
  14. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So does this mean 50/50 offspring will be clean faced also?
  15. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    My rooster Popcorn is not bearded is he? So doesn't produce the full fluffy crested babies but instead clean face / non bearded? .. I'm so silly I sold my beautiful fluffy cockerel Pumpkin 😩 surely he would have produced better fluffy crested bearded offspring 🤔 Popcorn.. ..Pumpkin ...
  16. ForTheLoveOfSilkies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    All my flock is in together, old and young. Queen Chickaletta is 12 years old and he still grabs her even though she has always been queen and respected by all the chickens, he has no respect for her 😞 she's too old for stress! Biscuit does chase off Popcorn, so most hens stick close to him to...
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