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  1. MMelton67

    Question for you all! Egg with bubbles when candled.

    going to add to this thread instead of starting a new one since what I'm seeing is the same. Multiple air bubbles that will move around the egg as I rotate it in the candler. Like the membrane hasn't formed? These pics are from today, and this is the 3rd. I've eaten the other two and besides a...
  2. MMelton67

    Most likely predator for this guinea kill?

    We have some 19 week old guinea's we just let loose from the coop they've been in for 3 months. There are only 4 of them, 3 now. Last night was the 3rd night they've been out and for some reason they seem to be nesting on the ground instead of returning to the coop or finding an aerial spot, of...
  3. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    Over the last week they have been forming nests inside the hutch. I've added a bit more straw everyday to make sure they had enough. The ganders have been increasingly aggressive to the point of leaving bruises with their nips. Today, we were rewarded with the first two goose eggs. I did procure...
  4. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    IKR? That thread is the one that popped up top of my google searches multiple times. As it came from here, I just bookmarked it and since it was similar to the Storey's chart went with it.
  5. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    Thank you all. After starting this journey last year, I was confounded by all the contradictory data/recommendations for chickens, geese and poultry in general (including responses to some of my questions here in other threads about chickens that varied wildly) and gave up on internet searching...
  6. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    ok, but, Google searches aside...which, c'mon; your recent searches dictate your subsequent results...the data I present is from a 'live' post here (in that the mods haven't taken it down) and one of the most well regarded series of books about all things 'farming'. I'm not trying to be...
  7. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    @Jenbirdee so far, the sources I have, including an approved post here on this forum don't come close to that. I would love to see a source for the 8' rule, please. I'm all for trying to do the right thing but I haven't run across that number yet. Thank you. ftr, my geese are not 'locked' into...
  8. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    right on. still not sure what we'll do with the goose eggs beyond self-indulgence. They were honestly a bit of an impulse. I like them though was disappointed they wanted to kill the chickens as we tried to create a single mixed flock. We did go through a month of habituation through...
  9. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    @Jenbirdee Hi and thanks for the reply. Not a typo. I got the 3 foot number from this thread on this forum and, fwiw, Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry has a chart on page 23...
  10. MMelton67

    Questions regarding preparing for geese to lay for the first time.

    I have 4 Pilgrim (crosses I think, both males are starting to grow double humped knobs at the top of their beaks and according to Holderead's pamphlet on the breed this means crossbreeding has happened) that are now 9 months old. Somehow I had been under the impression they would lay till late...
  11. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    Right on. I have some very minor experience with fiberglass repair (pool and hot tub mechanic for 16 years) ...enough that I'll stay away from it unless I 'need' to. lol.
  12. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    what latitude are you? in regards to freezing temps and the water that would be in the pipe from the drain to the ball valve? I'm in southern Indiana and while the winter was overall warm, we did have a week of 0 to minus 3 at night. I completely drained the tank and they did w/o during that...
  13. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    re: space. They are in a space about 35'x45' (150 linear feet of mesh electric fencing.) I'm going to add another section of fencing this summer when I go to shift their location around the field which I aim to do quarterly or so. I've kept the silver sheep tank but 'lifted' the bottom by 2"...
  14. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    the current iteration of baby pools on the market are way too expensive juxtaposed to their ephemeral nature...fancy way of saying that $25 bucks for 5 cents of plastic that punctures easily has been tried once and won't happen again. I'll spend $18 dollars for the large size black mixing tray...
  15. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    that's the direction I think I'm heading. I had already planned to just remove eggs as they appeared...still not thinking I would see any till next spring. I recently modified their main hutch by hinging the roof for easy access to cleaning and checking for eggs. In general, they are not...
  16. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    interesting in that at the same time all these other shennanigans have been happening I had noticed a decided increase in water loss from the water bucket...and then observed a female trying to bathe it it...which prompted me to add the second, bigger pond.
  17. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    of course not. they have the larger size flat back bucket as their drinking water, refreshed at least twice a day most days...they muck it up quick. the stock tanks were for their entertainment. we started with a blue kiddie pool but the poked a hole in it quick. I built a wood 'log cabin' to...
  18. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    So far, none of these geese have been aggressive to either of us. I was around them every day since we got them at 8 weeks'ish. My wife dubbed me the 'Goose Father' (in a nod to Terry Pratchett) as when they were young and in their 8x16 pen at night and 5x10 tractor during the day, I...
  19. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    @Miss Lydia Hi, I just want to make sure I understand what you said. IF I try to rehome, rehome the sub gander and leave the dominant one with the girls? Thanks. Right now, I think I'm going to try going with a shallower pond and see if they will work it out w/o killing each other. I am on...
  20. MMelton67

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    Thanks for everyone's input. I've had two main thoughts: 1 - get rid of the water. The deep water at least and give them some shallow pools instead. So they don't have the added 'sexual aid' of the deeper water to float in. 2 - an Easter Goose dinner. and, after reading the latest posts...
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