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  1. S

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Had. She passed away several years ago, after not speaking to us for 12? 15? years. She never forgave us for -- gasp!! -- BUYING a puppy from a breeder. Never mind it was a responsible breeder, not a puppy mill; a breed we loved (Doberman), and a considered, thought out decision. She never...
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Good to know. There was a Detroit Tiger baseball player (Prince Fielder) who looked like a possum when he ran down the line to first base. When we see a possum running down the road, we say, "Run, Prince, run!" Why do the run down the road? Or across? Safety is to the side, critters, the...
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Far enough away that they can't find their way back? I've read 10 miles is the minimum distance. :idunno Neighbor got 2 raccoons last night in the tree by their garden. I got a text at 10:38 to let us know that's why there were gunshots nearby. I'm STILL having issues with squirrels. It has to...
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    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Sadly, my mother-in-law never learned this. Sometimes people are in your life to show how NOT to live.
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    In happier news, we got a bit of rain. Probably under 1/4" but I'm glad for any we get right now.
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    Speaking of chard... The garden gods, aka squirrels, are deciding that I'm not going to get any this year, I think. I planted some in the garden. They ate it down to a nub. Same with my bush beans. I replanted. Ditto. I planted some in pots and brought them up to the house. 3 of 8 were dug up...
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    Buy some stuff at the farmer's market or in the produce area of your grocery store. Something that will grow in your area, something that you'd grow if you like it. That way, you can find out if you do like it without having to spend the time, space, and energy in the garden, only to find out...
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    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Last night we had some rain. I think it wasn't much but enough that I don't have to water stuff today. It's still really hot; I have been taking extra water out to the run to pour onto the favorite dust bath spots to make them cooler. I haven't gotten any Wild Water pictures, but yesterday, I...
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    Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

    I'm having coffee, breakfast to come soon. Otherwise: Workout bottle a batch o' booch weed something NOT water because we got (some) rain!!! :clap
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    @akroberts1085, here are some things to consider. 1. Grow what will grow in your climate. 2. Grow stuff you like to eat. 3. Grow stuff that you can/have the time to/want to care for 4. Try one or two new things every year. What are you growing now? I'm trying to grow more greens. I've...
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    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    To help the ladies cool off, I've been dumping water out in their favorite dust bath spots. The dampish dirt is cooler.
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I sweated a lot today. It's hard to wipe your face when you have a bug net over your face. I forgot it was there a couple times.
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    06/29/2024 - Lansing, Michigan Chickenstock

    I'll be there! With GF chocolate cake.
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    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I'm 62. How did that happen? :gig One day at a time... a long time.
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    The great 2024 wicking bucket/pot experiments

    How to convince weeds to "stay in their run...?" Just think! If we could "train" weeds to stay out of the garden, to respect the fence....!
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    Coffee Club

    Congratulations on your lovely wedding!
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    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    When Widget goes broody, I set up a broody breaker crate. It's a small dog crate up on 2x4s so that she gets air circulation underneath her belly. She has food, water, and a 2x4 to stand on. It usually takes 2-3 days for her to "get over it."
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    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Does anyone here make their own tortilla chips? Hubby read about making them out of corn tortillas. I bought some and he tried making them by cutting each round into wedges, brushing with olive oil, salting them, and baking at 350. 10 minutes was too short, and 15 too long. Ok, so try 12...
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    The Old Folks Home

    The sun came out later in the afternoon yesterday. I guess Mother Nature felt badly about not giving us any rain, so she kept the clouds around to tease us to keep it a bit cooler.
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    Do plants have brains? How are they programmed?

    A fascinating book: How Plants Work, The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do by Linda Chalker-Scott
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