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  1. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    My dad taught me that too. Spent a lot of time straightening and using bent nails.... When I was cleaning their basement I found a few half kegs of brand new but rusted out nails from the 50s when the house was built. I felt pretty silly for all those nails I could have used instead of smashing...
  2. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Seen this and thought of this thread . A jig to hold the end when ripping plywood.
  3. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Town is a couple miles away. Lots easier to pick up 3 truck loads of bagged leaves than raking 50 bags lol. I have mainly black walnut trees on this side of the creek so not good for gardens. A section of bottom land this side of the creek is near cottonwood and I bag that wet grass and leaves...
  4. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I go around in the fall and pickup bags of leaves in town. The bags of mulched leaves hold more and go farther and don't blow away as easily. Just have to look out for unwanted sticks and junk.
  5. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Well worth the money for this alone
  6. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    😂 There's no such thing as a 30 minute job, takes that long to find the tools and parts I have kale that overwinters at 10f without snow protection. -15 with. This spring was the first time a Chard was still alive. Mild winter and then it was buried in snow for the few cold days. Usually it...
  7. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Yeppers I was a kid when they paved the road I live on. One lane and Gravel in front of the houses and through the woods it was dirt. Had to keep the windows closed. Now they are surveying to make turn lanes.
  8. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    This used to be common along with spraying gravel roads with used oil. Until they found heavy metal and toxic impurities. Health issues take years to show up... similar to living in an area with air pollution, it takes a while
  9. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I put a cage made from field fence in a circle on either side of a t post. I go through the top of the fence over the post
  10. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    And this is why subsistence farmers eliminated the munchers and predators.
  11. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I usually start taking suckers off at first and then forget. The volunteer laying on the ground that I didn't touch or water had the first ripe cherry type tomatoes. I still haven't gotten any ripe from the cherry or celebrity plants I bought
  12. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Great idea 💡 Looks good too 👍
  13. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I upped the protein and the egg eating stopped.... unless an egg gets broken. 20% all flock and oyster shells on the side.
  14. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Just goes to show anyone can make mistakes. Good cautionary tale to share. I only have 2 of each : rifle, shotgun and pistol. I don't hunt much anymore and use a 22 LR pistol to dispatch trapped predators. Since I got covid brain I have been extremely cautious about using and cleaning my pistol.
  15. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Okay we all want to hear about the gunshot wound :pop
  16. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I see the beginning of a beautiful coop 😜
  17. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I haven't eaten squirrels since I was young, but I thought they were good. Meps used to come around and buy squirrel tails, cockerels hackles and something else I can't remember.... for fishing lures. 50 cents a tail for fox squirrel. My mother had said Campbell's soup used to buy spent hens.
  18. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!
  19. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I have used staples to put up winter plastic. I also have found staples in the gizzard when cleaning cockerels. Hardware disease is problems from the chickens eating metal.
  20. Molpet

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Does it have to hold weight or just keep it from shifting? They make clips for the siding
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