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  1. Debbie292d

    3 And Half Year Old Silkie Hen Having Digestive Problems

    Since it's going down on its own, it's not impacted or at least not impacted badly. It doesn't smell so probably not sour crop. She's probably hungry so I'd let her eat but make sure she drinks a lot too. I still think probiotics could help as well.
  2. Debbie292d

    3 And Half Year Old Silkie Hen Having Digestive Problems

    Have you noticed any smell from her beak? Like a sour smell, or yeasty smell?
  3. Debbie292d

    Bumblefoot: is surgery the only way? The vet said it's not necessary.

    Maybe someone knows the equivalent of products we use for bumblefoot, but sometimes just using a drawing cream, we call PRID, might be what the vet gave you. This article explains how to get the scab off and core out with a tweezers. It will bleed and when you're done, you'll need to put some...
  4. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'd like to, but hubby has a gig at Outlaw Farms in Fall Creek, WI. The guy shows his silkies nationally, so I enjoy learning from him.
  5. Debbie292d

    HELP Please - a wild female Chukar has integrated with our flock of hens/bantam roosters but have a question

    She's a wild bird, so you can't do anything to confine her or that could be breaking federal law. If she wants to go in the coop of her own accord and you're okay with that, then I'm not seeing the harm. I think the worry of her possibly carrying diseases, lice, or mites is far gone by now...
  6. Debbie292d

    BYC mini question of the day series question idea suggestions!

    Hi, just making sure you knew there already was a question of the day series running constantly, done by Casportpony. It might compete slightly or with each other.
  7. Debbie292d

    3 And Half Year Old Silkie Hen Having Digestive Problems

    Hi, Her crop should be pretty full when she goes to roost at night, then feel pretty empty in the morning. I'm thinking probiotics might help as they help the digestive system. Hydro-Hen is one product for their water we have. There are many, or Greek yogurt is good too, just a tblsp or so...
  8. Debbie292d

    Keep cats away from where chickens dust bathe

    Is your dust bath like in a kitty litter box or just in the dirt? In the winter, ours is in a kitty litter box in the coop. The cats go in there but don't use it as they don't like staying in there one minute longer than they have to...not sure why. In the summer, they have about 5 of them in...
  9. Debbie292d

    Unattended Broody Hen on wrong clutch

    It's sure worth a shot! Just a few days ago I had the last egg they had to hatch thrown out of the nest, over the railing, down to the wooden floor 2.5 feet below, apparently the night before. I found it in the morning, 50F, ice cold, but not cracked or broken, which was a miracle in itself...
  10. Debbie292d

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Gosh, I'm in the North. I hope it blooms every year! Maybe it's the strain as I didn't read anything about skipping years, but then again, maybe I missed it.
  11. Debbie292d

    barnyard mix hen or rooster?

    These look a tish young yet, but so beautiful!! Silkies can't be sexed positively until they are around 4 months old. I have a couple of them a bit older I'm still not absolute on. The key areas are the comb, hackles, and tail. Cockerals will start getting a thicker comb which will start...
  12. Debbie292d

    Vent gleet--have been trying to cure for 5 months with no results!

    The antibiotic would make vent gleet worse, and she'd need a course of probiotics just to counter the antibiotic, not to mention help with vent gleet. We ferment grain here, but albeit starting something new, I'd go buy some Greek yogurt and give her a little of that every day. We use...
  13. Debbie292d

    Half white

    That's good to know, thank you. It must be fun to see what you get from those then, always a surprise!
  14. Debbie292d

    Comment by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Fowlies Bregère'

    You got the pictures fixed. Thank you! It's way better now! ❤️
  15. Debbie292d

    blood pressure

    Wow, you're right. You don't hear much about low blood pressure being fatal. So very sorry! :hugs
  16. Debbie292d

    Looking for: Female Silkies South Georgia

    I've seen adult silkies for sale at a couple of hatcheries and a couple of exhibition breeders but those are very expensive and I doubt that's what you're looking for. One hatchery I saw offering sexed silkie chicks. They must do their own DNA there. The chicks were about double the cost, but...
  17. Debbie292d

    Did I just hurt my chicken with permethrin 10?!?

    I've seen it but so rare. That's every 10 seconds on FB. This BYC is refreshing in comparison to social media.
  18. Debbie292d

    Looking for opinions on this duck egg.

    If it's that many days along, saying 24, it would be filling that egg more, but I'd give it a few more days anyway since you're not sure.
  19. Debbie292d

    My hen sounds like a squeaky toy

    I sounds to me like she's purposely making that squeaky noise. I've heard some strange noises come from mostly my hens but that if I heard it, it didn't continue. Is she perhaps talking to the others about something, like "get away from me," type of warning, or she just does that all the time...
  20. Debbie292d

    blood pressure

    My last one a couple of months ago was 110 over 72. I've had a couple of issues in the past with low blood pressure. Drink more water!!
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