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  1. RojoMarz

    What do you use to store eggs on the counter?

    I have several of these sitting on my counter. They work great. Mine are from Temu and were much cheaper than the Amazon example.
  2. RojoMarz

    Treadle Feeder Dust

    I have a Ratproof Feeder and I feed crumbles. When there gets to be too much crumble dust, I tip the feeder upside down and empty the crumble dust into an old coffee can and save. I then use the crumble dust to make mash for the chickens.
  3. RojoMarz

    How long can 8-10 week old chicks......

    How about putting large rocks, cut 2x4's, something/anything on the ground in the coop, to give them something to stand and walk on, that is above the water level.
  4. RojoMarz

    Chicken hospital wing (pun!) in coop?

    I have the space under the poop board fenced off. It can be used as an isolation space or a brooder.
  5. RojoMarz

    Help me choose a breed (Yea another one :-P) Mostly looking for semi aggressive breeds. I have narrowed it down some.

    I'll echo what @Ridgerunner said "Each chicken is an individual with its own traits." My experience with RIR's is the opposite of what @Penpal mentioned. Our RIR is perfectly content confined to the run and never once has she flown over the 3' fence (nor did her sisters when we had more...
  6. RojoMarz

    What can I add to my chicken coop/run for them to climb on and play with?

    We have a old chair, a freestanding set of stairs (3 treads high), a Little Tikes toybox (that they can get on, but not in) and a plastic playhouse like the image. I've purchased none of this...all was recycled.
  7. RojoMarz

    Chickens won’t go into the run.

    Do they know "how" to get into the run from the coop? Is there a pop door they have to go thru, if so, have they been trained to use it? Is there shade for the run? 70/80 degrees, with no shade could be making the Gravel/rock hot.
  8. RojoMarz

    Feed storage

    I think I remember @aart saying they get two bags in one divided can.
  9. RojoMarz


    I use Stall Refresher and get it from Tractor Supply or Big R. Whatever you get, make sure it's granule not the powder form.
  10. RojoMarz

    Automatic coop doors: I'd love your input

    I just tested...I put my hand in the middle of the opening. The door had enough power to push my hand down. The door does move slowly, so that is good. I then put my hand on the ”floor”, but in the opening. I will say it hurt when it shut on it and it did reverse when it pushed back...
  11. RojoMarz

    ALT to grandpa treadle feeder

    I have a Ratproof chicken feeder. It does a great job.
  12. RojoMarz

    Question about automatic doors and mature Brahma chickens.

    We have an Ador pop door, it is 13" Height x 10.5" Width and our Brahmas go thru it with no issues.
  13. RojoMarz

    Is it possible for a chicken to not like roosting?

    How many chickens do you have? Only two will not roost? Can you attach pictures of your setup? My hens are not allowed to sleep in the nest box. If they happen to be in there, when I do my evening check, I move them to the roost.
  14. RojoMarz

    Soft Whites

    We have one hen that lays eggs that tend to have mealy whites when her eggs are boiled. I just don't boil her eggs. The eggs do taste fine and fry up good though.
  15. RojoMarz

    Easter Egger Advice!

    I have two Wyandottes that are almost a year old and have not layed yet...although I do think one may have layed their first egg yesterday as there was a small egg on their poop board. Hopefully that is a good sign for them laying.
  16. RojoMarz

    Nest box curtain material

    I used a tablecloth, to make my curtains.
  17. RojoMarz

    Colorado proposal to tax all pets

    Yes, thankfully, the bill has been pulled by the Author. Not only was there a proposed fee, but we would have been required to designate a secondary caregiver. Denver 7 new USArk Colorado Pet Tax
  18. RojoMarz

    Need some experienced Wyandotte owner's feedback (Texas Heat)

    How does your BO do in the Texas heat? I'm in Colorado and have 1 BO that is several years old and three SLW's that will be 1 year old in April. We don't have the heat that you would and I see my BO panting during our summer. Perhaps she is more acclimated to cold and less acclimated to heat...
  19. RojoMarz

    Rats & Mice, How do i get rid of them

    We've made one of does work. Instead of a pvc pipe, we used an empty soda bottle.
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