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  1. Tonyroo

    Death ring?

    You never mentioned how long it's been incubating. That's important to make a determination. Death ring banding usually occurs closer to the middle of the eggs.
  2. Tonyroo

    Help! Hatching eggs just arrived covered in broken egg goo!

    You definitely have to candle the remaining eggs. Or let them incubate for a week than candle to see if there developing.
  3. Tonyroo

    Help! Hatching eggs just arrived covered in broken egg goo!

    I hope the seller didn't send old clutch of eggs. Just means the person wasn't keeping track of available eggs and how long they been sitting in open air. Hatching eggs should never explode only cracked from shipping.
  4. Tonyroo

    Help! Hatching eggs just arrived covered in broken egg goo!

    Rotten eggs are filled with living bacteria.
  5. Tonyroo

    Help! Hatching eggs just arrived covered in broken egg goo!

    Full strength, do not mix with water. If you mix it with water it won't be able to kill the bacteria. Use a spray bottle.
  6. Tonyroo

    Help! Hatching eggs just arrived covered in broken egg goo!

    Use a clean cloth with warm water and wipe as much goop off let the eggs dry on a rack or plate. Then use a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and lightly spray each egg and let dry. Then you can place it in the incubator.
  7. Tonyroo

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    At a year and 3 months there comb and waddles are set in size. No more growth after that period.
  8. Tonyroo

    How to supplement grit, clay soil?

    Each chicken need a small pinch of grit in there system. It's retained for about 3 days but during that time they pass micro amounts in there stool. Coarse sand works as well as grit and can be poured in the corner of there pen or spread it out. If there only eating chicken feed you don't need...
  9. Tonyroo

    Questions about fermenting feed.

    Yes you can ferment it.
  10. Tonyroo

    Lesbian chicken wrangler :D

    Welcome to byc 🙋
  11. Tonyroo

    Can someone help?

    If she's hanging out by herself in a flock, it means one of the other flock member is picking her feathers also. Be observant.
  12. Tonyroo

    Can someone help?

    Feed her high protein feed. Chickens utilize a lot of protein to grow feathers.
  13. Tonyroo

    Can someone help?

    Feed her 20% or higher protein feed till her feathers come in. And coat her skin with neosporin every other day till the inflammation is gone.
  14. Tonyroo

    protein too high?

    No treats during there growth period. Treats disrupt there protein intake and metabolic functions. Causing excessive fat formation around there organs and promotes diseases to occur.
  15. Tonyroo

    protein too high?

    Keep them on 22% protein feed. As they're growing they utilize all available protein for there proper growth. This includes muscles, bone, brain, blood, and organs. The only time to utilize lower protein due to cost is when there at a year old. At that time there functions and health is at...
  16. Tonyroo

    Anyone know what kind of frog this is?

    Woodland treefrog.
  17. Tonyroo

    Stupid Question needs Expert Answer

    Your adjustment is correct but you need to check it throughout the day and everyday. Cause ambient room temperature will trigger a change in the incubator temperature. Incubation temperature should be 99.5 to 100 with a fan on. You need a digital hygrometer to check the humidity level, it's...
  18. Tonyroo

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi everyone, been downsizing to zero with my chickens. It was a great experience I will cherish. But life changes happened so I too have to change. I hope everyone learns the nature of chickens, there such an amazing birds.
  19. Tonyroo

    I need help with my baby Chick

    Take a picture of the condition of the chick and post it here. So everyone can best determine what can be done.
  20. Tonyroo

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    The comb should be very pale till around 30 weeks old to be a pullet. That looks like a cockerel to me.
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