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  1. C

    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    No, it had not internally pipped yet. I am not 100% sure what you mean by receded air sac.
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    Duck Egg Pecked - Best Course of Action?

    I have a wonderful and consistent broody sitting on 4 duck eggs. I am unsure of their exact day (my spouse let her sit and didn't document the date). I have been checking them periodically. One has been pecked and broken. The break is in the shell only, not the membrane, and is on the...
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    Tolbunt Polish Sexing - 7 Weeks

    Update to the original two. One started crowing, figured is was #1 due to the thoughts about it being a cockeral. However, the crower was #2. I rehomed #2 a week ago and no more crowing. The breeder suggested holding onto #1 a little longer due to the lack of pointed crest feathers. So, we...
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    Tolbunt Polish Sexing - 7 Weeks

    I have some updated photos and I know I have at least one crower, I am just hoping it's only one!
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    Tolbunt Polish Sexing - 7 Weeks

    Thank you! I didn't even notice the beard/no beard. I appreciate learning something new today!
  6. C

    Are game hens chickens?

    No, game hens are not meat birds. They are an older breed. Typically, they are small, flighty and go broody frequently. I like to keep a few to hatch out eggs. They make amazing mamas!
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    Tolbunt Polish Sexing - 7 Weeks

    I have two tolbunt polish. These are my first ever polish. Any thoughts on gender would be appreciated! #1 - Suspected Cockerel #2 - Hopefully a Pullet Thanks!
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    Am I The Problem? Rooster Talk

    This is true, I do not have an older roo at the time.
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    Am I The Problem? Rooster Talk

    As soon as he sees them, he runs then into the coop, corners them and spurs them. No mating behaviors. He has injured 2 hens. He is currently separated. As I have a strict no animal is allowed to injure another rule. I will see how it goes. Thank you for your reply and insight!
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    Am I The Problem? Rooster Talk

    I have raised 3 wonderful roosters. One passed at 8 years, one passed at 2 years and one is 4 years old but lives in my dad's coop. I have been trying to replace my wonderful rooster in my coop for 2 years. All from hatchling and every single one has turned into a giant jerk. I understand...
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    Crèvecœur Chick Feathering

    Thank you! That helps, the others feathers are looking good. I will just keep an eye on her.
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    Crèvecœur Chick Feathering

    I got my firat Crèvecœur pullet (🤞) from Murray McMurray. She is around 2 weeks old. Her feathers are coming in and appear damaged, for lack of a better term. She also is not growing or feathering as fast as my other chicks the same age. Is this normal for the breed or something I should be...
  13. C

    3 Day Polish Chick - Malnutrition

    Thank you, I have some in my kit, will get that going asap. I hope she pulls through. I guess if not, I know she didn't die by getting smashed in a farm store brooder. Nothing wrong with the farm stores, just not as personal and attentive as I can be with my flock.
  14. C

    3 Day Polish Chick - Malnutrition

    Thank you, she is only walking backwards and then falls on her back. No pasty butt, she had a solid poop this morning (on my hand). She had a few watery poops prior to that this morning. I didn't notice/pay attention to any poops yesterday, I got her Tuesday Night. I do have her separate...
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    3 Day Polish Chick - Malnutrition

    Hello, I got a few chicks from our local farm store which is supplied by Hoovers. This is my first polish, but, I have raised over 100 chicks, so I am not new to chick raising. This baby was pretty small in the cage. She appears malnourished. She is not drinking/eating on her own, however...
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    12 wk OE - Hen or Roo

    I want to update this thread in case someone else runs into a similar question. This one is actually an egg-laying hen. I will attach an updated photo. Thanks all!
  17. C

    Temperature Moderating Problems

    I am unsure of her poops, she is in the coop with everyone else. Maybe I will pull her in for a day or two to really narrow that down. She is low on the pecking order. She has a friend and they hang around each other daily. The friend is the same age, but doesn't have any of the same...
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    Temperature Moderating Problems

    ...4 or 5 months. In August, she had heat distress. I honestly did not think she would pull through. She made it, but every time it got over 95*F after that, she would lay around panting. Now, we are heading into the cold weather. She is showing signs of shivering in 30*F weather. She is...
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    Couldn't Stop Bleeding

    Hello, This is not emergent. I took in a 10 week old crested cream leg bar last week. She had gotten hurt somehow and her owner didn't have the time to dedicate to her healing (which is completely okay, not knocking the owner at all). The injury was on the back of her neck, between the...
  20. C

    Cochin Chicks - GL vs Partridge

    I just want to add to my thread in case anyone has the same question. These did end up being Partridge Cochin Pullets.
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