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  1. abbly2


    permectril 2
  2. abbly2


    I have seen tiny black mites on one of my coop mainly by the nesting area. I did noticed one hen has them. I sprayed my coop with a safe spray. but what should I do for my hens? should I create some type of dust bath in a plastic pool to help them?
  3. abbly2

    Chicken egg

    One of my chickens layed a egg. Like this. Is there any concerns to be worried about
  4. abbly2

    neighbors getting chickens.

    my neighbors just got chickens and the fence is chain link separating the yards. should I be concerned of their new chickens spreading anything to mine? because I no longer can allow them to free range my backyard now.
  5. abbly2

    Early hatcher

    Actually we have had two pip! Maybe i miss counted the days
  6. abbly2

    Early hatcher

    so do I need to turn them by hand? also do I need to raise the humidity?
  7. abbly2

    Early hatcher

    None have piped, but there are babies in them. It seems like all have developed differently.
  8. abbly2

    Early hatcher

    We had a early baby hatch 5 days before suppose to. This is the first for us. The egg turner was still on, and humidity the same before lock down. Now do i turn the egg turner off? Or hand turn them? Get the baby out after it drys? Do i need to put them on lock down now? Thanks
  9. abbly2

    Is it ok to seperate a pair?

    We have a rooster who is very aggressive to us and the “newer” hens. Well he found a new home. He has a hen who has been by his side since getting them. But we arent wanting to part with her. Is it ok if they are seperated?
  10. abbly2

    What to do!!

    I have not seen any others being pecked at, pretty sure my rooster is not being a very good rooster to his hens. (he will find a new home asap) I feed hen house reserve. thank you so much for the advice! I hope she pulls through this. she's my only frizzle bantam.
  11. abbly2

    What to do!!

    I have seperated my girl. Pretty sure my others started pecking or eating her vent😬 This is a pic of her about 30 mins ago, it looks like shes trying to poop. But i may be wrong Just need any advice on helping her.
  12. abbly2

    Feathers missing

    Yes she is the only frizzle i have! Do i need to put anything on her? Soak her?
  13. abbly2

    Feathers missing

    So i have noticed my frizzle has been loosing feather for weeks. Today she almost doesnt have feathers and her vent looks terrible. No signs of sickness and still laying good! Pretty sure its my rooster. What can i do to help her?
  14. abbly2

    will it be ok to move new chicks to outside?

    so I have 8 hens that is 12 weeks old, they haven't been moved to the coop yet because the weather has been crazy. I have 2 roosters and 5 hens in our coop not even a year old (hens just started laying a week ago) is it ok to let the chicks go out there? or how about should I introduce them. my...
  15. abbly2

    Egg question

    Hello, I'm fairly new to owning chickens. We just got our first egg yesterday. I noticed white speckles. What does this mean? Or is it nothing? Does a fertlized eggs go bad quicker? Also how do you properly store eggs? Clean them? Or no? Any advice is welcomed! :) *pic attached is first egg
  16. abbly2

    Tips for turkeys in the winter

    We are fairly new to owning turkeys. This will be our first winter with them. The picture below is the temporary setup we got for them, until the barn is finished in the spring. They will not go into the house, just sleep on the roof. It gets pretty cold here in TN and possibly ice...
  17. abbly2

    baby chicks got attacked

    they where ready to move to brooder with source of heat :) we hatch our chicks a lot of times
  18. abbly2

    baby chicks got attacked

    we are pretty sure the neighbors cat got into our garage where the broody is, but we aren't for sure. they where hatched in the incubator in the house. not even 3 hours maybe outside to the brooder and got attacked.
  19. abbly2

    baby chicks got attacked

    our chicks are not even a fully 24 hours old. we had 3hatched and found them on the garage floor which something had to drag them out of their brooder.., two deceased other cold and under neath wet. I putt back in the incubator for the warmth. what else should I do to try to keep this sweet baby...
  20. abbly2

    What is this?

    So not fowl pox? Sorry I’m new to this
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