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  1. ChickyCh00k

    Watery Poo **PICS INCLUDED** + Not Eating or Drinking + Lethargic

    Hello all! I'm dealing with my first ill chicken and I'm hoping for advice. I've looked through the forums but I'm not finding much info. My almost 2 yr old Buff Orp is acting ill - Laying in one spot for very long periods, Head tucked, Not eating or drinking even when offered wet food with...
  2. ChickyCh00k

    First Death

    I lost my first chicken today. My husband found her in a pile of feathers with her head hanging by a thread. I'm just devastated. I assume it was a hawk as the netting/fencing around the chicken yard was completely in tact and none of the other chickens were harmed. Is there anything else that...
  3. ChickyCh00k

    The Zen Hen Hatchery??

    Has anyone heard of or had experience with The Zen Hen? Prices are $$$ :eek:(and 8 is the minimum for shipping!), but it seems as though they are working on a number of colored Eggers that are sexable at hatch, which is a desirable quality (for me). Anyway, just wondered if anyone knows about...
  4. ChickyCh00k

    Advice Needed: I dont think it's an emergency, but...

    I have 8 pullets that will be a year old on Sept 14th. At the moment they all have dry-ish looking skin on their faces. It's something I haven't seen before. They free range all day, but also have free choice access to Nutrena 18% Feather Fixer Feed in their run, oyster shell, grit, clean water...
  5. ChickyCh00k

    Weird Spots on Eggshell?

    Does anyone know what the deal is with these weird spots? They aren't soft, it's not blood, and they don't seem to all be from one chicken - different sizes/shades (but I get one that looks like this at least a couple times a week). 🤔
  6. ChickyCh00k

    🎵 Jingle Bells, Batman Smells.....

    🎵 Loki laid an egg!!!!🎵 My Barred Rock, Loki, laid our very first egg today (at 18.5 weeks old!). 🥰🐔🥚 It was in the corner of the run, but I'm confident she'll be in the nest box in no time (hopefully 😉).
  7. ChickyCh00k

    My pullets think the coop floor is LAVA! 🙄

    I switched the litter substrate on floor of the coop yesterday from hemp to Sani-Care (it's hardwood, but the consistency of sand, and their run is actual sand). These chickens REFUSE to go into the coop now, and if I make them, they squawk like they're being murdered and jump onto the roost. I...
  8. ChickyCh00k

    Brooding my chicks in a TENT! 🐥

    I am absolutely loving this setup! I can get in the tent with them and they jump onto my lap, fall asleep on me, and are just less fearful of me in general. So far so good! 8 babies in an 8x8 tent in my spare bedroom. They started in an enclosed area within the tent (on paper towel that I was...
  9. ChickyCh00k

    Adding to the family flock! ❤️🐥

    I ordered 3 PBR and 3 BO, received 4 of each - all alive, eating, drinking, and happy! Keeping fingers crossed that my tent brooder is going to work well and hoping they're all pullets :fl (only time will tell on both accounts, lol)!
  10. ChickyCh00k

    Lighting for Off-Season Chicks

    As someone new to raising chickens, I am, of course, reading and researching like a mad woman. I have day old chicks coming the 2nd week of September. As I was reading Gail Damerow's Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, I came across a small section regarding raising "off-season" chicks (hatched...
  11. ChickyCh00k

    Michigan Chicken Newbie

    Hi All! I haven't received my chicks yet. We're getting our first little flock of 6 chicks (3 Barred Rocks and 3 Buff Orps) the 2nd week of Sept. I've been researching myself into a tizzy since I placed my chick order, and I've stumbled upon this site numerous times. So, I thought it'd be a...
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