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  1. azurbanclucker

    There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

    Man. Our rules were "No fire, no cooking unless it's the microwave, no more than 2 friends over at once, and no calls from the police" And that was STRICT!
  2. azurbanclucker

    There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

    Just means he's a Florida Man under witness protection
  3. azurbanclucker

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    He may mean Madame Spreadsheet, Kiki, hoarder of data, nutter supreme.
  4. azurbanclucker

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    She will catch them up.
  5. azurbanclucker

    What's the temperature where you are???

    2:45PM local. 13% rh
  6. azurbanclucker

    Arizona Chickens

    I read that article too. The idea is that the abundance of green spaces helps stabilize the air and reinforces the heat dome causing the storms to lose energy and either push around or dissipate.
  7. azurbanclucker

    How to introduce sizzles to a standard-sized majority flock?

    You have 2 options, broadly speaking. 1. let them work it out. Maybe add more separation time and see if people chill out before combining them. 2. Keep 'em separated.
  8. azurbanclucker

    Arizona Chickens

    My experience over the last 45 years is that once we hit about 108 to 110, the ground surface pushes so much heat out that only the strongest storms can push in. Otherwise they just slide along the edges of the heat islands and stay out in the desert. I'm hopeful but not expecting anything in...
  9. azurbanclucker

    NEW Texas Member

  10. azurbanclucker

    There is a time and place for shenanigans. (edit: THIS is that time and place)

    It would be easier for the airplane stalker guys that way.
  11. azurbanclucker

    Arizona Chickens

  12. azurbanclucker

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    Do you have a favorite flavor of soda/pop?
  13. azurbanclucker

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    Favorite vacation destination? (I searched 9 pages of titles and didn't see it, which surprises me)
  14. azurbanclucker

    What's the temperature where you are???

    My concern is it will bring in just enough moisture for dry lightning. We don't need fires.
  15. azurbanclucker

    Arizona Chickens

    Yeah, they will slow down on feed when it's super hot. I also don't feed scratch in hot months. My rationale is that the corn is harder to process, requiring more energy to digest, which means more heat generated. Is it a lot? No, probably miniscule all things considered, but when it's over 105...
  16. azurbanclucker

    What's the temperature where you are???

    Do you have t-storms in your forecast for later this week? They're going to miss us to the East.
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