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  1. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    I was thinking the same thing! Like maybe just force her to conform so she will stop harassing the peace around here! Watch me be back on in 2 weeks going WTF do I do now!? 🤣😆 she's currently quite unbearable tho. Something has go to give...
  2. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    What exactly are you wanting to do at 5:00 a.m. little honeyfeather!? 🤣😆
  3. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    ...act and hope that eventually she can adapt to a new norm. Don't get me wrong when he's not around I try. But so far she will hold that egg in and b**** like a banshee till she gets her prime spot. Because half the time it works. Maybe I just need to keep them all locked up for a week until...
  4. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    I also realized the pictures I posted are not even her. They're pictures of the sweet one. I just couldn't tell on those tiny tiles when you're selecting out of your gallery 😜😆 here's her little mean ass finally quiet with her damn egg. We put one of the new nesting boxes on the couch where she...
  5. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    Oh that's great! Me and my sister's doing around a lot and we can be rough on each other but I do believe that one would get someone's panties in a wad😆😜
  6. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    She is a zombie. I have two. Ones great, she's awful! Part of it I believe is because she's taken to laying on the porch couch. But they have plenty of nest space in the run and the other rouge layers have accepted going back to them! My husband just let her out now so she could go lay her damn...
  7. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    That's hilarious, I forgot to ask, does your sister know!? 😜
  8. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    It would even be more tolerable if she were cuddly or sweet. But she's not. She's quite flighty if you want to hold her. But she has no problem standing at your feet looking straight at you and doing this over you trying to talk until you go get her some scratch. I love her but I'm starting to...
  9. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    I'm hoping she'll go back to what we considered normal for her which was still way worse than any of our other hens. But the hour+ non-stop when we're sitting on the porch and she sees us and wants out is just something I can't imagine going on forever 🤯 she'll stop if we play music on the...
  10. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    Well I was only letting them out so early because they were stuck in a smaller run until I got the big one done because I like them to have a lot more than the average requirements. And during that time they've taken to getting all over the porch (defeated two different gates I put up), tearing...
  11. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    Oh it's loud! The recording is from far away and even at that distance it's louder in person. She'll go on non stop for an hour if we're on the porch and won't let her out. Sounds like a dying pterodactyl! 🤯 she's always done this but lately she's stepping it up way over the top!
  12. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    Oh and she will also do this to the other hens if one's in the nest box she likes. She'll stand there and do it until they get out instead of using an empty one. And it usually works. On a side note, wonder if you can give chickens Xanax 😆
  13. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    She will also come up on the porch and do this right to our faces when she wants scratch and won't stop until we put some out. My husband's like can we just give her away!? I tell him if we did she'd end up in freezer camp! She's not necessarily our sweetest or most social chicken either. She...
  14. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    It's not a great recording. In reality it's loud enough to make a conversation frustrating on the porch. And it gets louder and sounds even more like she's dying as she gets carried away. She will go on and on and on with this and it's driving us nuts every morning when we're trying to have our...
  15. S

    She's worse than a rooster! Someone tell me if this link works
  16. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    This is the loudest most obnoxious chicken ever. Nothing wrong with her, she's healthy, eats and poops normal and lays everyday. This is taken from up on the porch so I'm not even close to her. This is how we spend every morning trying to drink our coffee. Because she wants to come out. It's...
  17. S

    Separating babies from Mom

    He is not, however, welcoming to a wandering dog coyote or raccoon ect. LGDs just know. My husband has never been a dog person. He's given chickens a go a few times and has always had bad predator problems. Till I moved in with Oz. Had to put hardwood floors down so he could be happy about it on...
  18. S

    Separating babies from Mom

    Our last squirrel wilded up well. Disappeared into the woods. Months went by. When she was done and wanted to get out from under her grown babies she brought them to our yard, hung out for a day and a half then promptly dumped them on us. My husband is currently trying to parent them out of...
  19. S

    Separating babies from Mom

    He's pretty serious about his bebes... 🤣 He looks out for the horse and alpacas next door too... Also our cat has access. She's over baby squirrel's and chicks at this point because she knows they're family. But you let a mouse or lizard squeeze under the door and it's game on... I've got the...
  20. S

    Separating babies from Mom

    I did remove them during the daytime. It's just not safe out there and that huge black snake is definitely out and about during the day. The porch is absolutely safe (snake proof too). I've raised all my chicks there. And my squirrels (I do wildlife rehab) Not only is it screened in but it's...
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