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  1. MyISAbrownhens

    Chicken open mouth breathing / wheezing

    I returned from vacation to find one of my hens breathing with her mouth open and making this sound with every breath. Her nostrils and eyes look clear, her comb is a good color, and she is eating/drinking and active. I’m unsure of what to do for her or if she is getting enough air. Video of...
  2. MyISAbrownhens

    Fox Causing Problems

    So today we lost two out of four of our new pullets. We had a total of nine chickens, 4 new chickens and 5 older. Just two weeks ago, we decided that the pullets were big enough to start free ranging at 12 weeks - especially since they were getting along great inside the coop with the older...
  3. MyISAbrownhens

    Flock not accepting mother or chicks

    I have one hen in my flock who is raising three babies she hatched herself. She’s raised them for seven weeks now in a crate inside the chicken coop, and I’ve started letting them out to be with the rest of the flock this week. Outside and roaming everyone gets along, but putting them back in...
  4. MyISAbrownhens

    What killed my hens?

    I don’t know what it is with our house but all our chicken attacks happen during the day. Today, at around 5 o clock and in the complete daylight, something killed three of our hens and injured another. One hen was missing with only feathers left, the other was down in the woods, and the third...
  5. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    She laid an egg today, despite being in the dark. Doesn’t that mean the obstruction has cleared?
  6. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    So I’m attempting to gently push to prolapse back in, but her vent is pulsing and resisting it - I’m not sure what to do at this point.
  7. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    so is epsom, table, or sea salt best for making saline?
  8. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    Should I use Epsom salts?
  9. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    Thank you very much I’ll do this
  10. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    This is the best I could do. What do I do?? Can a chicken live with prolapse? Can it be fixed on its own? Do I have to cull her? I’m really in out of my head here
  11. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    Yes I just need to wait for my husband to get home so he can hold her while I clip the feathers. What does this mean? I can’t afford to bring her to the vet, so I have no idea how to treat this, especially dealing with her intestines or reproductive tract
  12. MyISAbrownhens

    Prolapse from animal attack

    Yesterday something got our flock during the day. I believe if was a fox or coyote. It took one hen, and the other is slightly injured. The animal seemed to have grabbed her tail, and ripped our all of her tail feathers. In addition, her vent looks prolapsed, and I’ve only attempted to push it...
  13. MyISAbrownhens

    Chickens won’t stay out of the road!!!

    Hm I’ll have to look into that!
  14. MyISAbrownhens

    Chickens won’t stay out of the road!!!

    I have two old ladies who are 6, and the rest are just under a year. Unfortunately even the old ladies are going into the road as well
  15. MyISAbrownhens

    Chickens won’t stay out of the road!!!

    So I have a real problem. I don’t live in an area with a busy road, but our chickens still won’t stay out of it. The coop is not very close to the road, our run is not big enough to not let them free range, we keep all their incentives to stay near their coop, and they have plenty of cover AWAY...
  16. MyISAbrownhens

    best automatic chicken doors

    So tonight, I lost a hen as I was an hour late past dark time to close my coop, and as saddened as I am, I need to make sure I don’t forget again. I’ve been meaning to get an automatic hen door for a while now, and I’m wondering which ones you guys in suggest both in quality, safety and good...
  17. MyISAbrownhens

    something wrong with chick neck

    Ok thank you! I’m fairly confident In her getting better. One of my chicks this summer did have wry neck so I know the basis of treating it, it’s just not a severe as this and didn’t look the same. Thanks for all your help! Have you ever heard of maybe making like those neck braces to keep their...
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