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  1. R

    Poll on flock toys — please answer if possible!

    We have a swing that they love and they peck at a xylophone sometimes for a while. No tunes that I am familiar with!
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    Coop Cam!

    We have 2 in our bigger coop and 1 in the other. We also have cameras that watch over the entire enclosure so we can see just about everything. At night we can see if the chickens have started roosting and then close the coop doors by remote control. We have no problems with any animals...
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop'

    We tried this method on both of our coops and if didn't work for us. That does not mean it won't work for you, but it just didn't work for us. We now use a shop vac once a month to completely clean out all the litter and replace it with fresh litter. Our girls are quite capable of "fertilizing"...
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Moving or Separating Your Broody, and When To Do So'

    I have a Welsummer that has decided to become broody even though I have no rooster. She takes her egg each day and rolls the other hens eggs under her and pretends she is hatching them. Any suggestions on how to deal with this? I could lock the coop during the day, but the other girls would be...
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    Free coop past history of Mareks

    We used Virkon S. It was not cheap, but it did wipe out Mareks.
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    Free coop past history of Mareks

    We lost our first flock to Mareks. While our ladies are all vaccinated now, it is no guarantee that it won't strike again. We allowed the coop to be empty for about 6 months. During that time we completely cleaned and sanitized the coop with a commercial sanitizer. We also sprayed the ground...
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    Automatic coop doors: I'd love your input

    All of our coops have automatic doors made of metal on them and i would not have it any other way. They use a screw jack so that there is no decapitation of a chicken when a door falls by accident. I can operate them from Alexa, from my phone, or from an electronic button that comes with it. In...
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Six Tips On Breaking Your Egg Eater'

    Great article and very timely. One of my hens has just decided that she likes the taste of eggs and we were concerned on how to break her of the habit. Since our coops all have ring cameras in them we know for sure which one it is. Love some of the ideas here and will implement them immediately...
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Egg Production and How to Get the Most from your Laying Hens'

    Good article. We have lights that come on 1 hour before sunrise and our girls lay eggs all year round.
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Can Chickens Eat Grass?'

    I buy my worms from in Phoenix. I have been to their place and they are raised on a strict grain diet, some of which is included when you order from them as food for the worms in shipment. My birds will not touch the black soldier fly larvae. I guess it has to do with individual...
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    Review by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    I don't agree with many of the items listed. Some people seem to like to continue past "wisdoms" which have no basis in fact. Old articles which have long been disproven should not be a basis of fact. A number of items listed are great (at least for my birds). We have moved our birds to...
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Can Chickens Eat Grass?'

    Larvae of the darkling beetle species Zophobas morio have earned the nickname “superworms” for their larger size and increased nutritional potential as food and feed compared to yellow mealworms.
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Can Chickens Eat Grass?'

    Good article. We let our gals free range each day for a while. To stir their interest even more, we scatter superworms amongst the grass sometimes and watch them go nuts!
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    Review by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    Well written and excellent information. Good list of what to avoid as well.
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    We totally spoil our chickens. They get fresh tomato daily along with oatmeal grain, canned string beans, fresh pea shoots, fresh mung bean sprouts, and occasionally either some cat food or some human canned chicken. In addition, we grow lettuce just for the chickens and they get a head a day...
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    We use Vircon S. Mix per instructions and then spray every part of the coop. We even sprays some of the ground around the coop as well. Keep all animals away while it is still wet. After it dried we allowed the coop to air out for a number of days. Haven't lost a bird since then and that was 2...
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    I hate to say it but when we had Marek's we lost our entire flock. We left the coop empty for about 6 months and then completely scrubbed it with a Bacteroide twice. That was 2 years ago and we have had no problems since. All our chickens since have been vaccinated.
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    Comment by 'Rickey Lynn' in article 'Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds'

    I would question the selection of the Plymouth Rock. Ours are far from docile and dominate the entire flock. They have drawn blood on occasion from others and we have to watch them carefully for going after less aggressive chickens. Ours are far from being mellow, and broody. We have double...
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