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  1. ChickenWhisperer101

    Yellow Spots on combs… what it is?!

    Does anyone have any idea of what this could be? I noticed it on 2 of my hens a couple days ago and I’m not sure what it is. Thanks for any help!
  2. ChickenWhisperer101

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hey guys!! I’ve definitely been busy, but I’ve got new birds!! I currently have about 20 Rhode Island reds (2 are roosters), 7 australorps (5 black, 2 blue - all hens), a few Cochin bantams I recently got (Birchen, mottled, and self blue), an old English, a Japanese bantam, 2 Easter Eggers I’ve...
  3. ChickenWhisperer101

    Best incubator

    I still love it! It holds a good amount of eggs, hold temp and humidity very well, and I always have around a 90-100% hatch rate in my eggs that are fertile! It’s an amazing incubator and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for one! It was a little pricey, but if you’re really into hatching...
  4. ChickenWhisperer101

    Official BYC Poll: Which of These Black Chicken Breeds Do You Have?

    I have Ayam Cemanis, a black Cochin bantam, a couple black frizzle Cochin bantams, black silkies, a black Langshan, black copper Marans, a black ameraucana, and a black satan. :) :)
  5. ChickenWhisperer101

    Silkie got too cold and wet..

    I have a good size breeding flock of silkies, and it poured yesterday and it was cold. The majority of my birds were ok, I dried them off, got them warm, and put them in our garage out of the cold. I do have one little pullet who I think got too cold and she won’t walk. She’s doing better than...
  6. ChickenWhisperer101

    Coryza? What to do?

    They are for 4h, they’re to be shown at our county fair. Yes, there is odor, the bird smelt like rotten milk in my opinion.
  7. ChickenWhisperer101

    Coryza? What to do?

    Hi everyone. We have show broilers, we’ve had them for 4 weeks now. I think some of them have contracted coryza. I’ve never dealt with this before so I don’t know what to do. Are my other chickens safe? They are on different sides of the yard and I usually tend to my layers then the broilers...
  8. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    #2 replacement for one of my disqualified pictures
  9. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    #1 Replacement for another one of my entries
  10. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    @casportpony Would this one work if you crop it? I don’t have any good landscape bird pictures.
  11. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #3 Clyde, my Millie fleur d’ Uccle rooster
  12. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #2 Romeo, my black Silkie rooster
  13. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #1! Ember, my BCM hen and Copper, my BCM rooster in the background crowing
  14. ChickenWhisperer101

    Is this bantam mixed?

    Agreed with above responses. She’s gorgeous!!
  15. ChickenWhisperer101

    Any one have pigs

    These are my 2 show gilts. They can be the sweetest things ever or be absolute brats! Depends on the day 🤣 If you can’t tell they are always interested in the camera
  16. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    @AmeraucanaHank I have red Dexters as well! They are the best!
  17. ChickenWhisperer101

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Cute! I have hamps, they are awesome animals!
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