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  1. chickdiane10

    Weird green a yellow formed poo

    So I'm stumped and wondering if anyone has seen anything like this and the cause? Should I be concerned? I did fecals 3 weeks ago. Only treated coccidia. Food yesterday (Feed, blueberries, romaine, watermelon. I did spray everyone's bums with elector psp last night.) Not seeing any new...
  2. chickdiane10

    Diclazuril 5% dosing? Math help needed 🙏

    Thanks soooo much!! I was second guessing myself and SUPER cautious to not give to much, or even too little. I appreciate the help tremendously 🥰
  3. chickdiane10

    Diclazuril 5% dosing? Math help needed 🙏

    Yes and I got to thinking for treatment of them sick individual dosing. For preventative in water. Did I do this correctly? I weighed one of my 12 week olds, 2.8lb. Pic attached I keep second guessing bc some of the studies used miniscule amounts with success. Pic attached
  4. chickdiane10

    Diclazuril 5% dosing? Math help needed 🙏

    Toltrazuril shop sells diclazuril and I'd like to give it a try. But I'm uncertain the dosages. We have recurring coccidia with amprolium resistance, thinking Albon is not helping either. I am doing fecal floats monthly and treating accordingly. We have high levels unless I do the treatment...
  5. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Well I shouldn't have said anything. She's back to yellow capped poop. Considering her history I should do enrofloxacin again
  6. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Figured I'd update because I always like to find resolution in searches. I ended up doing 5 days of tiamulin last month. Followed by another fecal 2 weeks after that was done. Cappilaria present again so treated that. (Did the fecal bc she wasn't quite herself and had some yellow droppings)...
  7. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    I did 5 days of enrofloxacin. Finished 4 days ago. Now this watery green poop. (See pic). 3 days ago she looked a bit off, but last 2 days she's been acting ok. Still eating/drinking. Should I do another round of antibiotics?
  8. chickdiane10

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I have a little mg scale from Temu. And gelcaps Amazon. I get the ones that hold essential oil and it's what I use for wormer or whatever is best to direct dose. Plus the tiny syringes. But yes the math, forever my weakness. I always second guess lol. I did college algebra and...
  9. chickdiane10

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I had to do some digging bc i needed this too. This is an answer I got from my FB chicken group friend. **Dosage is 10mg per kg. The label says it's 10mg per 100mg of powder. So 100mg of that powder per kg of bird.** For a 4lb chicken looks like 181 mg twice a day. Check my math on above. My...
  10. chickdiane10

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I'm looking for this exact information too.
  11. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Would you know the dosage? I would put the powder into an empty gel cap to dose. I added a pic of the enrofloxacin package I have.
  12. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Do you have any recommendations? I've been doing Amoxicillin and Albon since Saturday. She's tail up, scratching around, and eating like a normal chicken today. I'm going to check her crop tonight to see how she did.
  13. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    It's also small compared to googled lash eggs. Maybe 1/4-1/2 inch thick x 1 inch long. It's inside a clear baggie in this pic lol, not touching it....🤮
  14. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Yes 3 days of Albon so far. I don't know if it's reproductive. It was just laying on the coop floor with the other droppings.
  15. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    She had other droppings after this that had bulk, almost normal, but brownish green. Prob what a fed her by hand last night. As green indicates bile, not eating.
  16. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    Bingo pooped this under the roost bars last night. I poked it with a disposable knife, it's firm. Source of infection or intestinal tissue? God forbid, lash egg
  17. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    I do, actually. Attaching a pic of it.
  18. chickdiane10

    Metronidazole 20% dosing

    I didn't think of it that way. I wanted to treat the flagellates, which we think may be blackhead based on Bingos symptoms. I believe to truthfully know is a necrospy? So whatever is recommended for blackhead, I should dose that. Long story. Vet approach was corid. I went ahead and did...
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