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  1. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    ascites or something else?

    I came here to find out about this...same issue with one of my hens! Ty. We will just monitor this for now. Sad situation.
  2. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Help Please!

    Poor thing...and TY. He does have red on his legs, I had read it's hormones raging, and we have had to remitted his behavior.... I was thinking it was hormone related as well, but I'm still a novice at the chicken world. I appreciate your time and help...THANK you!
  3. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Help Please!

    Hello all...I just noticed my rooster has a red behind...used a q-tip to seeing anything comes off and nothing did... sprayed with Vetrycin. Any ideas and help will be much appreciated!
  4. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    We've been doing the deep litter method, but our way...full clean outs about 2x's a year, but, we rake the litter, and add barn Lyme and stall dry every now and again. It's been working about 7 months now.
  5. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Shell less eggs...Cant figure her out....

    Thank you so much, she also keeps us on our toes! I just worry as its been a few weeks since she started laying and seemed all was good, regular, but small eggs....until this past I'm still a newbie chicken mom so I thank you for the input.
  6. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Shell less eggs...Cant figure her out....

    Hello all...I have a 21 week old Easter egger hen that started laying at 15 weeks...she was laying blue/green small eggs. She is the smallest in the flock, though she's named Rebel as since 2 days old she's always the one to do things first, hence her name. She laid a pretty large egg about 6...
  7. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Found "gelatine" in a nesting box today?

    I'm hoping that's what it is too! Hopefully we'll get informed input! Good luck.
  8. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Found "gelatine" in a nesting box today?

    Hello all..worried new chicken mom here.....would anyone know why I just found clear jelly like "mucus" in a nesting box? No egg shell to be found and also no membrane....should I be worried? We have 2 year old laying hens, 2 20 week Olds newly laying and 4 waiting on their first time...could it...
  9. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Small eggs from a small hen

    Ha! Learned something new today! Lol
  10. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Small eggs from a small hen

    Game birds don't lay eggs? And hope she was ok. Ty for the input! 🙂
  11. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Small eggs from a small hen

    Yes, they have multiple wayerers and ice is added when it's too hot, and are on layer feed from a feed mill with Oyster shell provided at will. Thank you so much.
  12. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Small eggs from a small hen

    Ty! Yes.... she has had one that was bigger than the rest so far, and I've seen it my 2 older hens variations in size and color. Rebel's eggs though are like fairy eggs, though aso far all are whole very small whole eggs. I wss just curious as to whether they will remain that small. She is the...
  13. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Small eggs from a small hen

    Hello all! I'm fairly new still to being a chicken mama...I have an Easter Egger hen, Rebel, who started laying about a month ago at about 15 weeks. Her eggs are fairly small, and I know to begin with they usually are, my question is being she's the smallest of the flock, will her eggs always...
  14. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    How to determine...just highly curious!

    Ty! If I can cath them I'll try! LOL
  15. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    How to determine...just highly curious!

    I'm a new chicken mom...would that be near the vent?
  16. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    How to determine...just highly curious!

    Hello all and thanks in advance for the input! I have 5, 18 week old hens that are starting to lay. All the signs are present in all of them, though idk which of them is actually laying. We've gotten fairy eggs and one soft shell in the last week or 2... is there a way to determine which laid...
  17. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Black dots on my roo's comb....

    Flies have been under control so I don't think it's that..great idea to dab it on! .Ty for the input...
  18. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Black dots on my roo's comb....

    Ty! New chicken mom here so I really appreciate the input!
  19. Hunlock Creek Chickys

    Black dots on my roo's comb....

    Ty...though these aren't raised...either way I'll spray Vetrycin I guess...?
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